Elemental Anarchy

Before role-playing, a few members haven't add the other two skills, I suggest add it now and just join in the role-play.
Is everyone active? your missing out the fun here and someone has to reply back, I can't have everyone of you are absent in role-play. just reply to me if your alive.
I needing some attention here, this is requiring to restart the role-play . However, we are starting back from the top and I be the one who the starts the role-play for now on.
But didn't you start it before? Oh whatever, anyways, is there a certain direction you're hoping for the beginning to go?
We are starting in a different place, New York or Las Vegas. I am just deciding that we start in stylish, big population city and also there is something to need to know, I am going in High school in Philippines tomorrow, I can't go role-playing as I am focusing on the studies.
Okay. Do you want to have somebody you trust attempt to keep the RP going, or just pause it? Hopefully you'll be back before a month, right? Oh, and, good luck.
Just pause it, I be coming back at weekends and start the role-play. There is the chance that I go join the role-play if there is half-day in school or in special holidays I could back on. I am not going to be dead, so I promise I continue it.
Hahah! Alright! I look forward to whatever you have planned in mind! Another question though, should we delete all of our posts, or just leave 'em there so we just restart over the top of it all?
Alright. Hopefully they know how to do that. I've known several users who still can't find the edit button, so...
Change of plans, I am making a reboot, I make it on Thursday and The role-play with have same plot, Characters and different role-play.
To all the members of this role-play, I am making a Reboot and deleting the original one, so copy and paste your characters (except the skills in battle, I am planning to make a better skills stats). Right now.

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