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Fandom Durarara!!: The Dullahan Hunt

Who is your favorite character in Durarara!!

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  • Anri Sonohara

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  • Walker Yumasaki

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  • Kururi Orihara

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  • Takashi Nasujima

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Kyona Orichi

Cp: 3

Kyona found herself becoming and gaining a friend. Her wrinkly hand was rapidly shooked by the lady called, Reimi, and a happy feeling flicked on inside her heart. She had made a friend! In an instant! How nice!

Reimi still didn't let go until she finished her introduction, along with a couple of sentences. Kyona nodded, surprised that the blue haired girl had such energy stored inside of her, but the lady was happy, so happiness can do crazy things. Or she might've been excited too.
"Mhm. I saw. I'm Kyona Or-- And my user for the chat room is Papaya_Chi. It's nice to meet a member in the outside world instead of the internet. And good friends we can be. How are you?" She didn't want to reveal her last name, because she knew that someone could be listening. The Orichi were to blame for the bomb that had killed her parents. What fools they were to let in spies to work and deceive them. But that was the past, and it was best to stay away from her family organization. Right now, she met a new comrade, or the self of her comrade, and it was much better than her old life.

The door had opened and a man who looked about 21 stepped in. He looked a bit suspicious, but judging wouldn't be nice, so she turned her gaze back to Reimi. Was that man a Dollar, too?

@xkeyxx @Opal Gemstone

92 posts till the end of this Episode!!!
Trail (Jackie) (5 CP)

Jack fully noticed that the girl had stared at him for a while. He could only wonder what was on her mind so far. Asking her if there was actually a Dollar meeting going down wouldn't hurt as long as he didn't say he was a part of the Dollars. He smiled softly at the NPC who stared at him, making his way over to her. "E-Excuse me?" Jack stuttered to the girl, looking down at his feet shyly, "D-Do you know anyone by the name of Pierre La Font?" If she knew the name, she'd be a part of the Dollars. If she didn't, well then she'd just be there to decorate the world he lived in.

The shy type. That's the kind of person Jack was going for. Cute, shy, and innocent. Idiotic and unknowing. The type who'd be good and would never be suspected for bad. It was a nearly perfect personality disguise.


91 posts until the end of the episode~
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(CP-7) Reimi

It was a surprise for Reimi that she actually let her know who she was, most people she tried to become friends with were to stuck up their own ass or they would end up being simple bullies, Reimi was bullied for her hair in fact, that no one wanted to know her for it being blue since she was born.. people did think she was attention seeking when she told them it was naturally blue, well she never said it 24/7 people were mostly jealous of the fact her hair was blue.

''Indeed it is! and yeah, I'm doing great between thank you, I haven't been around witnessing the sights of Ikebukuro a lot so I don't know many people here... in fact no one at all, well I have one person anyway now! I wonder If we will meet the rest of the dollars. It must be easy for you to just meet them if you wanted to, I mean..you work here and the meetings here! I wonder though how they'll find each other? hmmmm dose it have to be private or can you just let the world know that your a dollar?''

She then turn her head to witness this man arrive ''Oh hello there! are you part of the dollar?'' She didn't mean to say that, it just blurted out..... she then quickly cup her mouth.

@Opal Gemstone @yumiyukifan1

90 posts until the end of the episode~
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Kyona Orichi

Cp: 4

She nodded at Reimi's response. Kyona did meet a lot of people, but they weren't counted as 'friends' to her. Just acquaintances, or passerby' to her. "Well, I'm not much of an eavesdropper, but I don't interact much with the Dollars... And I think some people would like to keep their identity a secret, due to many of the gangs and bad people around.." Her boring eyes then slipped back to look at the new customer who had entered.

The stranger had asked her a question. He asked her about Pierre La Font? Kyona nodded and continued staring at him before Reimi had spoken. "I don't know the person outside of the internet... But I'm guessing you're a Dollar too?"

They said the eyes are the windows to your soul, so Kyona kept her gaze, to see the emotions that were locked inside. Hopefully, this guy was safe to talk to... Wait, of course he is... He's a Dollar, right?

Some Dollars aren't safe as you think, though. She remembered that incident about a year ago. The Dollars tried to kidnap an innocent young lady, who was known to be dating a gang leader. Kyona finally stopped her eye lock and adjusted her cap. She just had to trust her instincts, and be polite. This man seemed okay, he was kinda scaring her on the stuttering... And innocent look... But all will go well.... Hopefully....

89 posts till the end of this Episode!!!

-- Akira Mashiro --

The Cat of Ikebukuro

[CP: 3]

Akira should have been offended at that, he should have punched the girl. Kira didn't punch girls though, they should be treated with kindness. "Ahah, I think the silly one is you, nya." he grinned "I'm clearly male, I mean the last time I checked I was." he stood up. He was a bit taken aback by her calling his hat silly "Hey hey, don't dis the hat okay?" he huffed. Mairu and Kururi gave him the hat, he did much prefer their company over Izaya. Izaya always tried to pull him into his twisted games.

He noticed the other group talking about being in the Dollars. He didn't miss the meeting after all, with a stride he plopped into a seat next to the group "I'm glad I didn't miss the meeting of the infamous Dollars." he purred with a smirk. "Now, I don't get why we set up a meeting if we aren't going to trust each other." he hummed and shrugged. "I don't really care if you know my username but, it's Neko." he stated with a joyful chuckle. Kira wasn't one to dally over meaningless things and if someone did try to kill him they would end up with a bullet in their head. With a catlike grin and content eyes he waited for them to respond.

88 posts until the end of the episode~
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(CP-8) Reimi

She had blink again and soon came a yawn from her lips following afterwards, just waiting for a response quietly from the man beside her, then she remove her hands away from her mouth to put her grip on her rucksack handles, Reimi heard the door bell of the Russai sushi place and she needed to glance over cause of curiosity taking over and her lips suddenly curl upwards as she stared at the cat like hat, she couldn't help NOT staring at it, just like Izaya coat.

''Cool looking hat!''
she didn't hesitate to call out from the counter still standing opposite Kyona, she seem to have like many accessories than other people would imagine.

''..Could that be a member of the dollar as well....?'' she did think carefully about that one, only reason for this was cause of one guy that had a good looking hat, she suppose they all might have some nice accessory on them that made them the dollars! now she was thinking this must of been to resembling their awesomeness of the gang! her mind would go to the wildest places ever and she would still believe it.

87 posts until the end of the episode~

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Trail (Jackie) + Opal Joyse (6 CP)

Opal watched as the boy left her. This was a form of ignoring, was it not? She slowly blinked, watching the boy leave. HE IGNORED HER! HOW DARE HE! She was of high value, if he didn't know! Opal pouted, crossing her arms angrily. She was going to follow that guy to the ends of the Earth, track him down to every last corner if she needed to. Show him who was boss! Suddenly, only one thought crossed her mind. He left his food... Opal smiled widely, slowly taking a bite out of her hot dog.

Opal reached for the food he left behind and put it in her hot dog, unsure of what it was exactly. Food was food! "Sharing isn't caring unless it's with O-Pal." She muttered, taking a bite out of her hot dog-sushi mix. It wasn't half bad... Then, The Voices reminded her what her job was here in the first place, "Oh yeah!" She gasped at herself before sitting down near the group and eating her hot dog-sushi. She didn't make it obvious that she was listening in on their conversation. Simply someone enjoying weird food at a weird restaurant.

And now, Jack Time

Jack nodded, scratching the back of his head nervously, "I am, though I don't think you should be saying that aloud..." He pointed out, laughing a bit. Suddenly, out of nowhere, another person appeared, revealing themselves easily. Jack groaned on the inside but kept on a smile, putting down his arm. But, that girl who kept staring at him... She either didn't trust him or was weird. He smiled back at the girl, holding her gaze. "I'm Jackie Trial. It's nice to meet you all." Using the name Jackie Trail would be okay, but the last name was too obvious and would give away his identity if someone had ever searched him up - not that he was on the internet in the first place.

"I-I believe my username would be Queen of Hearts." He explained, rather timidly. He looked as if he really wanted to cover his face and just hide in a turtle shell. "I hope to become good allies with all of you." It seemed that he had that small speech prepared because he was socially nervous all the time.

86 posts until the end of the episode~
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Emile (CP-1)

Emile walked into the Russia sushi place and yawned involuntarily, if it hadn't been for Simon calling him...and calling him again to threaten sending Shizuo over to wake him up, Emile would have missed the meeting completely. He didn't get the point of the Dollars meeting, especially since he thought the whole point of it was anonymity, but when the big Russian wanted something, he obliged. Emile opened his eyes after yawning and looked around and thought Huh...I guess the Dollars are made up of all kinds...hopefully some of them can give me a good sparring match some time... He noticed an empty seat and sat down near the cat eared hat.

Emile sighed heavily and stated messing with his hat, an old beat up hat advertising some Cardinals from his father's home town in the United States, he was more anxious about meeting potential new friends than he was nervous. He just then noticed the cat ears on the...girl? No, no it was a guy, but still, he got the urge to pet the guy on his head. He started to reach out his hand but decided against it, it would be too much trouble if the guy decided it was offensive to him and he really didn't want to cause problems for Simon.

85 posts until the end of the episode~
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Kyona Orichi

Cp: 5

The cat hat guy came near their small little group too. He reminded her of a cat... The way he spoke.... And those fluffy pointy ears on his head accessory... Eh. Reimi looked to be musing about the hat and Jackie seemed embarrassed by all the attention that their small little group was gaining. Kyona just sat behind the counter and watched them while more customers entered the restaurant. "I'm Kyona." No last name added. "And I'm Papaya_Chi on the Dollars chat. I hope we can get along and become great friends."

Another guy came to sit by them. Did he overhear them and decided to reveal his Dollars identity, too? Or did the kitty ears catch his attention? It could've been both. Or none. Eh. The Jackie guy didn't seem too suspicious anymore, just too innocent... Kyona blinked a couple of times before asking, "What do you think this meeting is for?..." Her expressionless face turned towards the lady munching on a ...sushi-hotdog...?

@Nico @xkeyxx @Opal Gemstone @LucianGrey7971

84 posts till the end of this Episode!!!

Emile (CP-2)

Emile heard the girl speak and thought about it. He had the same question, he assumed that they were all Dollars but why were they being called out here? Whatever it was it had to be big, and big meant interesting and THAT was what he liked. Emile finally opened his mouth to speak.

"Maybe it's a trap, the gangs have finally found a way to bring all the Dollars down in one great blaze of glory." he joked, a witty smile broke across his face as he talked, clearly enjoying his conspiracy theories. "Maybe Shizuo is gonna put on a tap dancing show or something else dainty. Or it could be a battle royalfor control of the Dollars!" he jumped up and pumped his fist into the air before sitting back down "Or not. Who knows with this group, whatever it is it should be fun"

83 post until the end of the episode~
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Trail (Jackie) + Opal Joyse (7 CP)

Opal took notice at the girl staring at her. SHE WAS GETTING ATTENTION! But before Opal could leap into the girl's arms and attract attention, The Voices reminded her that she needed to be 'undercover'. Undercover Opal, the detective person with her sidekick, The Voices! So, instead of embracing the girl in a bear-hug, she smiled and waved briskly before going back to being alone, secretly listening, and finishing the last bits of her hot dog-sushi.

The girl's name was Kyona. That guy with the funky hair's name was... Opal stared at Jack's strange hair. It was white. His skin was white. His eyes were nearly white. This could only mean one thing. THAT WAS SNOW WHITE FROM SLEEPING BEAUTY! Opal gasped loudly, nearly chocking on it before pointing at Jack and yelling, "IT'S SNOW WHITE FROM SLEEPING BEAUTY! AND THEN THE GIANT FROM JOHN AND THE STRAWBERRY-BUSH IS OUTSIDE! IS THIS DISNEY LAND?!" Opal's idiotic smile only grew. She pointed at the guy with the cat-hat, "YOU'RE THE CHESHIRE CAT FROM ALICE IN DISNEY LAND!" She pointed at Reimi, "YOU'RE WEIRD!" She was talking about her impossible blue hair, "AND YOU'RE ALSO WEIRD! BUT YOU MIGHT BE A PART OF THE SIXTY-NINE MIDGETS!" She pointed at Emile.

Opal's eyes teared up. She'd always wanted to go to Disney Land.

And back to cat Jack

Jack played with the bangs of his hair, secretly aggravated. He was not Snow White from the- what? Sleeping Beauty? Jack was simply confused now. Who was this girl?[/bg]

82 posts until the end of the episode~
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Emile (CP-2)

Emile stared at the girl long and hard "Did she just call me weird? Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black?" he laughed but then sat there for a moment letting what she said sink in. "....Did she just call me a midget?! I am not a midget you raving lunatic! Who is this girl?!"

Emile sighed heavily, he was getting caught up in this girls crazy pace "Look, I'm at least 98.9 percent sure that you aren't at Disney land and we are not Disney characters. More importantly, I am not a midget. My name is Emile and you shouldn't go around insulting people...it's not nice." He took his hat off and ruffled his hair before putting his hat back on. Hopefully he wouldn't have to be around this girl much more often, she was already annoying him and he'd just met her.

81 posts until the end of the episode~
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Draven stood at the street corner seeming kinda dizzy and still. He was holding a case looking across the street swaying back and forth slowly. He thought 'why am I still standing here? I need to go back to Russia sushi.' He turned around and went back inside as he saw people starring at there phones replying to messages Draven wondered just who was in the dollars until he just relaxed and stood still. He smiled at everyone as he sat down and relaxed. His heart beat loud so loud he could hear it in his ears.

Draven grinned ear to ear and then ordered some chicken sushi. Draven looked at his phone and sent out a message. 'I'm here everyone.' He felt so excited yet so . . . Unknown. He didn't know what would happen and that thought aroused his curiosity.

80 posts until the end of the episode~
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How irritating. How obnoxiously dull. How dare these people even exist? Naoko Nakagawa swiped at her phone, and tapped on her emails. The content was the same. Spam, advertisements about an Indian cuisine curry house opening nearby, some from her project group, and some from ‘friends’ and ‘family’, as much as she loathed to call them that. It was the truth, however, that they were all related to her, and, even if her opinion of them was not mutual, she was their friend. Besides, she didn’t mind their insistence that they were. She could easily string them up on her puppet show much more easily that way. Her irritation, however, was not aimed towards this specific group of people. It was aimed towards the rabblerousers that were under Simon’s roof right now.

She did not like to admit that Simon Brezhnev received any respect from her, but he did. The fact that these noisy children that populated his little queer restaurant was making such a ruckus in his turf made her slightly ticked off. “I’m a Dollar.” one of them blatantly admitted in public. Were they serious? Were they really trying to get themselves hurled on the way to a charge of unlawful gathering? Naoko tapped on her phone more, opening up the chatroom. She scanned the messages, and looked up at the...colourful characters that populated the shop.



Queen of Hearts

“Mizu, mizu, kamidori, nani iro desuka?” she chanted under her breath. Those guys were Dollars, alright, and not a bunch of idiots trying to masquerade as them. She stood up, took in a deep breath, and shuffled shyly towards the group that had LONG revealed that they were one of the most dangerous gangs in Ikebukuro, courtesy of their loud voices and their complacency. She tapped the closest to her, the boy with the stupid cap that had cat ears. She clasped her hands tightly towards her face, playing the shy innocent. “Uh...uhm….s-sorry, but I couldn’t help but to hear...you people are part of...that gang?” She quickly turned red in embarassment, and backed away from them, waving her hands in a look of being flustered out of her wits. “A-ah, not that I have any problem with that. I...I’m not going to call the police or anything...I’m...eh, ah...Nano. The fujoshi.” She pressed her fingers together, looking down to the ground, casting a gaze away from them, as if she were afraid to meet their eyes. “I...uhm...just wanna say, we shouldn’t talk that loudly. Attention’s bad for us. It’s not only the police, it’s also the other gangs… Please? For our safety?”

79 posts until the end of the episode~
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QuirkyAngel said:
The phone rings once.
Then twice.

On the third ring it picks up.

The sound of shuffling and giggling could be heard on the other end. Aria could also hear quite a bit of chatter in the background, suggesting that wherever Erika was, she was in a populated place. The voice that answered the phone sounded impatient.
"Finally called Yuma-chi? Do you have any idea how long I've---,"
QuirkyAngel said:

There was a pause as the person on the other end checked the caller ID.
"Oh...sorry...you aren't Yuma-chi."

Another pause.


"Heyo Aria-chan! What's up?"


(CP: 7)

"Ah, Erika-san! Konnichiwa! How are you doing?" Aria said a bit happily when Erika picked up the phone. Aria has been friends with Erika for a while now, they met when the Erika and Walker when they passed by Aria's workplace. They talked for a while and became instant friends after that, she also met Kadota and Togusa a while later, so basically, she's friends with the Van Gang.

"You sound a bit impatient, what happened? Looking for Walker-san?" She asked, while looking at her surroundings and smiled a bit.

78 posts until the end of the episode~

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Reimi (CP-9)

''W-weird??!!'' she repeated after she had stated "YOU'RE WEIRD!" the insult did sink in to her brain and chest a little but she did try to think of something to say but... she was always bully because of her blue hair and yet she thought moving here might change the perspective and the people around her for instance, the dollars maybe... or anyone to be exact. ''I-Im weird?!'' she stuttered again with a little pink blush of embarrassment, getting all sensitive ''B-BUT....'' She was going to state the true fact that her hair was naturally blue but then she thought ''Uhh.. yeah what would that do?'' she blink and took a deep breath and stated.

''Then I guess you must be the mad hatter'' She chirp, now she was just trying to be a calm, friendly socializing.... citizen of Ikebukuro, but was she really digging herself a grave here? she shrug the thought off ''Nah! ridiculous'' well she hope anyway, everyone seem to not take it too literally.. well maybe Emile about being a midget as she just notice. Nah, she wouldn't say he was a midget to be exact, if anyone was the midget it would be her, she wasn't that tall, probably roughly 5''4 here or shorter.

But seeing the young lady arrive
“I...uhm...just wanna say, we shouldn't talk that loudly. Attention’s bad for us. It’s not only the police, it’s also the other gangs… Please? For our safety?” She blink.. just trying to grasp what she meant ''Ooh.. so? it is meant to be kept secret?'' As realization just hit her she gasp and immediately turn to the crowd ''You didn't hear anything!!'' the act was cause by pure nerves, thinking she was doing the right thing anyway. Afterwards she turn back to the little group and just started whistling like nothing actually happen.

@simj22 @Opal Gemstone

77 posts until the end of the episode~
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Iroha Oomine - Raira Academy

[CP - 5]


Seriously, whoever had gone and invented detention really should have gone a pulled the stick out of their ass and thought about it for a moment before they went and instated like they did. Like, did they even take a moment to consider just how insufferably BORING sitting in a classroom with NOTHING TO DO was? Tapping away at her desk, Iroha's mind wandered around, bouncing from the horrors of detention and wondering what exactly she was missing out on at the Dollar's Meet that she had been so cruelly pulled from.

After being caught by that blasted cop, Iroha had swiftly made her way to school, only to, surprise surprise, show up late.

And now she was stuck in detention.

To make matters even worse, she'd gone and gotten her phone confiscated from her during her first class when she tried to drain her laments upon the rest of the Dollars, so she couldn't even delve into the chatroom to pass the time. She was, truly, without anything to do. Sure, at a time like this one could study, but that activity was a bit of a moot point considering that the only reason that she was still in this school was her repeating the year. Like, why did they even make her attend classes, she'd ALREADY LEARNED, pretty much everything they had to say! The only purpose to her being here was to, like, satisfy the government or something! This was the issue with the education system today! Or at least, that's what Iroha thought in some effort to amuse herself until the end of her lunchtime detention.

There wasn't even anyone else in the room that she could chat with. Even the teacher had gone and run off for his lunch break, ensuring her stay with a tightly locked door, and a line of third floor windows. On the upside though, that meant she had free reign of the room. Hopping out of her chair for what had to be the fifth time now, she made her way over to the window, breathing in a long, deep breath of the sweet fresh air that filled the schoolyard.

Right before expelling it in one mighty yell.


76 posts until the end of the episode~
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Haru Moriyama


[ CP | 5 ]

Haru was determined to spend the day normally. She headed to school--her phone always in her hand; its screen always facing her; her eyes scrolling through the never ending messages that the Dollars chat had to offer--wordlessly. She passed by students like a ghost, leaving only a faint, solitary aura, at the places she once were. However, the presence of an unfamiliar well-endowed girl with long hair was difficult to miss. She noticed the looks of a lot of students who were to be her classmates for the rest of the school year. Haru realized that it wasn't just the anxiety she was feeling when she heard the whispers around her.

"Hey, she wasn't here before, right?"

"She's pretty cute!"

Haru immediately plugged her earphones in after that. She couldn't bear to have any more of that. A Vocaloid song blasted into her ears. She raised the volume to maximum. Good-bye, world, she thought, resting her chin on her palm. A seat at the very back beside the windows was the only one left, as she was the last of the class to arrive. It was a good thing that their homeroom teacher didn't come to the classroom until about approximately two minutes after Haru did. She had a good sense of time since she'd be able to read the time from her phone every time she used it, which was, all the time.

The bad thing was, she had to stop using her phone when the teacher arrived. Mr. Iwata was a very strict teacher. Haru didn't want to get noticed by him (nor anyone, for that matter). She spent the whole time staring outside--at the sky, by the gates, and everywhere else her sight could reach. Each place that Haru saw, she'd label.
Gate, exit, salvation. Bench hidden behind those cherry trees, isolation. Anywhere else, social conflict, danger!

Clearly, her plan of being invisible hasn't been very successful. Perhaps being in the district of Ikebukuro had that curse, among many others. Still, Haru followed her own plan. She introduced herself to the class--as per the instruction of Mr. Iwata, her class' homeroom teacher; whom she disliked as soon as he told her to stand and speak--straightforwardly.

Hello, world.

"Moriyama Haru. Pleased to meet you." She sat abruptly, but managed to make it somehow look like she was calm in doing so. The truth was, she was definitely not pleased to meet they, her classmates, whom watched her with a gaze that felt like drills in her body and soul.

She gave herself the time to be proud of being able to speak in front of class, although she wouldn't ever want to do so in a million years.

They can't read me, she thought to herself. Though, they are most likely observing me.

So, she decided to observe them back. By lunch time, she had ideas of how each of her classmates and teachers generally behaved. With the new information--which was critically essential if she wanted to survive in school--in mind, Haru headed to the highest floor. She didn't stop when she heard a declaration from

one of the supposedly-empty classrooms which she passed.

Probably for detention. The thought terrified Haru quite. She ran up the stairs nimbly.

Surely, there was a place at rooftop where she could label



75 posts until the end of the episode~

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[QUOTE="Opal Gemstone]
Trail (Jackie) + Opal Joyse (7 CP)

Opal took notice at the girl staring at her. SHE WAS GETTING ATTENTION! But before Opal could leap into the girl's arms and attract attention, The Voices reminded her that she needed to be 'undercover'. Undercover Opal, the detective person with her sidekick, The Voices! So, instead of embracing the girl in a bear-hug, she smiled and waved briskly before going back to being alone, secretly listening, and finishing the last bits of her hot dog-sushi.

The girl's name was Kyona. That guy with the funky hair's name was... Opal stared at Jack's strange hair. It was white. His skin was white. His eyes were nearly white. This could only mean one thing. THAT WAS SNOW WHITE FROM SLEEPING BEAUTY! Opal gasped loudly, nearly chocking on it before pointing at Jack and yelling, "IT'S SNOW WHITE FROM SLEEPING BEAUTY! AND THEN THE GIANT FROM JOHN AND THE STRAWBERRY-BUSH IS OUTSIDE! IS THIS DISNEY LAND?!" Opal's idiotic smile only grew. She pointed at the guy with the cat-hat, "YOU'RE THE CHESHIRE CAT FROM ALICE IN DISNEY LAND!" She pointed at Reimi, "YOU'RE WEIRD!" She was talking about her impossible blue hair, "AND YOU'RE ALSO WEIRD! BUT YOU MIGHT BE A PART OF THE SIXTY-NINE MIDGETS!" She pointed at Emile.

Opal's eyes teared up. She'd always wanted to go to Disney Land.

And back to cat Jack

Jack played with the bangs of his hair, secretly aggravated. He was not Snow White from the- what? Sleeping Beauty? Jack was simply confused now. Who was this girl?[/bg]

82 posts until the end of the episode~

Draven noticed the girl raving on about disney land and sighed as he lifted his plate and walked over to the girl amd the dollars group she was intruding on. Draven wasn't ecactly in a good mood but he needed to be nice and not cause a scene. He simply held his plate in one hand hand taped Trail on the shoulder though he didn't know her name. He wasn't trying to be aggressive but he passed a glance around the others before he spoke softly.

"Excuse me Ms. Could you take a seat and be silent. People are trying to have conversations that are better left private." Draven had to look down at her given he was tall and rather lean. He ate a few pieces of his sushi as he waited for things to transpire. This could go good or fo bad. But Draven felt optimistic and wanted to be polite to these people in the dollars.

74 posts until the end of the episode~
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Kyona Orichi

Cp: 6

The lady she was staring at before, acted as if she had lost her mind. Snow white from sleeping beauty? 69 midgets? Strawberry giant? Well, as long as she didn't express her craziness through her actions.... Words and sentences were already good enough. But the tongue can be evil, yes? Words could come out wrong and sentences can form venom.... Eh, the lady seemed okay, even though the guy next to cat hat, was beginning to get pissed off....

Kyona blinked into space and let her mind race with thoughts and other distractions that kept her from reality, when a pink haired woman entered the room. The pink hair appeared to be stuttering too, like Jackie. “I...uhm...just wanna say, we shouldn’t talk that loudly. Attention’s bad for us. It’s not only the police, it’s also the other gangs… Please? For our safety?” The teen understood. She did notice some customers looking at them, and a few had yellow bandannas around their necks, but she didn't really care. Well, she should care for bit, because there were some color gangs around here, like the lady said, so yes, they should keep it down for a moment, for safety. So a half and half opinion.

The teen nodded, "Thanks, Na~no..." She said, in her forever monotonous tone. "I think we should move to a more private place, but eh. It's all up to you guys...." Kyona looked down at her hands, they were now dried off. No more pruned fingers! She slumped herself over the counter and sighed. "...I'm tired."

@simj22 @xkeyxx @LucianGrey7971 @Opal Gemstone @Nico

73 posts till the end of this Episode!!!
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Riku (CP:3)

Eating that delicious Sushi, he felt like its going to be a productive evening that will promote his chances to catch "Celty" well... Boy was he wrong.

He was almost done with his food when the ruckus started.

some kid went in, all screaming about the Dollars, then a cop lady showed up... Riku Decided to lay low taking his hat off and continuing with his meal, with the bit of disappointment and the realization that nothing really is gonna happen tonight. again, Little did he know that the Dollars meeting was taking place a few tables away.

After the commotion had settled Riku ordered himself some Sake, and it all went down hill from there.

Of-course he knew what is going to happen next, so before taking the first sip he wrote a note and handed it to Simon. (the note had the following written: You probably don't know me, but whatever happens, please do throw me out with no hesitation - I leave my number for any damage that may be caused by me. 03-***-**** I apologize in advance.)

Disclaimer: please move any children away from the TV screen.

He drank it. the whole damn thing one sip one gulp...

it was like those drinking competitions. at first he was quiet, but then came the smile and the grin.

As every other drunk guy he got up and made some noise.

Well, not really, but, in his head (the drunk one) he felt like he was pretty loud, but it was more like a mime show.

but in the other head (the fun drunk land) he was flying on the wings of an ice coke float phoenix. at first he just got up (note: he was hatless) and started bothering some customers maybe even bumped into the Dollars meeting table. but then when the owner told him to calm down, he got rowdy. he broke a few plates before Simon threw him out, with no real effort... and thus started his wild... no, he's "Productive" evening out.

72 posts until the end of the episode~
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? ? ? MOTOKO TSUTSUGAMI ??? ? CP: 01 ??

Motoko entered Russia Sushi in a discreet fashion, clasping her shoulder bag firmly and a cautious look etched on her face. She gave the place a quick glance as she stood on the doorway before finally settling on a seat near enough to watch and hear the commotion the other customers are doing but far enough for her to be secluded from the supposed Dollars members?sitting specifically right next to yet another oddball, a silent man with bleached hair wearing a bonnet. She didn't want to be noticed by those imbeciles from Dollars so she preferred to stay away. Being seen and recognized
isn't part of the plan. But if she does get unwanted attention, well, there's always Plan B.

She gave the place yet another once-over though this time, she made sure to take notice of the customers' faces. Once her eyes were done scanning the area, she took note of some familiar faces here and there. Kyona is here and even that fake b*tch that is her tutor. There were also some other kids from school."Hmm..." Motoko thought. "It looks like this is quite an odd bunch. Maybe I should've called Rocchi and informed him about this meeting so he can show this chumps what's up." The girl grabbed the menu from the shopkeeper and pretended to read as her thoughts continued to ponder. "Ah but no, no. Nevermind. Not that I'm underestimating him but Rocchi might get injured badly again. I don't want to see him hurt again... even though I have to admit that he really is cute when he winces while I patch up his wounds. Oh Rocchi~" As her thoughts wandered, the expressions she wore had changed from blank to serious to an unexplainable glazy look followed by a random giggle.

Before her daydreams went further, Motoko hands the menu back to Dennis and hints that she'll order later. Abruptly, she turns to the man seated next to her and taps him on the shoulder after he handed a piece of paper to Simon. "Hmm, I don't think I've seen you around you he?"The girl clad in a frilly crimson-and-black dress stopped mid-sentence and then let out a girly squeal when the once calm young man started causing a ruckus at Russia Sushi. She honestly wasn't so surprised since she have seen the man chug down alcohol earlier but she had to act like a helpless schoolgirl. That's what she does best anyway?acting. Suddenly, Motoko looked flustered, her cheeks a faint shade of red and tears began to well up on her eyes. As a part of her act, she ran to the young Orichi a few tables across her.

"Oh Kyona-chan, are you okay? Who was that man? Are you injured? No wait, actually, I think we should go now. This place isn't safe for you."Motoko's voice was laced with so much worry, it was convincing. "Let's go home right now... or at least, eat somewhere else. Momo-nee knows the better places to hang out." She held the younger girl's hand and began to pull her away from the others. "C'mon let's go! Wait, your friends wouldn't mind me taking you out, right? Motoko stopped dead in her tracks and turned to the group Kyona was previously hanging out with. Again, she took note of their faces but paid no heed to the ones she knew already.


71 posts 'till the end of the episode

@yumiyukifan1 @Bob Brawler @xkeyxx @Nico @Opal Gemstone @LucianGrey7971 @simj22
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Opal Joyse (8 CP)

Opal held her breath and didn't move a muscle. She was being called out for being... Bad... Tears welled in her eyes. She didn't mean to do anything wrong! She was simply confused because everyone here looked like they were straight out of a fairy tail! Opal's face screwed up and she looked like she was a baby just about to cry, "I-I-I-I-I did-I-I-I-I-I didn't m-m-mean to-to do anything w-w-wrong! P-Please dun beh m-mad at me!" Being scolded was something Opal didn't take lightly at all. It was one of the worst things to be to her.

Opal cupped her face in her hands and started to sob uncontrollably, it was a very ugly sob. Why was she such a terrible person to get scolded by people who knew just as well as her!? She was a complete idiot for doing what she did, thinking what she was thinking, being what she was. She was just terrible. She didn't deserve to go to Disney Land! "I'M SORRY!" She finally yelled.

70 posts until the end of the episode~
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-- Akira Mashiro --

The Cat of Ikebukuro

[CP: 3]

Cheshire cat she says? Akira let out a chuckle, that was laughable. Just because he had a cat hat didn't mean he was a cat, despite the fact that he acted like one quite well. He turned when the man started to cause trouble for the patrons, maybe he should leave soon. He didn't think this was as fun as the thought it would be. Frowning he turned to Nao "Yeah this is the Dollars, don't worry though. So far I think we aren't taking the meet so seriously." he said with a frown. He saw a girl he knew walk in. They were in a club at Raira together "Hey Motoko-chan!" he smiled and greeted her with a friendly aurora.

He heard her say something about going to a different place then this. With a thoughtful look "Um, if I'm not being a bother you could come hang out at my shop. Less chaos, crazy people and noise." he shrugged and put his hands in his pockets. It was up to them though, he was going anyways. This place was starting to get really boring.

69 posts until the end of the episode~

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(Reimi CP-10)

Reimi blink, with the same panicking expression until Opal finish her speech of apology ''E-ehh?? U-uh..... wait, please! d-don't cry Opal, It no sweat, I admit I can be weird!'' She hated seeing people cry the most ''It is true. they all look like Disney characters, hey! did you know my hair was naturally blue? So it okay I'm wierd'' she stated, maybe that would of cheer her up, afterwards she force a smile until she jolted at the sound of a man smashing some plates ''Are they expensive?'' she glance over watching the scenario ''Is he related to that..... Shizuo guy?''

Then once the girl mention they should leave somewhere more quiet she tilted her head and crease her brows ''Uh? where would we be going exactly? heh... I'm still new here.. I have no sense of direction'' she chuckle nervously, kind of embarrasses for the lack of knowledge. ''And ummm excuse me! mr?'' she call out to the man in the hat that was laughing, she was excited just to know ''Where did you get the cat like hat from?! it look really cool! I want one!''

@Opal Gemstone @Nico @Chennn

68 posts until the end of the episode~
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