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Dragon Riders!

She hastily pulled a new dress on, then brushed her hair and washed her face so she would be semi-presentable. She yanked the door open, and Candaroth snaked his head out beside her. The dress she was wearing was also of elven make, and was very formfitting.
Ovorion turned around to look at Isa as she opened the door to her room. His eyes widened as he noticed that the dress she was wearing hugged her figure perfectly. ''You...you look nice.''
He nodded slowly, still staring at her. He shook his head and grinned. ''Yeah we should probably go do that.'' He offered her his hand.
She took it, still blushing, and began to pull him down the hall. "How much do you want to bet that he's in the courtyard?"
''Well I have no money to bet with...'' He grinned at her as they walked down the hall. He looked around, not seeing their teacher anywhere.

Eragon sat down in the courtyard with Saphira as he waited for his students to arrive. He looked at his dragon. ''They're late.''
Candaroth lumbered behind them, waving his tail with each step.

Saphira snorted at him. You did not tell them where to meet us. They are most likely wandering the castle searching for you.
Draxyl trotted beside Candaroth as they walked through the castle. Ovorion looked at Isa. ''Do you know where the courtyard is?''

Eragon smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. ''I knew I forgot to tell them something. Well, they're smart. They'll figure it out.''
"Uh..." She turned down a large hall, and felt a breath of wind on her face. "This way, I think.."

Saphira snorted a laugh. We could tell them. Reaching their minds would not be hard.
''You sure?'' He looked at her skeptically, not very convinced that she knew where she was going.

''Where's the fun in that?'' Eragon laughed.
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"Nope!" She turned and grinned at him, and kept on pulling him along.

Saphira rolled a large eye. Then do not complain about their punctuality.
He laughed and continued to follow Isa down the hall, both of their dragons in tow.

''Hmm, I suppose you're right.'' He decided he would reach out to his students with his mind to direct them to the courtyard. Ovorion and Isa, make a left and then keep going straight. You can't miss it.
Ovorion jumped as well, hearing Eragon's voice in his head. He followed Isa to where the courtyard was. He saw Eragon and Saphira sitting down in the middle.

''Ah,'' Eragon said, standing up. ''There you four are.'' He walked over to them and smiled. ''Are you all ready for your training?"
Isa fought back a snarl. She still was not happy about what happened the night before.

Candaroth bumped her with his head. Be civil.

She nodded. "I am ready. What do we start with?"

Saphira snaked her head forwards. Fighting. I will take your dragons and teach them the basic on flight combat. Eragon will teach you the way of the sword.

(Remember, the elves didn't start teaching the riders how to use magic until later in their training, because of the power it would give the young ones. Eragon was a special case)
Ovorion rose an eyebrow at Isa as he noticed the way she looked at Eragon. He shook his head, remembering what happened yesterday.

Eragon ignored Isa's attitude towards him. He nodded at Saphira as she explained what they were going to be doing during their training. ''I will be teaching you how to properly defend yourselves.''

''When do we learn magic-'' Ovorion started to say. Eragon put his finger up, a signal for the young rider to stop talking.

''That will come later. For now, I will be teaching you combat.''
Isa crossed her arms. "So we get swords?"

Saphira faced the two young dragons. Follow. Then she took flight, heading for the river.
Draxyl snorted giddily and flew after Saphira.

''Yes, you do get swords,'' Eragon answered. He noticed Isa cross her arms, causing him to frown slightly.

Ovorion noticing the tension between them, decided to try and make things less awkward. ''We should probably get started...''
Eragon motioned for them to follow him to the armory where he kept the weapons. He pushed open the wooden doors and stepped inside. An assortment of weapons lined two of the four walls, each one different than the other.

''Wow,'' Ovorion said, whistling as he looked at the weapons.
Isa moved away from both of them, and started looking at the weapons with a trained eye. Finally, she picked up a rapier and flicked it through the air with a hiss. It was perfectly balanced, and the hilt fit in her hand like it was made for her.
As Ovorion looked at the weapons, a particular sword caught his eye. It was a silver broadsword with a steel hilt. It was of a nice weight and the hilt perfectly fit in his hand. He tossed it in between his hands a couple times and smiled. ''Can I have this one?''

Eragon smiled slightly and grinned. ''Of course.'' He looked over at Isa and noticed that she had taken a liking to the rapier that was on the left wall. ''That's a very nice choice Isa.''
Isa glared at him. "I know. That's why I chose it."

She took the sword belt with the sheath on it as well, and fastened it around her waist.
Eragon frowned at her. ''I was only complementing your selection.'' He shook his head, deciding not to bother with her. ''Now that you have chosen your weapon of choice, it is time to teach you the way of the sword.'' He turned and walked out of the armory.

Before walking out, Ovorion grabbed the back sheath for the sword and put it on. He then walked over to Isa. ''You alright?''

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