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Fantasy Elemental Royalty (Full!)

Holy squid i had an amazing idea in the shower.

There's a seventh kingdom far away from the mainland that was profiting by playing all six sides in the war, and now that the war is over, the queen (It could be a king but evil queens are the best evils) is really mad and sends her troops to attack the palace and kidnap some/most/all of the princes and princesses and hold them for ransom. However, none of the other kingdoms are aware that the seventh kingdom exists and begin to blame each other.
And here my character is not even specializing in any form of combat whatsoever. Except escaping by swimming. I don't mind that, actually! Not all characters have to specialise in combat I suppose.


Your faceclaim is stunning, I love it. He looks exactly how I imagine Celeborn from LOTR to look.
@Huor Spinks *bows gracefully* Thank you very much, I quite enjoy the face I picked out as well. And allow me to return the compliment to you, as your character's appearance is quite beautiful. In fact, it fits the role of mermaiden Princess perfectly; in my humble opinion. However, I believe your character having no combat aptitude is very good for diversity. Having everyone be armed to the teeth and willing to kill anyone would make for a dreadfully boring story.
@Twyllvarlais Oh my. Just when I was typing something up, something quite interesting has been thrown into my lap. Naughty, naughty, trying to stir an elven prince's wrath~
Arie is probably my new favourite

my god

too bad I couldn't laugh because I'm busy panicking for a presentation
Yea by the time I post 8 people will have posted so I gotta keep it super ambiguous so it will fit not matter the circumstance :D
Rari said:
@remembervvinter Saaameeeee. I type kinda slowly, so rapid fire RPs are not my strong suit.
I've been writing and I keep seeing new replies so I've been trying to work out reactions to them

going smooth and everything, but then Arie...

oh god.
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remembervvinter said:
I've been writing and I keep seeing new replies so I've been trying to work out reactions to them
going smooth and everything, but then Arie...

oh god.
You're dear old brother. You might want to edit the bio for Blair. For how he acts lol.
@Rari It was a good call to give Ariaevon ice powers because Arie is lacking in the chill department.

Also, @Vannah, how do you feel about incorporating my idea?
@SP3CT3R (sorry I don't know how I missed that) I like it a lot actually! I do know we already have a foreshadowed antagonist in our midst *cough* @Argus so I don't know if you want to incorporate those through pm or make them two seperate plot points?
I could run over the idea I had over our ooc chat to see how it sits with everyone but it would ruin a little bit of the suprise factor with what I had planned :P
There could be a foreign threat as well lurking the shadows but I think we should wait to introduce them after my character stirs the pot @SP3CT3R
I can make this work still... Though, things might turn out even worse than they already were...
(p.s. I went hiking today so I'll reply to all this... mess xD but then I'm going to pass out so fair warning)

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