Eco Renga


The All Seeing Eye


[SIZE= 9pt]Age:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9pt]18[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9pt]Gender:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9pt]Male[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9pt]Faunus: [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9pt]Eco[/SIZE] is a cat faunus, he has a tail that he leaves out for all to see. Only benefits he gets from his faunus genes is increased agility and flexibility but that is all.

[SIZE= 9pt]Weapon:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9pt]Tainted wounds-[/SIZE][SIZE= 9pt] Eco has a very odd weapon, to start off he carries around a sort of knapsack and an umbrella. And most would think the umbrella is his main weapon. An odd design for a weapon however, simple wood and basic cloth on the outside of it. However, this is not his weapon. His weapon lies all over his body. To explain, the bandages that cover his body is indeed his weapon. Even in his bag he carries scraps of cloth each infused with a different type of dust while the two main wrappings around his arm can only be one dust at a time. He tends to change them a lot but he generally seen to be using fire infused dust cloths or lightning infused dust cloths. At the moment, it seems that the cloths and that some various types of paper he is able to use as a weapon because of his semblance but it is unknown how far the semblance can go. But for now, he is able to make weapons from the bandages wrapped around his arms or wrap them around someone and do various things like electrocute, freeze, burn. The scraps of paper in his knapsack he is able to form into thrown weapons and throw them at people. Like paper knives, ninja stars, needles. In his hands he tends to make the bandages form into daggers and sneak attacks enemies. But to sum it all up Eco’s weapon is the bandages wrapped around his body and in his knapsack. The umbrella just seems to be some sort of prized possession. Also the bandages seem to have a foreign [/SIZE][SIZE= 12px]language[/SIZE][SIZE= 9pt] wrote on the inside of them that can be seen sometimes when he is fighting.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 9pt]Semblance:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9pt]Origami-[/SIZE] As mentioned in Eco’s weapon his semblance is the only reason he has a weapon. Meaning he has a very large aura that is harder to deplete then most. That is the passive of his semblance, just that his aura is very vast and is harder to deplete then most. But it will deplete after fighting for long periods of time, hence why he is an assassin type who kills quick and moves on. Decisive strikes are all he focuses on.

[SIZE= 9pt]For[/SIZE] the active of his semblance Eco is able to control his bandages/cloths. At the moment, he is only able to control bandages and some certain types of paper, but as said before no one is sure how far this semblance could go if given mass amounts of experience. Right now, he is only able to form the bandages into some simple weapons, like a spear or daggers which are his main weapon types. And with the scraps of cloth and paper he has in his bag he is only able to form up to 3 spikes/throwing knives/ninja stars for that is all he can focus on. These are normally fused with different types of dust making them have extra elemental effects. He has been working on paper grenades but has thus far failed because of inexperience. When turning his bandage into a weapon it hardens to that of almost a normal blade and cuts just as good. Now when fatigued or tired he can only strike once before the bandage goes back to its normal form. But when he is fresh and ready to go he can keep it holding for a while. This control over his bandages has many other effects and purposes as well. At the moment he knows how to send scraps flying around him so that he is not visible and then sling the bandage up in a tree to get away unnoticed and look like he just vanished. But thus far that seems to be the only trick he has learned and that took a lot of training to learn how to do.

[SIZE= 9pt]Emblem:[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 9pt]Except[/SIZE] it is half-light red transitioning to a minty green.

[SIZE= 9pt]Hunter/Huntress:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9pt]Hunter[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9pt]Personality:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9pt]Eco[/SIZE] is a very odd individual to start. First we need to start with his voice because that is a burden on his personality in a way. His voice is very sly and light sounding but it sounds like he is a snake if that makes any sense. It is really creepy, like he could be trying to be really nice but his voice makes him sound like he is trying to deceive or pry into someone’s head. Also to some it can be considered a calming tone but very few feel that way. But besides that, Eco personality wise can be explained by a ray of emotions. Most of the time when talking to him he is cheerful and happy, always trying to give wise words and advice to those he calls friends and is a real helper. But on the flip side he is mysterious, most things about him never come up in conversation and if they do he strays away from the subject. At night, he can be seen awake staring at the sky for long periods of time, all things about him are covered up it seems. Also he can be a tad bit creepy, for example when people are talking or fighting and stuff like that he listens in. Sometimes he knows he is doing it, other times he is just on autopilot. Not only that he can sneak up on people farily easily, one moment you could be talking about him and then the next a voice comes from behind and he is there in the shadows. He really likes to know things for some reason and likes to watch from a far when things are going down. But overall he is a generally nice guy who on the outside seems to have no negative traits. But that’s just it, no one really knows if he is acting or actually deceiving people. It is really hard to tell.

[SIZE= 9pt]Skills:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9pt]Shadow Step-[/SIZE] Eco is a master at stealth, being of an assassin build he can sneak and not be heard. And attack his enemies when they least expect it. Without a sound and without any tracks. He is a master at stepping so light that he cannot be heard and can make it so that he makes little to no sound when going to attack an enemy.

[SIZE= 9pt]Escape artist-[/SIZE] Along with that skill above he is also incredibly agile and flexible, it may have to do with his cat faunus traits but still. Eco is really good at acrobatics and getting out of tight spaces. It is extremely hard to catch him if pursuit is the objective and putting him in chains or in a cage is a bad idea as well because he knows how to escape from those kinds of things.

[SIZE= 9pt]Killer intent- [/SIZE]Eco is really accurate, most attacks if up close or far away go for very important parts of the body. He has knowledge of all things anatomical which he puts to use by slicing important areas. Eco is good at disabling targets or grimms if they are not too heavily armored.


[SIZE= 9pt]Weaknesses:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9pt]Lightweight-[/SIZE] Eco is very weak when it comes to being tanky. He has little to no resilience for attacks in his current status. Like a single attack to him hurts a lot more then it would to most tanks so he must avoid all hits and such. And if they are focusing him he can’t really do anything but run and throw things at them. He is supposed to be silent and deadly not all up front about fighting.

[SIZE= 9pt]Fire- [/SIZE]Fire dust, fire dust is the bane of Eco’s existence. He uses bandages and paper for a weapon so if someone has a semblance that makes them hot or is using fire dust against him so it makes his weapon very weak. Sometimes can even burn the bandages or paper up but if he has hardened it, it is a lot harder but it still weakens him.

[SIZE= 9pt]Open combat-[/SIZE] I mean it’s a no brainer. If you are an assassin, you do not want to fight in an open area. You will be useless. Eco cannot do anything when in open combat. I mean he can fight and all and still be okay but he is weakened. He needs to element of surprise to do a lot of damage.

[SIZE= 9pt]History:[/SIZE]

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