Durarara RP Info // !!SPOILER ALERT!!


Senior Member

The following information is based on what is given in the Anime (I won't be using the Manga)

All the following information is based on what is talked about, or what happened and would have been broadcast on TV, or written about online.

(Speaking in a first person manner as well as I'll be adding information not in the Anime for the sake of the RP)

(I'll colour any that spoil the Anime)

Colour Gangs

Colour Gangs have been around in Ikebukuro for awhile now. After a few public conflict though they began disappearing. What is a Colour Gang?? It's a gang of people who wear the same colour. No real difference from other gangs other than showing off their colour. Could be their clothes, a trinket, their hair. Anything really. Recently The Yellow Scarves had resurfaced, but they suddenly disappeared again. That's all I've heard at least.

There are a few Colour Gangs - Yellow Scarves, Blue Squares, Red Lives, Green Signs... Some even say the Dollars are a Colour Gang.

Each with their own rules.

Colour Wars

It goes without saying that the Colour Gangs aren't on good terms with each other. People thought it was all over for the Colour Gangs a couple years back when things really got out of control. The cops stepped in and supposedly busted the leaders and stuff. But as I said, the Yellow Scarves came back. It was clear they were targeting the Dollars, but something happened before a full blown war happened. Most of this information can be found online if you wanna find out more about the Colour Gangs. You hear more about it online than in person after all.

The Dollars

Well first off, no one really knows anything about this Gang. The Dollars have nothing but rumors floating around about them, more so since the big public Dollars Meeting in Ikebukuro. One thing is definitely widely known. Avoid the Dollars at all costs. They are thought of as a Colour Gang... But it's colour being invisible. You never know who's actually in the Gang or not. Do not get involved with them.

The Dollars Meeting

Only about half a year back did the Dollars make their first public appearance. No one has any idea what was happening, but everyone knows it was a meeting of some sort. At downtown Ikebukuro there was a gathering of a countless number of people. Pretty normal sounding right?? Yeah, not when a text message is sent out to everyone there. According to some members that openly talked there. It said "Anyone not looking at their cell phone is an enemy." Later the Headless Rider showed up and scared everyone off when it's helmet came off... no head. Check online, you'll even get the videos and pictures of the night.

The Headless Rider

The Headless Rider has been a bit too active lately to really scare anyone, especially the cops. After the Dollars meeting, you could find it almost anywhere. Not just at night either. One thing is for sure though, it really doesn't have a head. If you hear a horse, you know the Headless Riders Motorcycle is nearby too. Just check online, you'll get lots of information on it. There's even a video of a doctor saying he lives with "her" and that they work together or something like that.

Izaya Orihara

The man is a genius, he knows things about everyone. Stay away from him if you wanna be safe. He and Shizuo aren't on friendly terms. With Izaya disappearing though, people think Shizuo may have finally gotten him.

Shizuo Heiwajima

The man is strong and indestructible. It's been said he was shot and lived. Everyone knows one thing about him though, and no one exaggerates when they say it either. He can lift a frikken truck!! Don't get him angry, even if you wanna be hospitalized. Another thing... don't EVER talk about his brother Kasuka Heiwajima, or Yuuhei Hanejima. There was an article on who was the most dangerous fighter of Ikebukuro... I don't think it was ever completed because he was hospitalized. Can't say for sure though.

Simon Brezhnev

Simon is a strong man as well, but no one has really ever seen him fight. He's one of the owners of Russia Sushi, and as you guessed it... He's from Russia. There was an article a little while back about who was the most dangerous of Ikebukuro. Simon was on the list, but he himself said it would be Shizuo if a fight were "Anything goes".

The Disapearances

The disappearances have been happening for a long time now. No one really knows much about it, but everyone knows the targeted people are those who have no real public background or shouldn't be here. Illegal aliens are the most common to disappear because there's no real way of tracking them down. Other people however, they seem to disappear when something bad happened. Fighting families, witnessed murder. Pretty standard stuff. The only reason why this is such a big topic is because people think it has something to do with Yagiri Pharmaceuticals. Yagiri Pharmaceuticals is now owned by a completely different company since about a year back, so unless both owners had the same goal I doubt it.

Yuuhei Hanejima's Couple Search

A short while back Yuuhei came back to Ikebukuro. He was broadcasting a show live about finding couples in the "true-est" of love. Someone actually showed up trying to kill him on camera, apperently pissed about his girlfriend being stolen or something. Suddenly a vending machine flew into the attacker, sending him flying. Moment later Yuuhei and the Camera crew start following a fight that broke out between Izaya and Shizuo. Most of the city that wanted revenge on Shizuo tried to use this as their chance to kill him, they failed. Even more so, a brawl started out with pretty much everyone in the city. It was suddenly stopped by people slowly being swallowed by the roads. Everyone got out alive, just scared and somewhat injured. Crazy day, I gotta say.
I didn't know there was a manga...but durara hasn't been on for long, I've seen all three of the episode so far and I don't really undersand much or else I would join--i do like the show because of it's mysteriousness...
The anime starts off with a heavy veil of mystery... But it break out of that with fire and explosions. By that I mean it gets very exciting very quick and explains many things. It's what I enjoy, or at least part of what I enjoy~

All 3Episodes?? I'm sorry Magic, but where ever/When ever you watched this is WAY out dated. The Anime has 25 Episodes... all of which have even already all been dubbed.

Durarara!! started as a Light Novel, it was later adapted to a Manga. The Manga then made it to Anime level. The Subs came before the Manga Translation, and the Dubs are finished while the Manga is still under translation attempts.
Hey, are you still going on with this rp because I love durarara and am still watching the last 6 episodes. Whats going on with the whole thing? Could I join?

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