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Fantasy Draki Fates (Closed)



The Painter of Thoughts

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Dragon Roles Open:
Severin White (King): ThunderDire ThunderDire
(name) White; Prince and heir to the throne: Seasplash241 Seasplash241
Alessandra Stone; Fallen Princess: ThunderDire ThunderDire
(name) Stone, younger sister to Alessandra: MoltenLightning MoltenLightning
Best Friend of Alessandra: Pumpkid Pumpkid

Unknown Draki:
1) Alessandra Stone: ThunderDire ThunderDire
2) (name) Stone: MoltenLightning MoltenLightning

Fire Draki:
1) Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
2) Abyss Abyss

Water Draki: unlimited
1) Seasplash241 Seasplash241
2) Pumpkid Pumpkid

Wind Draki: Unlimited
1) Seasplash241 Seasplash241
2) Abyss Abyss

Onyx Draki: Unlimited
1) madame moiselle madame moiselle (Traiter Dragon, works with hunters as spy)
2) Severin ThunderDire ThunderDire

Earth Draki Unlimited:
1( taken

Hunters: Unlimited
1) Vampunk Vampunk
2) ThunderDire ThunderDire

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Night of the Hunt


The night was an endless one. Miles upon miles of darkness, a blanket of ink stretched from east to west, stars etched to its fabric, woven into the threads of cloudy wisps. A large coin the colour of milk, sat amid the swaths of caliginosity, a beacon in the blackness. Its reflected light bathed the surrounding lands, illuminating the hills, the mountains, the forests, the source of sight for the weary traveler.
All throughout the land, silence reigned. On this part of the world, everyone slept.
For the hunters.

Fire leaped into the night sky, crackling, sparking, a ferocious beast snapping its jaws on branch bone. It fluttered, it wavered, it danced to a rhythm no man could follow, fueled by a ferocity no man could ever possess. People danced to it anyway, they played to it, fought with it. All around, there was the echoes of laughter, the clinks of drinks, music floating around, dance in every bone, drink on every tongue. It was a commotion, a chaos, a catastrophe of merriness and noise that chased the silence away.
What on earth was happening?

The Harvest Moon Hunt.
It was the biggest hunt of the year. The hunt of hunts, an event that brought even the bitterest of rivals together, and the closest of friends closer. Every hunter from every guild near and far worth their salt came. It was tradition. Every four years, three days before the Harvest Moon, guilds from every town gather for a time of gaiety and tomfoolery, fueled by drink and drive. These two nights were ones to remember, to revel and to ready oneself for. Because on the third night, it is no longer of delights.
It's a night of Draki.

The Harvest Moon Hunt was one of revelry, yes, but it was also of risk and ruin. The Harvest Moon Hunt brought in one of the highest counts of Draki encounters ever---many hunters risk serious injury and death with this final night.

But even so, the men and women from guilds near and far gathered, celebrated and danced, waiting until the final night arrived, where they would gather into groups and disperse, scattering among the woodlands. Tonight, was the night of the Harvest Moon. The last night of the celebration. These were the last few hours of delight and delectation, and everyone knew it. Every burst of laughter was somewhat lacking, every smile strained, tension on every tongue. A grimness lay beneath the surface. And still, people danced. And still, they played, they fought the oncoming invisible menace. They looked it on with determination.
Because this was the Harvest Moon Hunt.
And these were not ordinary men and women.
These were hunters.

ThunderDire ThunderDire
Vampunk Vampunk
Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
Pumpkid Pumpkid
Abyss Abyss
Shadow Shadow
MoltenLightning MoltenLightning
Garnet Garnet


"And the next thing I remember was my nose meeting some angry noble's knuckles." Lionel concluded the story of how he got entangled in some royal's affairs and unintentionally unveiled his spouse' infidelity. His features illuminated by the flickering flamelight that made the faint wrinkles adorning his visage appear even more numerous, betraying his true age as the hunter told stories of his many adventures.

Poising the neck of his trusty liquor bottle to his lips, Lionel took a large swig of the alcoholic beverage as the familiar burning sensation of strong spirit filled his mouth.
His gloved hand would come to wipe away some droplets that got caught in his graying beard before resuming his tale.
"I for once expected an actual reward, or simply being thanked for making him know that the woman he got engaged with wasn't as virtuous as he thought she was. Me having taken her to bed should be beside the point!" The inebriated hunter added with a lopsided grin, neatly tucking his bottle away in his pocket.

In moments like these the craft of a hunter seemed far more desirable than it actually was, Lionel's hazel eyes wandering over the many recognizable faces dancing around the fire, helping themselves for some ale, or listening to older huntsmen tell their stories.
But in just a few hours they would all prowl the woods in search of their next mark, and it would be a matter of life and death, a reality Lionel was oh so aware of as he had been on the receiving end of the latter for far too many times.

But the first dark thought invading his mind was soon struck down by another swig of alcohol as Lionel would not see this joyous time spoiled by the threat of their craft.
Instead the hunter would smack his knees with his gloved hands before rising from his seat, without wobbling or showing any sign of being inebriated other than that red glow adorning his cheeks.

"Well then my comrades." He'd speak as he poured himself another mug of ale, raising it to the nightly sky as he let his eyes wander around the hunter's camp, a warm smile accenting his bearded features.
"We all know why we're here. Or at least I hope you all do. And no, I'd be lying if I told you I was just here for your good drink and even better company! This is a time of joy, of excess and of enjoying life as we know it. For what follows is going to be nothing like it. So, my friends. I propose a toast."
Hunters did not grow old, and Lionel's age was a testimony that despite his exterior he was still one of the best dragon slayers in their midst. He was known not just for his resilient liver and bravado, but also for his heart, as he considered all of them part of his extended family.

"To enjoying Life to its fullest and embracing Death without regret!" Lionel remarked with a hearty laugh, raising his mug for this one last toast, before taking a large gulp from his drink.
A warmth filling his insides, which was not just a side effect of all that booze he must have consumed this evening, but also something resembling pride. For there were some young souls in the crowd he himself had trained over the years and who would soon be able to put their mettle to the test.

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Evan & Isaac
"Here! Here!" The two brothers raise their mugs in union to their mentor's speech. Isaac easily gulps down his mug while Evan stares at his reflection in the glistening liquor. Countless thoughts swirl in his mind as a mixture of memories of their years in training reoccur fast forwarding through each current events. The hardships, the arguments, and struggles to be better all leading to this moment. Evan and his brother have hunted various beasts in their years starting out small until they were ready to fight a larger creatures. Sometimes unexpected beasts enter their training which has helped plenty of times to be prepared for such occasions. Their instincts have certainly progressed over the course being able to now think on their feet. At least Evan believes. The veteran has yet to inform their evaluation. Right now however, is not the time. Seeing as how intoxicated Lionel is, Evan wouldn't dare disturb the man's fun. He's learned that many times being forced to drink until he passes out and wakes up the next day with a hangover. A smile adorns his lips recalling such a distant memory.

"You know it's hard to believe it's been five years since you took us under your wing. All those years of training leads up to this day. What if we're not ready?" Evan starts to shiver not just out of fear, but anger. He didn't want to fail Lionel after everything he's done for them.

Vampunk Vampunk
Music...laughing..dancing, bonfires, drunken singing, shrill screams. Not out of fear or pain, but out of happiness.
Atlas shut his eyes tightly, ignoring the discomfort from his scar, and let out a slow breath. He was no stranger to the celebrations of slayers before and after the hunt, but this was a bit...over done. Then again, the Harvest Moon Hunt was one that changed the lives of many of the hunters that embarked on it and it seemed right that they should have one last night of merriment before putting life and limb on the line.
His horse’s hooves thudded softly against the ground as they crossed the muddy line between wilderness and civilization. In a place like this, now crowded with so many people, it seemed civilization was taking a marked victory over the highly uncivil forest. Atlas honestly wasn’t sure he could say which he liked better. To be sure, the countless fires held a far greater magnetism in the disappearing evening light.
A drunk crashed into his horse and fell down laughing, prompting a slight sneer of disgust to pull at Atlas’ lips. It seemed a blessed miracle now that he had been delayed in his travels and thus had missed the first two days of this. Soon enough the streets became so crowded with drunk people who somehow didn’t see a massive black horse coming towards them that Atlas was forced to dismount and lead his stallion into the drunken fray. His way was hardly easier on foot and he wondered for a moment if he shouldn’t have just let the drunk people fend with his horse’s hooves for themselves, but eventually he made his way into a thinning crowd. After far too long a time weaving through the tiny breaks in the crowd, it seemed he had passed up the tavern where he was supposed to stay and ended up by the bonfires. He didn’t mind the warmth from the fires, but the hunters he had been traveling with until his delay were expecting him. Although when he considered the state of most of these hunters, it was doubtful that his traveling companions were missing him much.
He gave a slightly regretful look back the way he had come, but the solitude of the forest seemed miles away now. Not to mention, if it was even possible, the crowd he had just pushed through now seemed even more thickly packed. He looked around the considerably less inhabited area around the fires and spotted a hitching post he could tie his horse up to. The old lad would need some water and a rub down later, but Atlas decided he deserved a moment to enjoy the fire and perhaps one of the tall tales that was being shared by some of the more experienced hunters. He crossed the grass to the hitching post and tied Apollo to it. The Freisan nickered softly and lowered his head contentedly. It had been a long journey and the steed deserved his rest. So did Atlas.

He went to the closest fire, intrigued by the large crowd this storyteller had gathered. Hunters, or Dragon-slayers, were most proud of their bold and daring profession, but many of them were better at regaling imagined hunts than actually taking down Draki. He stood just outside the circle, taking a moment to glance over the enraptured audience, noting the glint of amusement in every eye, before he turned his attention to the storyteller himself.
He was tall and of intimidating build, with long greying hair and beard. Atlas didn’t miss the spark of attentiveness in the aging hunter’s eyes, nor the warmth in the smile he gave to those amongst his watchers that he was familiar with. Atlas cringed slightly at the longing in his heart, so powerful he almost felt his physical heart lurch. He stepped back quickly, turning his back to the fire, he returned to where his horse was standing patiently. His pace quickened until he was standing right beside the gentle beast, gloved hands tight on the saddle, ready to pull himself up and ride away. But instead, he hesitated, almost afraid to think what exactly was making him want to leave. His hands fell to his side and he looked over his shoulder to see the adoring crowd echoing cheers of ‘Hear, hear!’ in response to the toast. Apollo nudged his side with a soft whinny, probably just asking for a treat, but it was what Atlas needed to break from the trance.

“Alright boy. I haven’t forgotten you.” He said gently, facing the horse again and pulling a treat from its pouch on his belt. Apollo made sure to lick his glove clean of crumbs before turning away, his royal signal that he didn’t require any further services from Atlas. Atlas smiled and rubbed his neck affectionately. He wasn’t much a fan of animals, but Apollo was unique. Ever since Atlas had won him as a prize for slaying his first Draki, the gentle stallion had become his companion. It was rather pathetic, Atlas wasn’t afraid to admit, but true nonetheless. He sighed softly and sank to the ground with his back against the post. He tilted his head back to look at the stars, the sounds of merriment fading into the background as he enjoyed the night for one brief moment.

Tags Mentioned- Vampunk Vampunk
Interactions- None yet

Looking down at the crowd, Amir wished he could be anywhere else than here. This was supposed to be fun, with their whole tribe gathering together under the full harvest moon and enjoying each other's company. There was amazing food, the cooks and bakers prepared for days to make the feast. Drinks were all around, most people already feeling a healthy buzz. And there were games being played at every corner, with children chasing each other in some sport they invented, or adults betting over a card game. Young Draki were on the lookout for their life mate, it is believed that the harvest moon brought lovers together. There was a joyous feeling in the air, one that wasn't felt often these days with the hunters roaming about. If only Amir could join in on the fun.

The prince sat alone at the high table, swirling around a near-full cup of ale in boredom. It's not like he didn't enjoy this festival, when he was younger he loved getting the moon pies and playing with the other kids. But, ever since his father took over, he feels like an outsider looking in. He can no longer join in the festivities as another Draki. No, people saw him as the prince, and it was truly suffocating at times. Deciding that, since his father was no where to be seen, Amir could take his leave and go for a walk. As far as he was concerned, his part was done. He stood proudly next to his father as the king gave his speech, ate the copious amount of food served to him, and had polite conversations with the people around him. That's where his work ended.

Amir knew leaving the tribe was dangerous, especially tonight with more hunters out that usual, but it was his only place to escape to, and he doubted he was the only one out. Whether it was couples trying to find some privacy or kids out on a dare, there were bound to be more Draki out. Hopefully the festival will keep most Draki in the tribe where they'll be safe.

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