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Fandom Dragons Original Character Sheet - Closed

Character Sheet WIP
  • Dragons Original Character Sheet

    Name: Calder Alvarsson
    Age: 27
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5' 6"
    Weight: 160 lbs
    Discerning Features: Calder has extremely long and thick red hair, which she usually keeps tied back multiple times. Her skin is pale and her eyes are dark brown, leaving her markings to stand out greatly against her plainess. Her outfit is as pictured.
    Right or Left Handed: Right Handed
    Allergies: Pollen
    Fears/Weaknesses: She is afraid of being buried alive, and being in complete and utter darkness alone, due to old peers leaving her behind on an adventure into some caves near the beach of the island her tribe lives on.
    Talents/Strengths: Calder is above average when it comes to leatherworking, tanning, and tailoring. She also prides herself on her ability to navigate herself through the world (due to her parents being hunters and teaching her survival)
    Personality: Calder is a fighter and is stubborn, she does not give up easily. Give her a challenge and it's difficult for her not to dive headfirst. She is kind, and friendly, but getting her to trust you is the difficult part (after a slew of events where she was bullied when she was younger.) She is a very proud person, and as such puts a lot of pressure on herself to get things done right. Even though shes had bad situations with previous friends/people/bullies, she values those who care about her in the highest regard and is incredibly loyal to them (even if she gives them a hard time.) She also loves dragons dearly, favoring them over people some time because usually dragons show their true colors from the start and won't betray her. She keeps a journal with her (diary really) so she can better recount stories to her younger brothers

    Family: Her parents were two of the best hunters and warriors of her tribe, along with the fact that her father was Chief. Calder has two younger siblings (twin brothers) with the same shock of red hair and both are super mischevious
    Relationship: None
    Longterm Goal: Calders goal is to one day meet as every dragon there is and be able to tell an adventure filled/thrilling story for every single one.
    Short-term Goal: 1. To prove that she can protect/take care of herself and her brothers.

    Dragon: WIP
    Name: Neteyla
    Species: Venomous Spinetail
    Age: 12 years
    Color Pallet: The soft blue as shown in the first picture below.
    Discerning Features:
    How did you and your dragon come together and for how long: Neteyla and Calder first met when Calder got trapped in a cave in. Calder had been a teenager at the time and had been playing with tribemates who she thought were friends. They were playing near a cave on the beach of her island, they had gone a bit too deep into the cave and had woken up a Cavern Crasher. All of the children except for Calder had managed to get out before the cave collapsed, leaving the young girl in there with an angry dragon. Just as the Cavern Crasher was about to attack Calder, a new dragon stepped in to stop it. This dragon was Neteylas mother, an ancient, titan wing Venomous Spinetail. Once the hostile dragon had been chased off, the older dragon decided to help Calder escape the cave, removing the rubble for her. Neteyla and her hatchmates kept Calder company while the cave was excavated. Once Calder was free and safe she continued to come back and visit Neteyla, though it wasn't until she was at least 18 that the two became a team.


    Art actually Done by Me


    Art also done by me back 9 years ago


    Art I commissioned from Natsuakai on Deviant art years ago. Not the color pallet used but is another example of how the species looks from a different angle. The first picture is way more accurate to what the face looks like.
    Venomous Spinetails are six-legged dragons that take residence on both land and in the sea, and they can usually be found in caverns with underground lakes, or anything of the like. They're timid and playful creatures but are always on the defensive at first. They are very loyal to any they befriend, as well as very territorial of their land.

    Fire Type: Whispy, red scorching flame

    Unique Facts: When the Spinetail ingests a certain mineral its flame changes to a greenish gold color and takes on healing properties, which help wounds heal, and neutralize most poisons, including its own. Spinetail's have venom sacks/glands on the roof of their mouths, as well as behind they're largest canines/incisors. Spinetails also have bioluminescence along their spines and down their tail, which they gain better control of as they get older. /SPOILER]
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