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Drarry Roleplay!

Octavia Kurt

Auror Octavia reporting for duty.
Looking for a Draco Malfoy to role-play with. Please read my posting requirements before responding. Thank you!

"Malfoy!" Harry called out vexatiously, his voice filling the spacious room. It was a Sunday morning, and Harry took the opportunity to use the Prefect's bathroom. All he'd done was take his glasses off so he could wash his face, revive himself from his zombie like state. He was rather tired, and thought that cold water would do him some good. His spectacles hadn't been off very long at all, either- just a moment or two. But apparently, Draco had been lurking in the corners of the bathroom as well, being an actual Prefect and all.

"This is not funny." Harry reminded, since he could hear the blond's laughter. To Draco, Harry standing in the middle of the bathroom, completely blind and utterly pissed off was comedy. Which meant Draco wouldn't be give up his glasses anytime soon. He could always try and take them, Harry thought, but quickly dismissed the idea. He could barely see as it was. The worst thing was that he couldn't even see Draco's blurred figure, since the boy was as pale as the walls of the bathroom, and he had taken off his Slytherin tie. Harry couldn't even use those deep green stripes as an identifier. The Gryffindor was royally screwed, but he wasn't giving up.

"I can't see a goddamn thing. Give me my glasses!" Harry demanded vehemently as his jade eyes scanned the room as best they could, trying to spot the Slytherin. Harry's cheeks flared red with anger, his mussed, dark curls greatly contrasting the wall of the Prefect's bathroom.

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