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Fantasy Elemental Roleplay (closed)

Apollo walked down the street, with his hood up, it was dark. His head was drooped and his shoulders were hung low. he wondered what he was going to do now. he had just left his parents, more like been kicked out. They had found out about his powers, their decision was fast, and horrible. he grimaced in anger and sadness, he just wanted to hit someone! burn something! make them all pay! but he couldn't, he wasn't going to be the bad guy. all he had to do was just find the police....right? they would help him, he was sure of that. so he carried on walking, hoping for a bit of luck, maybe the powers weren't as cool as he had thought they would be.
Zab had been tracking this boy. He's been kicked out of multiple schools, it seems, all for starting fires. And each time he denied it. It's a possibility, a shot in the dark really, that he could be the last fire elemental. And if he were, then he should know where the others are. She didn't put on her armor before she left the base, figurign that she wouldn't need it to get this kid. After all, he uniform was a dark blue that could, at night, resemble a police officer's uniform. Plus, after being kicked out of his parents house, she knew he would be vulnerable, scared, and maybe even searching for help. She holsters her gun, modeled like a normal gun but it is actually a water gun because agaisnt fire elementals that is quite effective, and steps out from an ally. Hopefully the boy will notice her. If not, she will just keep following him.
As Apollo walked down the empty high street he made a small flame in his hand. He held it, looking for something to throw it at, he eventally flung it at the ground with all of his might, creating a small explosion of flames. He growled as he did it. He began to slowly turn red, small flames licked the air around him, until, within about a minute, he was in his fire elemental form (there is no pic, but you can imagine what it is, just a human, but made of fire xD ), and he was probably going to lash out at something soon.
Alex was following zap with his armor off since he didn't feel like wearing something felt like another layer of skin Zab until they spot the fire elemental and he puts on his suit and a big plasma cannon is on his left on while a plasma blade energizes up on his right saying "so what now Zab" he said snickering.
"Now" Zab said, a little intimidated by the flames but battle hardened enough to stay strong. "We don't over react. We approach him calmly, and he will probably shift back into human form. Remember, he is afraid of what he is. His parents just kicked him out." Zab takes out her gun and approaches the boy. "Hello." she greets him, seeming unfazed by his appearance.
He looks at Zab, with what one can only just distinguish as anger on his face. He roars "what do you want?! i'm a monster aren't i?! aren't you scared?!" Apollo looked at his hands, watching the fire for a few seconds, before looking up at Zab again and shouting "is this normal!? no! so just leave me alone like the rest do!". Apollo was beginning to create a ball of flames in his hands, not doing anything with it, but just holding it. Apollo didn't look like he was going to be reasoned with today.
"I'm not scared. I know what you are. I can help you." Zab responds, stepping back a little when he forms a ball of flames. "Please, shift back into human form and come with me. You don't need to be scared of what you are." Zab signals to Alex to come closer behind her back, needing backup just in case the teen doesn't take the bait.
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Alex raises the massive plasma cannon saying "calm down know, we don't want to hurt you but if you try and harm us we will harm you" as he was behind Zab getting ready to fire at any moment.
The intense flames about him began to die down a little, and he stopped shouting, and instead talked in a voice of rage and sadness mixed "really, how? because the only way to get rid of these powers is to kill me, or so it seems". He then looked at Alex, with an angry frown, before virtually spitting out "why have you got a gun? you need to calm down." Apollo quickly spun on his heels and tried to fly away, spewing flames out of his hands and feet at the same time.
Zab sighs and takes out her water gun. "See, he's just scared." She mutters to Alex before shooting the boy with a water bullet, causing the flames to cease and him to morph back into a human.

I'm gonna be gone for like, 3 hours, I'll be back around 8:00 (eastern USA time)
Apollo was hit in the leg mid flight and at first his leg stopped ejecting fire, before it spread all over his body. He lost control in mid-air and crashed through the window of a nearby office building, shouting a loud curse. Thankfully the building was empty, being at this time of night. He lay down on the floor of the building, panting and wondering what had just happened, he knew that those people were prepared for his powers, with whatever they used to cut his powers off.
Lyotta was running along the street, trying to find the other elements, why they keep leaving me behind? I'm the only girl, they should appreciate me better, Lyotta grumbled to herself. She scanned her surrounding to find Deex and Agira. Still couldn't find a single one here.

Lyotta got tired and sat on the nearest bench. She sighed and looked at the sky, it's been a long time since she realized that she was the last water elemental living. Lyotta raised her hand and played with her water while still waiting for others to find her. She thought that maybe she was the one who lost, not them....

@DeeDiebS @xScaredyCatx
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Zab goes over to the crashed window and looks down at the boy. "What's your name, kiddo?" She holds out her hand to help him up. Winning his trust for the moment is the easiest way to kill him, after all.
Alex puts away his armor as it sinks into his spine but still holding a sniper filled with 40mm water bullet. So in case the boy tries to run or fight.
Apollo just stares at her angrily and growling slightly. "What do you want?" He moaned as he tried to get up, he was injured. He then turned his head around and spat some blood on the floor. "You had a gun" he said quietly "and you shot me, you're not getting my name so just go away."
Zab jumps when she sees blood and nearly faints. She collects herself and looks him in the eye. "I shot you with water, dumbass. it was just to put out the flames and get you to calm the fuck down." Cursing, the universal sign that Zab is not doing well.
"What abour your 'friend'?" Apollo said frankly "he had a gun." He began to stand up, grimacing all the while, and leant against an unbroken part of the window, trying to recover and pull himself together.

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