Dreams becoming Reality(Wirik and The Lady Kitsunerisu)


Hero in the Making
Detective Sean Parker had joined the police force to catch bad guys. T.V shows in his youth had always had the dashing police officer catch the bad guy, sometimes at the last second, but they always were brought to justice. To bad reality had to ruin that little fantasy of his. Some cases went unsolved, no evidence, or so little that even attempting to bring it to court would get everyone laughed out of the building before they could even attempt to prove guilt. Or the children that were abducted and never found, except for the occasional body that would show up in a secluded wooden area. It didn't help that the last case he dealt with had been a murder/suicide. Open and shut case. No bad guy to catch, no damsel to rescue, just the grim harsh truth, and blood, lots of blood. It's one thing the shows never really prepared him for, and something he still had a hard time dealing with. At least he had come a long way from puking at the sight of a body.

Yes for Detective Parker, reality was just to awful of a place. He had one way to cope with that, and without it he probably would have gone insane. The drive home from work that night was taking forever. Traffic seemed backed up for miles and his car had only moved a few feet in the last ten minutes. Out of frustration he stared at himself in the mirror and studied his looks. His dirty blond hair was a mess from when he had run his hand through it multiple times during the open and shut homicide/suicide case. He swore he saw a grey hair poking out but when he checked again it was gone. Surely he wasn't going grey already, but the stress was definitely getting to him, and on some days he rarely felt like a twenty six year old man. His brown eyes traced the rest of his face, noticing how he seemed to have aged in the last two years since making detective. Maybe he should grow a beard, cover some of those lines that were starting to form instead of running around clean shaven all the time. It was a shame, that Detective Parker no longer fit the dashing police officer niche that he had always wanted to fill. Certainly people would find him good looking, but to himself, he was nothing like the heroes he grew up worshiping.

Traffic finally began to move and Sean shouted in triumph. Perhaps a little to loudly, and he unconsciously glance around to see if any of the other cars heard his sudden outburst. Satisfied that he hadn't just made a fool of himself, the man drove the rest of the way home in relative silence. His left leg tapped almost non stop, the anxiousness of his escape from reality tempting him to break the law and speed the rest of the way home. But then he would just be one of the bad guys, and even now he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing. His house was a quaint one bedroom affair that he had bought rather cheep as a fixer upper. The list of problems he had inherited was a mile long, but sometimes doing work on the house meant not thinking about his job. The neighborhood was nice at least, and the neighbors would always greet him and wish him a good day. Various Casseroles and baked goods had a way of finding their way to his front door, with a thank you for his work as a police officer. Overall he had at least something to be thankful for.

The house was in all respects as he left it, a mess. Various tools cluttered the living room, things he needed for this job or that around the house and either never finished or never bothered to put away. The hole in the wall connecting the living room and his bedroom was also still there, something Sean loved to use to get in and out of the bedroom instead of the actual door. It had always mystified him that the previous owner had somehow managed to get a rather large hole in such a place. Large enough for him to squeeze through without even a hint of discomfort. The bedroom's actual door was in a hall in the back of the house. Perhaps the only room free of clutter, although you could hardly call a hall a room, the hall connected the living room with his bedroom, a bathroom, a decent sized closet, and a weird open space that might of been another room if not for the entire missing wall. The last room of the house was his small kitchen, with the sink full of dirty dishes he still needed to clean. But there would be time for that later, for now his backyard was calling him.

IF a person viewed the back yard and the inside of his house separately they could hardly tell it was owned by the same person. The lawn was always kept mowed, and he even had a small garden that he tended, not a particularly large or grand thing, but it had a nice arrangement of flowers and provided some joy. But the one thing he cared about the most was his little wooden shack. Built by hand, and he had done it all by himself. There wasn't really much to say about it, it was a shack. Not very large, perhaps big enough for two people to sit comfortably in and drink a beer or two. Inside he had a table and a set of chairs, also made by his own hand. They were comfortable and occasionally he would switch which side of the table he sat at, no real reason, just a whim. Sean sat down and looked at the drink he had grabbed while walking through his kitchen. Coke Zero? He grimaced a little as he took in the can he held. When did he stock his fridge with Coke Zero? Then he remembered one of his neighbors giving him a case, and he couldn't just say no. He shrugged, he was here now, might as well drink the damn thing.

As he popped the tab and heard the familiar hiss of a canned drink he closed his eyes. The Detective allowed himself to drift, a process he really enjoyed. As he sat there the shack melted away and was replaced by a familiar common room. The sights and sounds of a tavern at full capacity drifted to him. Something good was being cooked, it was almost mouth watering, to bad he would never be able to taste what the cook was preparing. But it didn't matter, here he was, his favorite place in the world. There was no name for the place, just a tavern in a make believe world where people gathered and told stories, and Sean was perfectly fine just sitting there and listening to them all.

@The Lady Kitsunerisu
The room was bustling with laughter, groans, and many another noise that was lost amongst all of the clatter. A young woman, looking about twenty three, sat at a corner of the tavern, her mind blanking out. She had a tendency to blank out, to lose herself in the white noise of the Tavern. It often calmed her when nothing else was. She was nursing a dark beverage, obviously something alcoholic. Her long, brunette hair hung loose around her feline-like face. Her cheekbones were set high, and her eyes shone like dull emeralds. She was pretty, but she had no makeup, nor did she style her hair. She put no effort into her appearance, and why would she? It was renaissance England. The best makeup you could find was the disgustingly caked on stuff that the men and women of the royal court wore.

She was not of a mind set to quite like those hideous makeups, and preferred the natural look. She let out a sigh as she allowed her gaze to travel around the room, taking in the wild motions of the crowd, but there was one that caught her eye. He was in an attire that she had not gazed upon before, his face haggard, but also handsome. He was dressed in some fabric that she was not familiar with. He seemed like he was hardly dressed, but his form was dressed fully. He interested her quite a bit, making her a bit lively. She took up her drink, downing it in three large gulps, and slammed the glass down on the table, making a noise that was loud, but most certainly not loud enough to hear over the roar of the room. She got up, her dressed falling around her legs, she walked over to him, her intention on getting to know him, wondering if his attire was a new style that she was not aware of. She had to be aware of every single change in popular style, for she was a seamstress, and she often lost money when she wasn't kept informed, he could have been quite the helpful person.

She shifted and swerved through the crowd, making her way to him. She smoothly sat down across from his, staring into his eyes, a friendly smile that showed yellow teeth on her face, "Hello, my name is Sylvain, what is your name, and where did you buy your clothing?" She asked, her voice soft, but clearly heard in the bustle of the room. Her hands were folded in her lap, and her posture was nearly perfect, wanting to seem as proper as possible to the strangely dressed man. Perhaps he was a loon that would try to kill her, or perhaps he was a nobleman. Either way, she wasn't going to take the chance of being rude to him.

Sean felt his worries slip away. As they always did when he escaped to his dream world. Oh, they were still there, he knew there was no way to actually escape reality. But, if only for a little bit, he loved to pretend he could. It seemed that on this particular day that the Tavern was rather lively. A small smile crept to his lips as he nodded his head to a tune of music that burst from a corner of the room, only for it to be drowned out by shouts of anger not a moment later. What would it of been like to live in such a world as this? To not worry about the evil's of mankind and just drink beer with a bunch of strangers. Sean had tried that once, and it didn't end well. Naturally he went without his badge, or any thing that could link him to his job. He had hoped that he would be able to sit next to a complete stranger and drink a beer while talking about the finer points in life. Instead all he got were people who refused to even give him the time of day. One man even spilled a beer on Sean's head! That day was a dark day in his attempt to get some sort of glimmer out of humanity. Now he no longer tried, content to just escape to this world of fantasy and enjoy other peoples fun.

As time moved on, he noticed a peculiar thing. A woman seemed to be approaching his table. Not that it was something completely out of the realm of possibility. There had been plenty of time in the past when someone would sit at his table and drink. Heck, one time a couple approached the table and spent over an hour arguing about one subject or another before finally storming off in different directions. But they never saw him, never looked right at him, or even hinted at knowing he existed. And they shouldn't, for it was his dream world after all, and he was perfectly fine being the observer. So imagine his surprise when the woman not only seemed to look right at him, but made eye contact as well. His surprise turned to alarm as she launched a barrage of questions in his direction. Quickly he looked behind him, making sure there was no one else at the table that the woman might be talking to. No such luck, somehow this woman saw him, and spoke directly to him.

Sean was spooked, and didn't feel like answering the woman right away. He needed a moment to think, so he lifted his can of coke zero and chugged the remainder of its contents. The drink had been sitting in his hand for some time, and had long lost its chill. After swallowing the warm beverage, he turned his attention to the woman in front of him. Calmly he studied her facial features, taking mental notes of anything that might point out just how exactly she saw him. Her face, hair, eyes, even the way she was dressed was all taken in one at a time. He used his skills as a detective to try and separate the normal from the unusual. Unfortunately there was nothing to be gleamed from his appraisal of the mystery woman. With his quickly investigation failed, Sean decided to take another approach. This was his dream right? So he should definitely be able to control it. He closed his eyes and urged her to go away. That to, was also a failure. He tried again, scrunching his face in concentration, but nothing came of it. To late now, might as well just deal with the woman and make her go away.

He looked her in the eye and flashed a smile of his own, no reason to just yell at the woman, she didn't know what she had done wrong. "Sylvain," He started, "My name is Detective Parker, and I would very much appreciate it if you were to leave me alone." Sometimes word weren't enough. He knew that full well from his time on the police force. So it was only a matter of making himself look intimidating. A lowering of the brows, a slight raise of the shoulders, and to top it all off he leaned forward slightly as he talked. "The sooner the better." He added, wanting to make sure his response was understood.
Sylvain was taken aback by his sudden surprise at her speaking to him, and then he was silent for a full minute, looking very confused. She had suddenly began thinking that she had done something wrong when he finally spoke again, his deep voice carrying across the table to her. His words were like a bit of a slap to the face, and his demeanor suddenly turned threatening, making her think that if she didn't leave she was going to get smacked. Her temper flared, her eyes narrowing at him. His upper lip curled in a sort of sneer and she leaned forward even more, her eyes making contact with his, allowing him to see that he had upset her.

"Now you listen here, I will not be spoken to in that way. All I asked you was a few, simple questions that you could have easily answered instead of turning hostile and trying to make me go away. Ye be walking down a dangerous road as well. It is dangerous to disrespect a lady in this town," she leaned back again, crossing her arms over her chest, "Now you will be remember your manners and answer my questions." She knew that she was talking big, she knew it, but she had been pushed around enough that day, and all she wanted was a nice conversation with someone, and if she had to, she would kick one out of him. It would be rather un-lady like, but sometimes a lady had to get a little dirty before her stress was abated. She smiled at the bartender who dropped another drink in front of her, giving her a wink before moving off. She took a swig of the fiery drink and stared at the man across from her, waiting for his answer.
He had to admit, this girl had balls. But the fact that she was arguing with him, standing her ground, was a cause for concern. Not only was this figment of his dream going completely against his will but actually outright spitting in his face. Well not literally, but he felt it wouldn't be that much of a stretch for this spitfire of a woman. Begrudgingly he accepted that a battle of wits might not be the wisest thing to start. Not with the seeming willingness of Sylvain to go on the counter offensive. He needed another tactic, one to slam her onto the defensive, and force her away from his table. There was always the option of just ending the dream, leaving the figment to stew at the table without him. For what would a figment of his imagination be without him there to give it life.

Perhaps she could provide a different kind of outlet. One he didn't get from real life either. Rarely would a chance provide itself where he could argue freely with another person. His job meant that he was right 90% of the time, and the other 10% were cases where he wouldn't of gotten a chance to even add in a word. This situation just tickled the right spot. He wanted to poke and prod this woman, figure out what made her tick. How did she cross a boundary within his dream, seemingly becoming real enough to fully interact with him? Good questions, and there were more ticking away underneath the current of their interaction. If he answered question with question would she respond? Maybe, but it was definitely something to try and find out for himself.

"Sylvain, if you were in my situation you would probably act the very same way." He spread his hands in a almost apologetic manner. "I apologize if I came off as rude." He continued leaning back in his chair. The time for intimidation was over. If it hadn't worked the first time, then he doubted it work a second or third. "You see, you don't exist. This place doesn't exist." He tapped his head a few times before continuing. "It's all a creation of mine. So imagine the rude awaking I was in when you came up and started talking to me." He frowned a little before continuing. "But here you are talking to me anyway. So I ask you, how can that be?" He sat back up leaning in toward the woman with a questioning look upon his face. It was time to lead Sylvain toward an answer he would accept.
Sylvain stared at the man oddly. He said that she wasn't real, that she was just a figment of his imagination. A smile overtook her, and she put a finger to her head, staring at him.

"You ain't all up there, antcha? No, I be guessing that you ain't all up there," she leaned forward again, her hand falling from her head. "I think ye need to be taught that I indeed be real," her smile fell from her face as she drew her hand back and backhanded him across the face. There was a loud slapping sound, and a few turned to look at them. She started grinning again, rubbing the back of her hand, knowing that she probably shouldn't have done that, but she didn't like him treating her like a small child. She really didn't. She had had enough of that from her Da that had died just two springs past.

"I be just as real as you, laddie, and you best be showing your manner in this place before you get beat."

The other folk in the Tavern had turned to see what they nose was, and saw that the girl was sitting there, just talking to herself. There was no one else there, and suddenly everyone either thought that she was mad, drunk, or both. The barmaid came up to the woman, a kind smile on her face.

"Miss, I believe ye have had enough to drink," she leaned down, her bosom nearly falling out of her bodice, snatching her drink from her hand. Then she disappeared, not even giving a sidewise glance to the man that Sylvain was clearly sitting across from. This confused her greatly and she just stared at him, biting her lip.

"Why didn't she see ya?"
"Sure you physically exist." Sean had to admit as he rubbed the place on his face where Sylvain had slapped him. It had stung a little, not to mention the surprise at the attack to begin with. Never had he expected this figment of his imagination to cross the last boundary that separated him from his dream world. But sure enough, here was this woman who could even touch him, and he was able to do nothing in retort. A smile crossed his lips as Sylvain questioned him about the fact that no one else seemed to see him. Good, perhaps he could use this little piece of information as part of a teachable moment.

"Well," He started as he leaned back in his chair again. Perhaps it was a great idea to put a bit of distance between the two of them. Otherwise he might be seeing another slap to the face. And while it had not been the end of the world, Sean really wanted to avoid it if at all possible. "Consider this, I've come to this Tavern everyday for the past year. Not a single person has ever seen me before today." He shrugged as he glance around at the people in the Tavern. In the past he had challenged his dream, to see how much he could react with it. Not even shouting at the people in the Tavern had worked. Not a single person would ever react to him, and he had decided long ago that he much preferred the role of a silent observer to that of a active participant.

"Now I'm not sure how often you frequent this fine establishment," He wanted to embellish the rest of his sentence. For truly Sean was on the edge of finally teaching this woman about what was really going on. Even though he himself was honestly a little confused. "But have you ever seen me before today?"
Sylvain thought for a few moments, allowing what he said to sink in. As she sat there quietly, the people that had been looking warily at her had gone back to their conversations, not paying her any mind. She had felt the sting in her hand as she had slapped him, she could feel the slight tremors in the table as his deep voice vibrated from his chest, she knew he was real, but no one else could see him. She had only had two drinks thus far, and she knew that she was only a bit tipsy, but she certainly wasn't tipsy enough to be seeing things. She began thinking back to the nights that she had been here, had seen him a couple of times, but he had always been a ghost on the edge of her vision, disappearing when she looked. She let out a sigh, knowing that this would have happened sooner or later.

"So, the demons have come for me, have they? You are trying to drive me insane so that I'll kill myself and join your ranks, aren't you? That blasted gypsy woman said as much..." the woman trailed off, her eyes becoming far off and sad.
Sean couldn't help but laughing. This woman was insane! Not only did she pretty much refuse to listen to a word he had to say, she had now arrived at such an outlandish conclusion that the detective couldn't help but laugh. Sure it was probably not the most polite thing for him to do, but the evidence still supported this woman as a figment of his imagination. For a few moments he couldn't stop his laugh, but after giving himself a few moments to breathe, Sean was finally able to get a hold of himself. Once he was more in control he leaned forward, fixing his eyes squarely upon Sylvain.

"Of course I'm here to drive you insane! Although it's a little hard since your obviously a little loony to begin with." He motioned to the Tavern at hand, "They think your crazy already." Sean was starting to grow a little tired of this exchange with the strange woman of his dream. Besides this little entertainment his mood had already been soured. It didn't help that the woman couldn't seem to grasp simple concepts. Concepts that he felt he had explained clearly.

"Now I think it might be time for me to go," He said as he frowned at the woman. Enough was enough after all. Perhaps if he left and spent some time away from this little world of his imagination the woman would disappear. Then he could really enjoy himself, like he had originally intended. Yet Sean almost didn't want to leave, just to see what this crazy woman might have to say next.
Sylvain smirked at the man, a clarity snapping into her eyes, "If I was already a little loony wouldn't it make it easier for you to drive me insane?" she said, her voice slightly hissing in anger. This man obviously thought her stupid, and she would not stand for it. She got up from her side of the table and quickly walked to his, grabbing onto his arm a little more roughly than necessary and began to drag him outside. No one really understood what the woman was doing, but they let her be, happy to have her gone from the Tavern and away from them. They didn't want to catch her demons. Once they were outside she didn't let go of his arm and simply glared at him.

"What are you? You are very rude, and frankly, I don't like you, but you will not drive me away because I do not take lightly to insults, and if you had just answered my simple, easy questions I could have been gone by now, you wouldn't have a bruise showing up on your cheek, and you would still be sitting peacefully in your chair in the tavern," she was in the right for her words, her eyes cold and hard as she looked up at the much taller man. He did not intimidate her, nor did he scare her, he just pissed her off.

"I don't care if you are a demon, or just a simple man with the powers of magicka, but you WILL apologize to me, you WILL answer my questions, or I will do my level best to cut off a certain limb of yours," her temper was like fire.
Sean was in shock. Quite literally, the lengths at which this woman was willing to go still put him on the back foot. He was supposed to be in charge here, not being the person dealing with the fall out of others actions. So Sylvain decided to give up on just talking to him and decided to just outright assault him. As she grabbed his arm he was unsure what to do. He was a much larger person then her after all, so if he really wanted to he could of just stayed sitting. But part of him was a little curious about what this woman had planned. So he allowed her to pull him along, very curious about what the outside of the tavern would look like. For as long as he had visited this dream place, he had never left his seat or bothered to wonder what the rest of the place looked like.

He was very aware of her not so subtle threats, but he honestly didn't care what she said. He had passed beyond the moment of caring, and was pretty much fed up with the whole situation. He could see that no matter what he did the woman would continue to badger him and insist on answers that would never come. It was tiresome, annoying, and all together to much stress that he really did not want to deal with anymore. For a long moment he just let the woman's words wash over him as he gazed around at the tavern he found himself outside of. At least he could say that this particular thing was a new experience. Once satisfied he turned away from the woman, ignoring the fact that she had never let go of his arm.

Sean closed his eyes and willed his world away. It was the same general concept he had used to create the thing, just in reverse. Slowly he could feel this pretend world melt away and be replaced with the harsh reality he had tried to forsake. He found himself once again in the little shack in his backyard, such a familiar place. Unfortunately there was a little hiccup in his escape from his dream world. Some how Sylvain stood there in the room, her hand still clutching his arm. "What the..." He started as he stared almost open mouthed at the woman in front of him. "How?"

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