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Fantasy Dungeon Of The Lost :Index:



Axolotl be back
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The place with all the important information for the RP: Dungeon Of The Lost


main skill trees:
Fighting (long range and short range)
Magic (witch/wizards)

Other skill trees

Hunting (small monsters/animals/fish)
Potion making
Social interactions
Auditory Reception
Mana Mastery
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Mimic: ( Level 20-60 ) A monster that resembles an item or piece of furniture (most common are chests), they will swollow players and take their gold. They may also take a few items that can be taken back if another player has not yet been defeated. They can appear in any dungeon that is level 15 or above.

Slime: (Level 50-70) A monster with an abstract physical form. Unlike it’s portrayal in most games, It is a very strong monster. It Is resistant to temperature it takes a high level Mana attack to damage it, and it attacks using the acidic levels of its body.

Maggellok: ( Level 5-20 ) A red creature around the side of a medium size dog, it looks almost like a round octopus with 12 short tentacles. It spews venom out when it feels threatened, but its poison sac is very small and easy to remove when using it for culinary abilities. It resides on land. Can be found in woodland/forest dungeons, plains dungeons, and swamp dungeons.


Treluff: (Level 1-7 ) A small, Greenish-brown, creature that hangs out in trees. It looks like a fluff ball with a glowering face and a sprout coming out of its head. It’s legs almost look like large vines with a smooth edge. They have low Attack and Defence, so they tend to travel in groups. It makes a high pitched nose in order to attract the rest of its group. Can be found in woodland/forest dungeons and swamp dungeons.


Happijell: (everywhere) A rounded square shaped monster that is passive in nature and easily tame-able. It has a gelatinous structure and bounces along without worry. It survives off of moisture in the air or nearby liquids. They are usually kept as pets, but are also made into multiple kinds of deserts and can be used for other kinds of foods due to their texture. Players can’t seem to eat the ones that they have tamed due to an emotional attachment that is likely cast on them as a defensive maneuver. There are multiple colored variants and some that are so different that they aren’t even classified as the same creature. They can normally be spotted bouncing around happily almost anywhere.


Tremburn: (Level 25-30) A variant of the Happijell with a sad expression. It appears to be an oversized Ice cube that is constantly on fire. It drips and cries almost constantly. It can be tamed easily. It’s drippings are very slush like, and can be made into something resembling ice cream. When touched, the flames are warm, but not enough to burn a human. The body feels almost gelatinous and is very cold and moist. This creature survives off of water/steam and fire/sunlight. It can be found in Ice Cap, Tundra, Snowy Forest, Ice Cave, and Volcanic Dungeons.


Hekkrab: (Level 40-90) A large black beast with dark orange color splotches that mark its skin. with a body shape that looks similar to a lion, a face shaped similar to a lizard, large curled horns, hooves, spikes along its back

Gorgendrell: (rare spawn in any dungeon). A very small creature that is made of a singular eye surrounded by a translucent Goop that it can control. The goop is secreted from the eye and it attempts to shed it by rubbing it off on various objects. It is a passive creature, but when it gets too much goop built up, it will start to get irritated and will make a loud, high pitched, noise in order to draw out preadators that will clean it. The goo has a delightful sweet and tangy flavor, but the eye is very bitter and hard. When it is eaten, it normally passes through the digestive system unharmed.


Noodlelark: (any level sky and plains) a flying noodle with a humanist face and angelic wings. It flies about singing operatic music to find a mate.

Phantom: Usually spawns in level 50+ Dungeons, but can spawn anywhere that has darkness. Has spawned in safe zones before, but does not spawn indoors. These creatures roam around dark in the dark. They usually appear at night, but will spawn in caves at any time of day. These creatures have a special ability called corruption where they can transfer their power to and absorb power from any other creature including NPCs and humans. When they give power or get power absorbed from them, they turn into a husk of their former self called a shadow. Shadows are virtually powerless, but can still absorb power if anyone gets close enough to them. When phantoms absorb power from another creature, they turn into a corrupted form. The Corrupted forms of phantoms gave give power to 2 monsters or one boss monster before turning back to normal.

Normal. Shadow. Corrupted.






Gringlegnat berries

Gripweed: a pland that grows upside down with its long rope-like roots above ground and piled like tendrils. When cut, they tend to grow back within a week.

Bloodsuckle: a red flower with thorns and heart shaped petals. If it is bloomed, it grants healing and can be made into Healing powder. However, if it is a bud and is not absorbing sunlight when picked, it can be deadly.
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Lore, mechanics and important information:

The Lost Dungeons is a place that is very similar to RPG games. People started appearing here roughly 30-40 years ago. It seems to have evolved since then. The battle systems can be exceedingly different, taking from almost any genre.

before introduce yourself, think about if you wanna be called something other than your name, If someone asks you your name, or you say that you are something, it will show up above your head for the rest of your life... We’ve only found one way to change it and it’s really tedious.
if you introduced yourself inside the crate, the game doesn’t count that for some reason.

Leoden, The name of one of the Hub cities. It’s a safe zone where players can’t lose HP
It’s a town that was here when people showed up. There are stores, inns, restaurants, and altered versions of pretty much anything you could find in the ‘real world’. There used to be a lot of NPCs, but as more players arrived, they just became less frequent. We consider almost everything to be real because we can eat the monsters, and we can sense everything like we could before.

The only way we really have to measure skill is when you level up, and there doesn’t even seem to be set requirements for that.
We just know that the minimum level seems to be 1, and the highest level reached so far is 120, but after level 10 it seems to take a little longer to level up. Well, for most people at least. Some spend most of their time grinding in order to get stronger

Until you level up a few times, pain will be a bit of a problem.

All things in this world can be placed in the menu as an item if put in using the correct angle, but it requires an adequate amount of space to take an item out.

Example: you can not take a giant corpse out of your inventory while in a crawlspace because it would not fit in the room without breaking the walls.

Current game usable items that have been mentioned or thought of:

Elixir of Experience; Gives the user enough exp to gain a level in an instant. (incredibly difficult to make due to the skill level required and the ingredient needed.)

Potion of Endurance; Allows the user to keep 1HP for a limited amount of time no matter what attacks are thrown at them. Depending on who is crafting them, they could last between 30 seconds and 3 hours of in game time. (Can only be used once per day)

Revival Tablet; It is said that they are made from the feathers of a Phoenix, but nobody has figured out how. For use, it is placed in the mouth like a pill or via the menu (if they no longer have a mouth to place it into), revives a player/NPC that has died within 5 minutes of in game time to full health. If a player/NPC dies with one in their inventory, it will automatically be used in order to prevent their death unless they have run out of chances.(One player can only have one used on them three times. If it is attempted afterwards, it will only waste the item.) (it is only found in dungeons and is extremely difficult to get ahold of. They can be found in chests, dropped by a field Boss monster as a rare drop, or in rare occasions, sold by an NPC at an EXTREMELY HIGH price of 999,999,800G, (the maximum gold is 999,999,999) but they will only have one to sell. They will have it available until it is bought unless they are killed, in which case the item will be used.)

Taming Treat; Used to tame monsters in order to turn them into a familiar. This can work on any monster, but the success rates of many are very low (boss monsters are near impossible). The tamed monsters will revert to childlike state and will have the capability to level up like a player, as they level, they grow older. Their strongest level is 50. One can advance their social interaction with creatures skill tree in order to increase their chances. If they study the behavioral patterns of a specific monster a lot, they will also increase the chances of taming said monster.

Pseudonym Stylus; an item used to change a players username. It is very difficult to craft due to ingredients required, but anyone can do it if they have the materials.

Bag of space and time: when a character doesn’t have an inventory to place items in, it gives them one. If they have a limited inventory, it makes it unlimited. If they have an unlimited inventory, it gives them a separate place to put things.

Mana Orb: a ball of Mana created from a spellcasting alchemist using their own mana points. It is a sought after material that not everyone can make. They can be absorbed for multiple purposes. It can be bent into multiple shapes by its creator.

Mana Ball: a larger form of a Mana orb it has 3X as much mana in it and is 4X the size. It can be condensed to make a purified mana orb. It can be added on to make a mana ball. It can be compressed into a mana shot. It can be crushed into a tiny amount of mana powder.

Mana Shot: a mana orb that has been shrunk down to size and condensed to a tiny orb with 2 hands. It can be crushed into the same amount of mana powder as a mana orb.

Purified Mana Shot: a bullet made from purified mana orbs. They can be made from 3 levels of orbs. They can not be crushed into mana powder because they are too small and hard. If you attempt to crush them, you will create a single Gil storage disk.

Single Gil storage disk: an item make from a purified mana shot. You can choose to sacrifice Gil from your UI to turn it into a physical Gil Coin. The amount of Gil you put into it will change its appearance.

Mana Powder: a substance used to create potions and enchant weapons, items, and armor. It can be absorbed for mana points. It can be used as a seasoning in cooking in order to bring an enchanting flavor.

Purified Mana Orb: a expanded and condensed mana orb that has been given greater power and has been purified. There are 5 stages of purification that can affect the attack names that go with it: super, mega, ultra, hyper, and extreme. They can be crafted at any level so long as you have enough mana points, but each level of purification costs more mp to purify and a longer time as well. You can absorb them for many purposes, but it may take away HP and cause status effects depending on the persons level. It can be crushed into mana powder. The more times it has been condensed, the larger amount mana powder that will be obtained .

Purified Mana Ball: a mana ball that has been condensed and stretched to become a pure object. It has 5 stages of power. It can not be absorbed, but it can be made into items and a large amount of mana powder.

Gil Coin: Gil turned into a physical form. There are multiple forms of coins each with different colors. 1 Gil (yellow), 10 Gil (Brown), 100 Gil (green), 1,000 Gil (blue), 10,000 Gil (red), 100,000 Gil (gray), 1,000,000 Gil (white), 10,000,000 gil (metallic platinum), and 100,000,000 gil (prism). They can be used to bypass the games Gil system and make unofficial trades. They can also be made for the purpose of storage when your wallet becomes full. They do not count towards the number of Gil in your wallet.

Most of the monsters are unique, but when players talk about a specific monster from a game too much, they suddenly appear

The game doesn’t seem to know what is strong and weak when talked about, so a monster could be much stronger than anticipated. Like in the case of the slimes... in most games, they are the weakest monster, but here, they are one of the strongest due to a lack of constant physical structure and being made of a living material that is resistant to temperature...

There are some kids hanging around that came from player characters that have never seen the ‘real’ world, but we don’t know wether or not they can be classified as NPCs

We think they are human and act like they are human, but because the NPCs were so advanced, we honestly don’t know. The only way to be certain is if we find a way back and can take them there. But a lot of us don’t even care if we find a way back at this point.

When you put a wet or dirty item in your inventory, it will be back to it’s clean state unless it is supposed to be that way. It won’t repair any damage though, so if there are any rips, don’t expect them to be patched. Also, if you lend someone an outfit, it doesn’t matter what size it is, the world will automatically change it to whatever is best suited to your comfort
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