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Realistic or Modern Easy Money, Hard Lessons.

Natalia blushed and giggled at Maya's response. "Okay." Is all she said in a sort of bubbly giggle. "You guys remind me of what my parents used to be like." She said sadly still looking at the two of them with tears welling up in her eyes but she managed to calm herself and push the tears away then turned herself back around.

May the gods watch over you,

Jack shrugged again. Listening was easy, all you had to do was shut the fuck up for a few minutes. He read on, imagining the vast aquarium within the Nautilus, with it's selection of unknown, exotic fish. He again drew parallels to the plane, as he felt like he lived an element apart form most of it's population. When the annoying girl mentioned parents Jack looked at Maya for her reaction, trying to understand how she handled her history.
"Um I gues I'm doing fine I mean I've been better I've had to deal with a lot of just, adjusting, lately."

May the gods watch over you,

Maya blushed, but then saw the tears welling up in her eyes and could see that whatever happened to this girl's parents, was bad. Very bad. She got up, walked over to her, and hugged her. "we don't know each other very well yet, but I can't turn down such a sweet girl when I see her, I'm here for you" she said with a nod, and sitting back down.
Jack raised an eyebrow and kept his eyes in his book. He had his own opinions about the girl but would keep his mouth shut, as he always did. He ran a hand through his hair, people crying made him uncomfortable, especially women.
"Thanks." Natalia said smiling at who she thought was her first friend. Forgetting about her scar for a moment she pulled her hair back wanting to put it in a ponytail because she was getting hot. "Do you have a hair tie I could borrow? I think I forgot to bring one with me." She asked the girl sitting behind her.


May the gods watch over you,

She looked over at Jack. "so, who all has someone waiting for them back home?" she asked. "And by that question, I mean a romance" she clarified.
-T minus 10 to departure-

The engines, begin to whine to life. More people board, and get situated, as the cargo hold fills up. The pilot leaves the cockpit, as uniformed military officers rush frantically to the pilot. The noise, drowns out most of the conversation. "---Ship-----between-------armed-----careful." The men try to shout at the pilot, but he waves them off with a thumbs up and a cocky smile. Returning to the cockpit, he returns to his pre take off checks.


"What the actually fuck? I will be older than that slut over there, before we get going." she said as she pointed to ???Handler. "Calm down, and enjoy the ride." Meat Wall said as he folds his arms behind his head to rest.

-Little princess-

Falls asleep on her maids lap.

- Handler and baggage-

She is now reading a Victoria's Secrets catalog. He is busying himself with a puzzle on his phone as he is quite bored.

-Prince 1-

He is absently fingering the pommel of his rapier, while plotting world domination. His body guards are busy winning each others money at cards.

-Princess 1-

She is currently writing a thank you letter to the unknown benefactor for his hospitality. Omg, song birds and butterflies are just alive in spring around her.

-Flighty princess 2-

Has passed out due to her medicine and condition. Her keepers are busy making sure she is not disturbed.

-We three kings...-

Three men enter the plane and take a seat behind Bitch, and begin speaking in an unknown language, not arabic, but not russian.
"I should, let me check" Maya said rummaging through her purse, which was full of typical girl things, make up, and here we go! hair ties. "here you go sweetheart" she said, handing her a pink hair tie with a black bow attached.
Jack shook his head, patting his shirt pocket and the cigarettes inside. "Miss Nicotine, got her right here." he remarked, still not looking up from his book. He listened to the other conversations in the plane more than those around him, Maya having instilled a touch of paranoia in him.
Maya shook her head, taking in the information. Okay, well that's good, I guess, she thought to herself, pulling out her guitar and strumming a soft melody like what you might hear in a lullaby.
Jack tapped his foot to the music, missing his own battered instrument. He stuffed his book back into his bag and leaned back in his seat, letting himself relax for a bit. He felt his gaze drawn to the giant. That was a man he could trust, he could feel it.
"Thanks and no," she said putting her hair in a ponytail, "the only boy I have in my life is my AP Chem lab partner and honestly I don't think he even knows my name unless you count 'Girl' as my name. What about you Jack, got anyone special?" Nat asked kind of teasing him just so he would socialize instead of keeping his head buried in his book.

May the gods watch over you,

She kept going, the beat got faster, and slowed down again. She would practice her vocals, but not here, she was going to wait until she had her room to practice in
"Not really." Jack replied, somewhat surprised that Natalie would speak to him. "Not even a lab partner." he teased back, waiting for takeoff. He was grateful Maya had changed her tempo, he was near falling asleep.
Maya looked back at Natalia. "do you like this boy?" she asked her, still playing her guitar, once she got going, she couldn't stop.
-Disney Princess-

She perks up to the talk of boys. Not having actual experience with them, she chimes in with "Yo..you are actually allowed to interact with boys? Without fear of trouble?" she looked meek in her questioning. She was quite interested, but as she is more protected than the president of the US, she can not even look at one without him being tackled to the ground and dragged off to a prison.
Maya cocked her head to the side at the girls question, furrowing her eyebrows. "Uhm, well I am" she giggled. "you aren't?" she asked sounding surprised.
"No, I don't like him but he is cute, that's all that matters in a lab partner though, right?" Nat asked joking trying to get a smile out of one of them.

May the gods watch over you,

Maya smiled back at Natalia. "I suppose cute is pretty important" she said, glancing at Jack, then looking back to Natalia.
Jack shrugged. He didn't want to be involved in the girls' conversation. He did smile slightly, however, hoping it would be enough to appease Nat.
"Wait, Maya do you have someone back at home?" Nat asked curiously since Maya was the one that asked the question in the first place.

May the gods watch over you,

She finally stopped playing her guitar, and put it away, resting her head on Jack's shoulder again. "good book" she said. "I've only read it like 7 times" she said with a slight giggle. 
"Nope" she said. "I did, but, he couldn't take the baggage of my past, so he got what he wanted from me, and ran away" she said, not really bothering to look at Nat.
"A baker's dozen for me." Jack replied. The book was one of the few he owned, most he borrowed or stole, being sure to return them either way. He didn't comment on Maya's past troubles, knowing he had his fair share.
she felt her eyes starting to close, but fought to keep them open, so she could keep talking to the people that, she was getting along with so well.

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