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Fantasy Elemental Royalty (Full!)

Also @Wulf sorry for not making mention of your characters arrival in my post too many things were going on and I was trying to find a way to tie the group in together lol
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@H A R P Y - That would be cool! Two warriors meeting in the most formal of places.

@Argus - No worries man, there was a lot going on, so I kinda like the idea of Giroux just hanging back sipping his beer, plus the dark princess hasn't even arrived yet so he's not doing much but making sure his sister is ok.
Rari said:
@Huor Spinks *bows gracefully* Thank you very much, I quite enjoy the face I picked out as well. And allow me to return the compliment to you, as your character's appearance is quite beautiful. In fact, it fits the role of mermaiden Princess perfectly; in my humble opinion. However, I believe your character having no combat aptitude is very good for diversity. Having everyone be armed to the teeth and willing to kill anyone would make for a dreadfully boring story.

And I agree. Not everyone has to be an Arya. We need spaces for the Sansas too.
To decided which couple wins we could roll die or decide amongst ourselves then to get things moving we could transition from there to meeting place where the characters discuss the upcoming treaty and the male heirs take their betrothed to their respective kingdomsto introduce them to their new home before they are wed. In the mean time I'm sure a plot twist will occur to make things more interesting :P if that is alright by everyone
A roll of the dice would be fine, everything else sounds good too, up for whatever!
I'm leaning more towards rolling a die since that's unbiased, but we could decide ourselves and resort to die if we reach a stalemate. Everything else is fine, however after the treaty we could have time so each of the royals are able to speak with each other before they part ways.
I figured die roll would be best as well but I like putting out options :P we could do one roll per couple of two rolls (one each person) then add them and the highest score wins
Rolling twice sounds best. Less chance of repeating numbers.

Also, I'll be at work for the next seven hours, but I should hopefully get a post or two afterwards.
Alright basically each person in the pir rolls one d6 and we add them together and the couple with the highest total wins the dance completion @Huor Spinks you can take over the next post of the dance and control my character for the duration
Alright when your post is up after Go to roll a die (to the right of the edit post) then a window pops up where you can select the number of die and how many sides the die has. For this instance we do 1, 6 sided die and click roll. It was my first time actually using it but it was pretty user friendly @Twyllvarlais
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Argus said:
Alright when your post is up after Go to roll a die (to the right of the edit post) then a window pops up where you can select the number of die and how many sides the die has. For this instance we do 1, 6 sided die and click roll. It was my first time actually using it but it was pretty user friendly @Twyllvarlais
Thanks I appreciate it man. Me and @Uxie collaborated on a post together, though I believe she is going to post the second half of our characters' interaction.
[QUOTE="Huor Spinks]Sure, I'm fine with it. How about modifiers though, for characters that are good at dancing?

+1 bonus mayhaps? That seems balanced

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