[E.M.A.] E.M.A. Sidequest

Jade blinked a few times "Sixty percent?" She repeated softly feeling a lot more hopeful for humans knowing so many had survived. She felt the his arm wrap around her and felt a hurricane of butterflies in her stomach. She could tell the small hints that he might like her but didn't want to read too much into it. He was an agent and he'd proven before he could put on a good act though a good part of her had a feeling he wasn't acting around her. Still it was too soon to push very far but she was content with being close and getting to know Adam better. At least until the war was over. She let her self lean on him slightly as she watched the cityscape and all of its activity.
Adam felt his chest tighten up when she leaned into him, a tiny smile on his face. He was afraid that she might back away from him, so when she didn't he felt a wave of relief wash across him. It was nice, to just sit here with her, feel the warmth of her body. It was something he never really got the chance to enjoy, which made a little nervous, but happy at the same time. He wasn't going to try and push her into anything, he had just met the girl and was always warned that women would be his undoing. This time, though, he was just happy to sit there and watch the city with her.
The two sat in a comfortable silence a while longer. It wasn't long before Jade found her self leaning into Adam more as she started to nod off She caught her self before she really feel asleep and yawned softly. "Hm Maybe we should head inside..." she muttered softly the days events really starting to hit her.
Adam seemed to be dozing off as well, stifling a yawn as she spoke. "I agree." he said, reluctantly sliding his arm off her shoulders and standing. The day had taken quite a toll on him, he hadn't realized how tired he was. He smiled a bit and headed back down into the room with her. "This was probably one of the best days I've had in years... Thanks for sharing it with me, Jade." he said softly, smiling.
Jade returned the smile "My pleasure but... I think the thanks really goes to you for bringing me along." She replied "Probably had more fun today then I have in a very long time." She added before fighting back another yawn. "Well... tomorrow is another day. So better get some sleep..." she said feeling a bit of the awkwardness returning still she smiled tiredly up at the taller Agent. "Good night."
Adam smiled warmly at her. "It's no trouble at all. I think you needed this little vacation more than I did." he said, a tired look in his eyes. "Goodnight, Jade. Sleep well." he said, turning and heading into his room. He closed the door and sighed happily, getting ready for bed. His heart was still racing and he felt warm and happy. It was a feeling he hadn't felt for a very, very long time. It was interesting, to say the least. As he laid in his bed he could only think of her, and he soon fell asleep with a small smile on his face.
Jade went to her room her stomach a flutter and feeling more alive then she had in a long time. She pulled off her Jacket and the rest of her clothes to change into her normal sleep clothes chuckling softly to her self as she remembered what happened that morning. The whole day had been perfect despite the small dark spots and she learned more about Adam who was turning out to be more and more fascinating the longer she spent with him. She flopped onto her bed knowing that despite her exhaustion she probably wouldn't get a lot of sleep but she could look back on the days events to ease away any stress or anxiety.

True to form Jade only got four hours of uninterrupted sleep before being woken again by unpleasant nightmares. This time thought she didn't wake up instead she stayed locked in her sleep. Her muttering grew to growls and weak cry's and her shifting to frantic trashing as she tried fighting the night terror.
Adam jolted awake when he heard the noises, his arm blade coming out of reflex. He got out of bed and quietly made his way out of his room, his eye switching to night-vision to see if there was any intruders. He thought that maybe someone who was after him had found out where he was, but after searching the hotel room he frowned, seeing nobody else there. It wasn't until he walked past Jade's room did he hear it again, and he realized what was going on. He slid the arm blade back and opened the door to her room, making his way inside.

"Jade?" he called quietly, and that's when he saw her. She was having a serious nightmare, it seemed like. He made his way over to her and tried to wake her gently, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Jade, wake up... It's alright, it's just a dream. Wake up."
The brunet was still trapped in the night terror when Adam entered. She tossed and turned muttering incoherently a cold sweat coating her body. When Adam touched her shoulder her trashing only intensified this time at the source of what ever was grabbing at her in her mind. She wasn't very coordinated as he legs were tangled up in the sheets and she really didn't know what or where her enemy was.
Adam frowned, lightly touching his hand to her face. His thumb brushed her cheek, his other hand moving to try and shake her awake. "Jade, wake up! It's alright..." he said, trying to hold her head still so she didn't end up somehow hurting herself in her thrashing. "It's Adam, wake up."
Jade recoiled from being shaken as she finally woke up gasping for air. She panted heavily looking around frantically for some unseen enemy thought she really couldn't see much at all in the dark room. She managed to make out someone over her and nearly freaked out if not for the cool sensation of metal on her face and arm. "A-Adam?" she whispered softly her tense form slowly starting to relax slowly.
He smiled softly, fingers brushing hair from her face lightly. "Hey. You were having a pretty nasty nightmare, by the looks of it." he said, kneeling next to her bed. "Are you alright?" he asked. "I was worried you might hurt yourself, the way you were thrashing around like that."
She managed to catch her breath as she laid back in the bed feeling more exhausted then when she went to sleep. "I... think I'm okay." she muttered voice a bit shaky but it was to be expected. Her heart was still beating fairly fast as she residual panic lingered a bit even after she was awake.
He frowned a bit, concerned about her. She was obviously shaken up by what happened. He figured it was to be expected, the trauma she had been through was still going to be there. He moved to sit on the edge of her bed until she was calmed down enough that she could go back to sleep. "Are you sure?" he asked quietly.
Jade sighed nodded slightly "better at least..." she muttered pinching the bridge of her nose as a headache started to develop. "or... at least i will be." she muttered. before looking back to Adam. "Thank you.... sorry if I woke you up..." she apologized knowing she had woken him up with her nightmare and felt bad for it.
Adam smiled comfortingly. "It's alright. I'm glad that I woke up, at the rate you were going you were probably going to strangle yourself in the sheets." he teased lightly, chuckling. "If you need anything at all, just call for me. I'm a pretty light sleeper normally." he said, standing.
Jade just smiled weakly at his teasing. as he prepared to leave a shiver of fear ran through her and sher reached out grabbing his arm before he could go. "Wait..." she felt silly for doing this. She was a grown adult but even so she was still scared, scared of being alone and falling sleep back into another nightmare. She was too tired to simply get up and would most likely ruin any project she had. but she didn't want to be left on her own. Not yet at least. "C-can you stay,.. please... just for a little while...."
He stopped when he felt her grab his arm, turning to look at her. He smiled lightly and nodded. "Of course." he said, crawling into bed next to her. He shifted a bit and got comfortable, laying on his side so he could see her. "You know, I had recurring nightmares for the longest time when I was younger. It always made me feel so much better when there was someone with me." he said quietly. "I'll be happy to stay with you as long as you need me to, Jade. Never be afraid to ask me something like that."
She relaxed slightly as he agreed to stay letting him go so he could get comfortable watching him in part because she figured she was still asleep and he would just disappear. She shifted onto her side to face him and nodded. "Thank you." she muttered softly still feeling fairly anxious and worked up. She knew what would help, but she was no where near lightning which had become something of a security blanket for moments like this. She bit her bottom lip lightly "remember... what I said about metal..." she murmured softly before reaching out to take his hand lightly in her and leaned close to rest her face on it. The cool carbon steal did as she anticipated she let out a soft sigh starting to really relax and settle her nerves. "Thank you Adam..." she muttered sleepily.
Adam's face flushed red when she pressed his hand against her face, a small smile tugging at his lips. "No problem..." he said quietly, his fingers lightly brushing her cheek as he watched her drift off. He felt a tightness in his chest, a warm and pleasant feeling as he looked at her.
Jade fell back into a calm sleep getting some much needed rest. For once she woke up with out any nightmares but to the sun shining in through the Windows. She groaned softly turning away from the light before opening her eyes still feeling a big groggy from sleep.
Adam had stayed up most of the night to keep an eye on her, making sure she didn't have another of her night terrors. Eventually though, he fell asleep, still resting a hand on her to comfort her. When morning came and she shifted his eyes slowly drifted open. "Good morning." he said quietly, smiling a little. "Did you sleep well?"
Jade blinked a few times and blushed lightly when she realized that Adam was laying next to her. She was a bit confused as to why until she remembered being woken up from a bad nightmare by him "Uh.... Morning..." she muttered stiffing a yawn. "Ah yeah.... surprisingly." She smiled slightly. "Thank you for last night."
He smiled warmly, brushing her hair from her face. "Of course. If you ever have trouble sleeping, just tell me." he said, his eyes meeting hers. It was odd for him, to be this close to someone like he was. He certainly didn't mind it, though. After a few long moments he sat up, stretching a bit and yawning.
Jade nodded slightly finding it very odd waking up next to someone but oddly comforting. She wasn't sure when she was able to get back to sleep but she knew she had slept far longer than she'd been able to in a long time so there was something to it. Although the offer was tempting she probably wouldn't take Adam up on the offer as often as she should. She pushed her self up to sit and smoothed the hair back from her face. "It's pretty late." she muttered looking to the window seeing that it was most likely mid morning.

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