Dysmas Nohbdy


The Sweetest Bit Of Hell

Name: Dysmas Nohbdy

Age: 8 Sweeps

Blood Color: #004182 Cerulean

Sign: The Viking Rune Thurisaz |>

Trollian: dismalTurncoat

Quirk: DT: you know s<|-|>ovels have more uses t<|-|>an digging u|> my friends

DT: like c<|-|>o|>|>ing off your <|-|>ead

DT: or breaking into a <|-|>ive

Lusus: Vulture (Dysmas calls him Bone Dad since all he brings back are bones or bodies of smaller luscii)

God Tier: Mage of Life

Dream Planet: Prospit

Personality: Dysmas is a pessimist to a fault. He's quick to blame a good portion of his life on either Gog or fellow trolls. It can range from a lack of new fabric to even the lack of a 'proper' hive. A place that's simply decorated and filled with extravagant items, gold, silver, and specific gems (amethysts, sapphires, pearls, and quartz.) So, his life is filled with a rather dull grey tone surrounding a good portion of Dysmas's life. Maybe he's neurotic, maybe he's just a shitty troll, or maybe he's just expecting things to go his way for no good reason. Either way, he feels like he should have gotten the longer end of the stick. Instead all he got was warm cave, playing cards, whatever he finds in coffin, and a shovel. Dysmas knows he isn't exactly a highblood, but he's close, and he knows he should have better living quarters at the least. Some of the lower bloods he knows have even better hives than him. A part of the Cerulean blood knows that they worked for it; they actually did something for it unlike him. But, that doesn't stop the anger and jealousy Dysmas feels. They can work for their nice things, but he can't. His body is in a constant state of sickness, his health oddly low and almost pathetically so. Dysmas doesn't bring it up as a tactic to get anything though, he's too ashamed to use it for an excuse.

One of the few things Dysmas doesn't look down on is death. It's not necessarily the concept of an end that makes him look a bit brighter on; it's the result and tombstones there of. The idea of the body simply being so broken it can't be fixed is astounding to him. Even if a person was to die from old age it even brings more of an intriguing idea that a body just wears down enough to slowly kill itself is better. As such, Dysmas has lived close to a graveyard as he could. It still takes a while for him walk to closest one. One of his favorite activities is what he calls 'tea time.' An hour set aside for a well decorated table and tea set for him to 'sit down and talk to my skelefriends.' Skelefriends referring to dug up skeletons from the graveyard. A time where he will play his guitar and even try playing a round of cards with them.

Necromancy is also a small hobby of his. No, Dysmas can't bring back the dead. At least not trollian dead. A few, small luscii have been the only creatures he's even managed to twitch again. Though the old medical textbooks and the trollian nomanomica have helped him expand his knowledge in treating wounds.

Strife Specibus: Cardkind, Shovelkind

Modus: Playing Card has 52 cards from beginning to end. No more, no less. Captchalogued items are assigned by the sylladex user to a specific card in the deck. The item stays assigned to that card until it is drawn by the user. The user has to remember what items are assigned to what cards. The modus has a "Shuffle" feature, that randomizes what items go with what cards.

Sgrub planet/details:Land of Reflection and Fog. The Land is a land of harsh, smooth curves and impossible geometries, the surface, once sandy long ago, glassed into oblivion by Dysmas denizen into a shiny polish. The leftover heat from that event manifests itself as a dense fog that blocks visibility, a fog which sticks near the upper levels of the land - the deeper he goes, the thinner the fog, but the darker his light.

Sprite: ZombiBird (Cracked Skull and Bone Dad's corpse)

Denizen: Nix

Consorts: Cerulean Salamanders

Quadrants: Open





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