Other eino arrives in seattle (filler)







emily's house




splashing tires through the dim-lit street puddles, a dirty-faced eino couldn’t help but smile the whole way home from his last day at bolt & borke–the meat packaging slaughter house he’d been accustoming himself with working at aside from his night job at the ditte sommer (his favorite of all his jobs–a small-bites eatery on the bayside of copenhagen.)

tonight ended the way it always did with his bike rides home, but tomorrow’s early morning would be a day he’d never forget.

after greeting his siblings and mother seated around the wooden dinner table, he’d fumble around in his backpack–already packed for travel for the last three weeks. there it was. a cardstock paper reading the information on his flight to the united states. he’d flick his thumb against the side of the paper still in awe of the opportunity he was about to have.

“eino! kom venligst, nyd det sidste måltid med os..” his mother, soft yet stern–pleaded for him to join them at the table for their last meal together for a long time.

“ah, okey mor!”

the sandy blonde tucked the ticket back into tattered envelope and sat for his serving of stegt flæsk. quite possibly his last serving of the common dish for awhile. he wondered if there was much west european cuisine in seattle. either way, he would rather be trying the foods only north america had to offer–it was only right to do so.

after dinner, he said his goodbyes to his siblings–louise, natasja, and the new man of the house johan. he scruffed his younger brother’s brown head and kissed the girls goodnight. louise and natasja held eachother crying and eino couldn’t help, but shed a few tears as well. oh, how he’d miss his dear siblings. however, he could now leave with more peace of mind that the three children were in safer conditions with his mother and martin.

while waiting for the transportation vehicle to pick him up, he sat with his mother at the dinner table. her long brown hair braided into a small bun, she’d released the tight wound being held by a hair brooch. she offered it to him, “tag venligst dette.” she whispered, trying to remain calm through her tears, “giv dette til en pige du elsker.”

eino kept a wide grin on his face, wiping a tear off his cheek, “mor! v-vaer venlig–it’s really okey.” he’d try to insist she keep the airloom for herself. the thought of giving one to some american girl was embarrassing, but he knew she just wanted to up his confidence in moving somewhere with barely any money to his name.

eino couldn’t help but worry about such things as well. though he was prepared to get a job as soon as he could. there was no point in being insecure about his funds. aside from this though, eino felt rather guilty. his mother wasn’t aware that the only reason why he was accepted into the exchange program was because of his own tattering with the paperwork. no, eino didn’t ACTUALLY have the grades nor good recommendations to get the opportunity without these means. even so, this fact made him want to work even harder at his dreams. he had to make the best of it. she’d understand one day when he had enough money to move his entire family out of southwest europe and into the taled land of the free.

after much pestering and the small van pulling up outside of his brick apartment building, he took the brooch and kissed his mother on the cheek–bidding a final farewell to what would be a few years without seeing his family.

he’d try to hold back any sobs on the way to the airport. it was bittersweet and he knew it was what he’d been dreaming of for so long, but still–the very passionate 15-year old couldn’t help but feel overcome with emotion over it.


11 am. seattle, washington.

eino could barely sleep on the plane from his excitement and unfamiliarity with being on an airplane. the trepidation bubbling up inside him increased as the time went by.

as he landed, he’d eagerly rush out of the aircraft practically bouncing up and down–running on barely any sleep and many cups of united airlines coffee. the rush of cold morning air and windy rain hit him the second he stepped outside towards the pick-up curb. the boy only had with him a measly singular backpack & an even smaller luggage roller packed with his belongings. he ran out into the street in awe of the beautiful trees that lined around the area. it took everything in him not to scream, though he was in a giggling fit at this point.

finally loading up in the transportation van, he chatted up the driver until their ear’d nearly fallen off–asking them questions over the best spots to get coffee, see the sunrise, go clubbing–and using this as an opportunity to practice his english a bit more before meeting his host family. eino wasn’t too stressed about it though, he’d heard he would be living with a girl. hopefully it’s a cute girl… it’s gonna be a cute girl for sure…yea, yea definitely

he grinned to himself, pressing his face up to the window as the beautiful queen anne streets passed him by. rolling up the eponymous hill that was the heart of west queen anne he reveled in the view of the house and environment around him. living in a old brick shack of a building his entire life, he’d never even imagine leaving the grey streets of kødbyen(link). but now he was about to be living in a gorgeous two story house–oh who’s that girl?

eino emerged from the van with his backpack, guitar and luggage in his clutches–staring at the girl his age who was walking over to him from the house. he kept a grin on his face, thinking wow i was right she’s gorgeous.

“hello there, nice to meet you, i’m eino.” he said warmly, “god, you’re home is wonderful–thank you again for welcoming me in.”--eino kept his greenish brown eyes in contact with her’s even as she looked away to further welcome him into the house. she’s so nice!

he’d continue his playfully polite behavior in front of his new housemate, trying to subtly charm her–hoping his accent wasn’t seen as annoying. it seemed to be working a bit as the two chatted for hours about school and places in seattle eino should definitely see especially when spring and summer rolled around. and both eino and emily seemed surprised at eachother’s ease in conversing.

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© weldherwings.

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