Eeyore (Miranda)


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Name: Miranda Clementine Hayashi

Nickname: Her twin calls her Randy

Age: 21

Gender: Cis Female

Years in the park: 1

Sexuality: Asexual Bi-romantic

Nationality: Japanese/French

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 108 lbs



_She's brilliant_

Miranda aced calculus at fourteen. She picks things up quickly, and applies them quickly. An extremely fast learner

_Make up enthusiast_

Growing up mixed race in Japan is not easy. Desperate to be "pretty" from a young age, she has tried it all, and is fantastic at it

_Can handle you at your worst_

We've all fallen down. You're coming down from drugs? Just hit someones car and ran away and lied about it? Terminally depressed? Crying in the bathroom? You're human. Life is messy. It's ok. You can't scare her off unless you betray her trust


_Never, ever, is seen without makeup. Ever._

_Her tongue pokes through her teeth a little when she smiles._ 

_Twirls her hair when she's thinking_

_Always wears something Yellow._

A pin, a hair tie, a sock, shoelaces, jewelry, nail polish, something small, usually different everyday, because it makes her think of the sun and tends to help her depression.

_Sounds like Regina Spektor when she sings_


_A gifted problem solver_

Can quickly process many different angles and perspectives of a problem


She's small, and doesn't have a whole lot of muscle mass, but she WILL get that job done if it kills her.


She's fluent in French Japanese, English and Spanish, and pretty handy with quite a few more.


She totally gets it, and will be there for you. She knows things suck sometimes, she knows people deal with it badly. She's one of them. Makes her good with children in tantrums too



Miranda is not what you would call... a friendly individual. She is snappy and not generally approachable, with a rapier wit and no filter using it when she's in a bad mood. _insecure_

She grew up not looking like everyone else, with a lot being expected of her. Will often over exert herself in an attempt to do things beyond her physical capabilities and never is seen without makeup


She's good about pushing through it and taking medications, but there's just days when she physically can't get out of bed, or shower, or make herself food. These episodes used to span nearly a week when they got really bad. It gets ugly.


If you betray her trust, you're done. You don't exist, she doesn't talk to you, or look at you, or acknowledge your existence. Will hold a grudge until the end of time.



Cats, studio Ghibli films, Overpriced coffee, Sparkly things, cherry red lipstick, Learning secrets


Small dogs, hotdogs, gloves, rich people

~Dirty little secret~

Her insecurity, depression, and anxiety

She's engaged, sort of. It's complicated. Her parents set it up and she hasn't technically said no yet. 



Miranda has had depression from a very young age, and until recently, has only gotten by day to day by focusing on what she was expected to do. Miranda grew up in Kyoto, Japan, as a half Japanese, half French girl and was teased mercilessly about it. As a child, she grew up constantly obsessed with fitting in and being "pretty" and it resulted in a lot of insecurity issues. As soon as she and her twin brother learned to read early, and starting advancing very quickly, her parents were determined to make their children the best. This was a very common attitude in the Hayashi household. The family was wealthy, but not enough to be considered part of Japans elite, so they lived like they were drowning, and the only thing that could help was more connections, more wealth, more prestige, anything that suited them. It was a desperate scramble towards the top with rarely any progress made, just a nose turned up at anyone below them, to make them seem higher on the ladder than they were. She graduated high school at a private academy with her brother at age fifteen, where she had been a part of their award winning dance team and Ballet program, both of them began university in Tokyo and transferred to America, him to MIT and her to Harvard, and lived together in Boston for a while while he got a degree in astrophysics and she graduated with four years of linguistics. It fell through, obviously. All Mr. And Mrs. Hayashi want is for their children to come home, marry a nice Japanese boy and girl respectively (they already have Miranda's picked out), and run the estate. For a while, Miranda genuinely considered the offer. She couldn't manage another moment of school, let alone the additional schooling it took to get a good job in her field. The pre-chosen man and her met a few times, and went back and forth being near each other and long distance, and at one point, they were seriously engaged, until a translating connection taking her to New York, then Georgia, and finally Orlando, where the family she was working for had taken her along to Disney World. She had always loved Disney, and frankly, she was a bit sick of moving. She applied for position as a cast member, and then auditioned for Eeyore mostly for the pay raise, parents desires and fiance be damned.


~Best Disney Memory~

The Mickey ears were magic, just like her brother said they would be when his chubby little hands had put them on her head. She felt instantly better. The family was visiting Disney Tokyo while their father was on a business trip, and Miranda had not foreseen herself enjoying the day. She didn't want to be here, which made her feel bad, because most kids only dreamt of going to the Disney resort, but she didn't want to be anywhere at all, until the headband with Mickey ears was popped on her head and she started giggling. It was magic. Real Disney magic. Prancing around the park joyfully with her twin, nanny following quietly behind, the day perked up immensely. In another few hours, the stumbled across tigger and rabbit with a line only two people long. The eight year old giggled when her brother said that tigger must be hot and tired, the actor tried to shrug it off, but Miranda's face lit up like Christmas with an idea. "My ears are magic! They can help you!" Tigger did a silly happy dance for her and bent down, pointing to his head, when Miranda took the ears off though, she discovered that his head was too big for the ears, which was an honest tragedy according to the twins. The smiling lady in uniform came up to them and gently took the ears, and securing them on tigger's nose! Much to the children's delight, he did another happy dance, this time, with ears on his nose! All the children in line erupted into shrieks and cackles. "See? Don't you feel happier now?" Tigger nodded vigorously. "I need them back though, because I have to be happy and have fun today ok? Maybe the magic rubbed off on you!" The costumed character eagerly gave the ears back after pausing for a picture of the four of them, him, rabbit, and the twins. Later, she would keep the ears, and maybe put them on in the middle of the night when everything seemed so hopeless and out of her control. She didn't do it very often, not wanting to wear out the magic, and this continued all the way until they would no longer fit on her head. She still keeps them in the drawer by her bedside table. When she arrived at the Walt Disney world in Orlando, the very first thing Miranda would do, was buy an adult sized headband with ears on it.

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