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One x One ๐‘ฌ๐’„๐’๐’Š๐’‘๐’”๐’†; ๐’‚ ๐’•๐’‚๐’๐’† ๐’๐’‡ ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’”๐’–๐’ ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’Ž๐’๐’๐’.

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the sun.


elio desolon.

breathtaking is the sun that warms the earth, rays that stretch like fingers to hold and caress. he was born of sunlight, a dazzling beam that blinded and scorched. glowing and warming he was a ball of heat and light, a marvel to all those that watched him fly through the air. a god in a mortal body he was blessed by unholy ways and strengthened through body and mind. crumbling and crashing he held the strength to raze the earth and set it alright.

ah, but he was sun.

oh, but he was fire.

the basics.

elio desolon
sunshine, eli
date of birth
15th of july
flying towards the sun
The Hero

the visage.

195 cm (6'4")
195 lbs
Curling strands of gold. Unruly since birth they hang at a minimum of chin-length with preference. Generally down and loose when in civilian clothes to counteract the tight slicking back they deal with in his costume. The hair on his head like the rest of his body is heat-resistant, meaning it is unlikely to catch fire or burn. He enjoys the salon and having it washed by others.
A vision of the sky. Big, blue, impossibly open. A smile reaches up into them during the daytime, an acclimation to sunlight removing the need for sunglasses in most cases. Bright and peppy they lose their shine during the hours of darkness, deep circles forming underneath with each sunset no matter the level of consciousness.
Dimples when he smiles. A small kiss of freckles along his body and two moles along the small of his back. His skin is constantly warm to the touch except during a new moon.
body type
A mesomorph body type: slim body with prominent shoulders and long torso; a clear inverted triangle body form. The efforts of his job and working out pay off in athletic stamina, enhanced only by the hours of the day.
face claim
Chuck Bilgrien

the beginning of the end.

the personality.

He is the sun incarnate, a radiant beam in both visage and actions. By day he is the twinkling persona of Apollo, a sun-filled man running around with endless energy. Every moment is encapsulated with a smile and a hearty laugh, music to the ears of bystanders as he spreads the feeling of love and joy. A righteous man under the rays of the sun he views the world as his oyster and holds tightly to the vow to protect it. He is, after all, the hero in the story of his mind and in others. It fills the void in his chest with a sense of purpose to serve those around him and work to thwart the forces of evil.

By night, is a different story. Drained of the majority of his powers and considered 'off the clock' the dominating figure known as Apollo becomes a normal man by the name of Elio. Restless but filled with exhaustion he finds no time to let himself be consumed by the crime-fighting ideologies of his daytime self. An almost boyish behavior comes out in its stead, the need to play over work doubling to squeeze into the few hours of the night. Notorious are his visitations to bars as well as the constant heckling of strangers to engage in bar games alongside him. Despite his age most mistaken the man of the evening as someone much younger, a tired but youthful appearance hiding away the responsibility one might think he would need at that stage in life.

Beneath it all he finds himself drifting without the warmth of the sun. Long are the nights where he sits in the window of his apartment, staring listlessly out into the cityscape around him. He waits there, blue eyes the dulled color of an artic swell as the moon looks down upon him mockingly. Weakened is his body in the gentle rays and aching is the heart left to shrivel without the warmth of a motherly sun. He sits there and he waits, the dingy grime of the city beneath him adding only to the pathless longing that consumes.

the virtues.






the vices







playing bar games, fruity cocktails, long days spent soaking up the sun, his collection of desert plants, the feeling of warmth that other humans provide, the thought of spending his nights watching movies with someone else, warm colors, hot dogs, iced coffee at all hours, raspberry sorbet


the new moon, when nobody wants to play games at the bar, ripping his costume, the villain, rent bills, places where the sun cannot reach, loneliness, the silent nights in the city, another day passing without having an actual conversation with someone

the history.

(I'm very sleepy (ไบบ*ยดโˆ€๏ฝ€)๏ฝก*๏พŸ+ )

to himself he is but a man. to the rest of the population he is a beacon of all the good parts of a hero and society.

he is Apollo.

the powers.

they had begun at a young age, his powers. born am overly large baby with an impossibly high fever and the warmest skin he was a medical wonder for the years before the development of more obvious signs. by day he was the typical bouncy child, running around a little faster than other kids and lifting quite a few more things. night saw his energy utterly drained and kids he had so easily beat now lapping him a multitude of times.

at six years old elio realized through a gruesome discovery on some ants he had found that he could bend the rays of sun outside and increase their strength from his hands. more and more power led to more and more ants burning and the fevers. running an average temperature of 117ยฐ he should have been dead with each time he was checked again, the heat only rising until it capped out at an incredible 174ยฐ. from then on Elio was always a warm child and with practice became able to control the heat that filled his body under the light of day. exercise and a tedious lifestyle helped the man to strengthen both body and mind as he quickly grew popularity among peers and finally took off towards the city to make a new name for himself.

now his powers are at their peak, a radiant god of the sun by the daytime and a recharging battery by night.

Heat control, sunlight control, occasional flight (restricted to daytime), resistance to heat and the sun.

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ยฉ weldherwings.

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