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DulcetFlux & creativemind [WWII]

He let her play along. He knew the story she told wasn't the exact truth. He could just sense it, however, what he did not understand is why the holy woman was being untruthful. It unnerved him and in the era where spies could be anywhere his senses went into alarm. He moved another piece, a larger one but he forgot what it was called.
After winning a game, Anna got up and fixed the pieces back into the compartment in the board. "I'll be heading back to my duties now, James. Perhaps we can do another round tonight?" She smiles at him before heading out. She hated being dishonest but she was fearful about confiding about her past to anyone but the mother superior
"Sure.", he would speak and looked up at her as she quickly folded her things to retreat. He wasn't entirely sure he could challenge her just yet but after another game of chess. He felt he could gather enough information to make that decision later.
Anna keeps heraelf busy all day whilst pondering on whether or not the friendship she had forged with James was enough for her to consider him as a trusted confidant. She was kept away from the ward by her errands and only came back later in the evening after collecting dinner trays to play chess with James again. She went to his bedside, smiling as she set the board down. "One game before you go to bed, James?"
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"Sure.", James sat up slowly looking over toward the woman. He knew there was some sort of secret hiding behind her piousness but hadn't quite placed his finger on the secret. He swung his legs around taking a slow stand and shifting his body into the wheelchair. "How was the rest of your day. You must have been busy...", he mentioned noticing she had not been around until dinner.
"Some of the nurses came down with some kind of fever. I'm thinking it's rather because they're overworked. No one has been listening to the appeal for a bigger workforce so the doctors needed some extra hands in the south wing," she says as she set the board up. Her expression remained friendly although she was busy weighing the possibility of telling him the secret she had.
He nodded looking toward her. "Hope you're not ill. It's good to have some time off.", he watched her carefully wondering what he could ask her to try to unravel the secret she held. "Tell me something...You're not from this area originally are you?", he asked directly and studied her eyes for a reaction.
She looked at him oddly after he asked his question but she didn't want to give him reason to doubt what her answer would be. She shook her head. "I told you, I'm from London. It's a few hours travel from here."
"Oh I know where it's at. I've been there. Just don't sound too much like what they sound like..", he nodded looking down at the chess board then up at her. "I spent some time over in France too...", he raised his eyebrows.
She dropped an ivory piece when he mentioned France. She knew that he was getting something here but she wondered what his motive was to get her to spit it out. She fixed the piece back onto the board and cleared her throat. "The south of France is lovely in the summer. My family holidays there."
"Yeah?", he looked across at her as the nerves seemed to be getting to her. He reached across covering her hand and the chess piece once she replaced it back on the the board. He made direct eye contact with her in silence as she finished the remainder of her sentence. "Tell me sister...there's something ...some sort of feeling I get from you that's not quite right..Do you know why I feel that?", he asked her keeping his eyes connected to her.
She looks deep into his eyes for a moment, finding the answer that she needed. She was shaken by his questiom. Yet she felt the immense need to confide in him. She breathed heavily. She nodded. "I--I suppose I know, Sergeant..." She says in a low tone. "I have not been truthful with you but now I choose to be if you promise to keep my secret."
"It depends on the secret. I've sworn an oath...", he eyed her carefully unsure of what secret she would reveal. He let go of her hand to not be overwhelming as she did appear a little rattled. He looked down moving a pawn and looked back across at her silently.
She looked up at him and moved a piece. "You were right to suspect that I am not from this place. I am not from London nor am I from England..." She fiddled with her fingers for a while, thinking of how she would say it. "I came from France..."
He watched her carefully as she admitted she was not from France. "Yes..", he would speak much to try to elicit more information from her. It was obvious to him that her accent did not match up to the local accent but he didn't understand why she would lie about that fact. It seemed so insignificant.
"And I was sent here to the convent partially not by my own choice..." She explained. "Part of my decision came from the yearning of my parents to keep me safe. Whereas I simply wanted to be of help to the men. That is why am I a nun instead of a full-fledged nurse... It is to compromise for both concerned parties."
He looked at her blinking silently. He glanced down at the game board picking up one of the pieces dangling it in his hand. He sat it back down in the same spot as he looked across at her again. "None of this makes any sense. So you are or are not a true nun?", he asked her softly.
"Yes, I am a nun, although it wasn't necessarily my choice," she sighs. "It is quite complicated as I'm not sure if I can disclose every single detail to you... It's not because I do not trust you but I don't trust other people. It concerns my safety..." she says. Her eyes were locked on the chess pieces, never meeting his.
He looked at her a little confused. He had very little information on details of what it took to become a nun but he didn't feel it was a choice made lightly. His mind spun through thoughts of how she could possibly need to be placed as a nun. "So what about the rest of your life when we kick these nazis butts and life goes back to normal?", he looked up at her.
"It will be one of two things. It's either I continue here or I send in my letter to the mother superior, stating that I can no longer continue my learnings and will have to go back home to continue my life..." She shrugs. "It will depend on what post-war France will be, I suppose."
He looked at her completely confused with her statement. There was nothing he could possibly think of that would make choosing the life of the nun for safety. He remained silent as he picked up a chess piece and moved it.
"It's completely mindbendig for you, I know," she sighed as she made her move on the board. "But it'll be much simpler to understand if I were able to tell you everything."
"The fact you're not is what's unsettling to me.", he spoke as he lifted another piece and moved it on the board. "Plenty to worry about these days with those who hold secrets."
"Oh," she said as she picked up a pawn and fiddled it in her hand. "You're susppecting I'm a spy?" She chuckles a bit and places the piece back on the board in its place and chose a new one. "Well, I'm from France... We're allies and no matter what you believe, I love my country," she paused and thought of her family and the responsibility they had. "More than anyone can imagine."
He eyed her carefully. "I don't know what to think of you actually. Someone who should be this honest person who is hiding a secret. Yeah it is strange.", he spoke firmly.

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