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Fantasy Elemental Royalty (Full!)

Queen Ignis has no chill

Edit- I was thinking the same thing as Uxie. All of the characters would have training in dancing.
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The plus one is only for people who are very good at dancing ;D but to seriously answer please only use the +1 if your chracter has a strong affinity for dancing. If you chracter is a badass warrior they may have learned how to dance but there skills sadly are not honed enough for the +1

@Rari @Uxie
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I would say it is in the overview, Blair and Arie woulld have a slight advantage due to them being Ilmatarian, artistic culture and all that.
Twyllvarlais said:
I would say it is in the overview, Blair and Arie woulld have a slight advantage due to them being Ilmatarian, artistic culture and all that.
If Arie doesn't get a +1 ,,

his title is literally the dancing swordman

I s w e a r
Well I think that @Huor Spinks character would get a bonus too because his character was raised as a lady of royalty with no real combat experience so dancing would be something she would be well versed in to be a proper lady and what not
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On a side note my inner DM is telling me if someone rolls a nat one they fall and die on the dance floor.
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I tried so hard to get a post in, but my muse ain't havin' it tonight. Ack. I'll try again tomorrow.

My most sincere apologies for holding anyone up--

Wow I had to do a whole lot of copying lol. Everything shoule be in order. Though I can't believe I rolled a 3 though. So much for the +1 modifier.
Twyllvarlais said:
Wow I had to do a whole lot of copying lol. Everything shoule be in order. Though I can't believe I rolled a 3 though. So much for the +1 modifier.
It happens. Trust me I know first hand the wrath of low rolls with dnd lol
How exactly do I roll dice on this forum?


Nvm found it
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Well, usually people are posting around this time, so there shouldn't be much of a wait. I am just a waiting for everyone to make their moves...
Argus said:
Well I think that @Huor Spinks character would get a bonus too because his character was raised as a lady of royalty with no real combat experience so dancing would be something she would be well versed in to be a proper lady and what not
I agree. I'll definitely use that +1. Plus, she actually enjoys dancing. Not that it would help much if I end up rolling a 1 haha.

Argus said:
On a side note my inner DM is telling me if someone rolls a nat one they fall and die on the dance floor.
Reminds me of how one of my characters died in a tabletop roleplay. I rolled abysmally during a desperate attempt to get out a base and my character ended up dying. -shrugs-

Oh well.
[QUOTE="Huor Spinks]I agree. I'll definitely use that +1. Plus, she actually enjoys dancing. Not that it would help much if I end up rolling a 1 haha.
Reminds me of how one of my characters died in a tabletop roleplay. I rolled abysmally during a desperate attempt to get out a base and my character ended up dying. -shrugs-

Oh well.

Not that it would help much if you ended up rolling a one aye? You my friend predicted the futureeeeee
Bah, sorry I'm just now getting a reply up! (so it might seem rushed)

My family celebrated the 4th today so I was just now able to get to a computer.
Vannah said:
Bah, sorry I'm just now getting a reply up! (so it might seem rushed)
My family celebrated the 4th today so I was just now able to get to a computer.
Heathens you must wait till Monday and suffer like the rest of us on Tuesday!
Argus said:
Heathens you must wait till Monday and suffer like the rest of us on Tuesday!
Oh don't worry, we'll do Monday we well. (my family is very passionate about America... aka we look for any opportunity to grill out so we celebrate the 4th twice lol)

(It's weird, I know)
Argus said:
Not that it would help much if you ended up rolling a one aye? You my friend predicted the futureeeeee
Hah! That shit happens a lot to be honest. I swear, the dice gods hate me.

But oh well. At least it'll make an interesting post.

Argus said:
Good post tho! Lol

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