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Fantasy Dragon Riders: The Shadows in the Light


Florian Society Member
(Open to those interested) 

During times long since forgotten to the common mortal or dragons mind tells a tale of both heroics and tragedy. Since the founding of the land, eight leaders from different nations occupied different parts of the country. These clans looked over their land in pride. There were the Volcranon Clan (Fire), The Agua Clan (Water), The Iron Legion/ Clan (Specialized in Steel to make magic weapons and armor), The Terrain Clan (Earth), The Voltic Tribe/ Clan (Electric), The Tempest Clan (Wind/ Storm), and the Shadow Clan (Shadow/ Darkness etc.) Each leader was as powerful in strength and magic as they were important, however, every nation had a war with an unlikely foe which thought only to exist in fantasy and children stories. Dragons. The war with the dragons grew and so did the casualties on both sides. While most fought others schemed. A deal was broken between the Shadow Clan and the Eclipse Dragons and to their Leader to wear out both sides until the two were so weakened that they can both rule over the humans and dragons. This continued for years until one fateful conflict at The Jaw. A lone soldier witnessed the betrayal. The soldier watched as the Eclipse dragons and Shadow clan betray their fellow brother and sister in arms. Once the fighting stopped and both parties returned to tell their leaders of the battle. The Soldier struggled to lift themselves up and was soon approached by a wounded dragon. The two locked eyes and both knew what had to be done. The two went to both sides telling their stories of betrayal; of their kin and soon all was forgotten and all was aimed at the traitors. Then the dragon leaders chose the leaders of their clans to help boost their magic and powers. The riders were made both dragon and rider sharing their powers to combat the shadow clan and Eclipse dragons. At the final battle before the final blow was struck. The leader of the shadow clan vowed that one day he will return and all will feel his unbridled rage. The shadow Clan lands lay in ruins and its people banished and the Eclipse dragons were sealed away. It was done. As the years of peace passed so did the fear of the Shadow Clans vows of revenge, but still, some wondered. This was hundreds of years ago and now dragons have lost the ability to fly except those of the Storm clan who can glide. You (The person who joins the RP) have been chosen to become a dragon rider. This dragon has been given and chosen to you at birth and can talk to you telepathically and regularly along with strange magic and power (Comparing what clan you are from). Your dragon and you must work together and see things to the end no matter what may get in your way. 
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Syn and corruption were on top of a peak watching over a small Volcranon clan village near the side of an active volcano. "This ain't right..." Corruption looked as Syn muttered this. "I know right? this is more of a city than a village." Syn gave a quick glaze look in the eye. You know I wasn't talking about that. Syn returned to is binoculars and searched the city. "This is where our objective lies. Somewhere in this city. It might take days... Oh, son of shrak it could take weeks. All our intel says was that it was here. No person, no location just here. Great." As Syn was going through an anxiety attack he didn't notice Phoenix sneak up on him. "Hey!" Syn almost dropped the binoculars and Corruption and Phoenix's dragon Salamander let out a small laugh. "You know I hate it when you do that Phoenix." "Oh lighten up. It should be dark soon and we can search the city house by house if we have too. Taking all that we need along the way. "(SIIIIGGHHHHHHHSSSS) "Is your group ready then?" "Yep all eleven of them." Good. You will start near the arena and chek the stores there. You can grab us some gear and weaponry and any other necessities we may need." " Understood!" Phoenix jumped onto his dragons back and charged away. Syn return to bis binoculars. "It finally begins."
Soon evening turned into night and the small town was slowly getting quieter and quieter. The town elder was awake and gazed at the crescent moon. He was soon approached by his son and the captain of the guards. The son spoke first. "Father... Why are you still up? Is something wrong?" The father kept his gaze at the moon. "Son? Have you ever felt that stories and our real lives feel connected?" The captain just looked at the son confused. "Father. Are you still talking about the stories you told me when I was a child? Give it a rest father. You told me yourself that for over thousands of years every generation to generation had the fear that the Shadow Clan will rise again and it was nothing but nonsense. And now all of a sudden you fear them? They are extinct. A myth. A fairy tale to scare young riders and dragons to make sure they don't step out of line." "Son... Over the years I have lost my sight and I am not the young man I once was. Maybe you're right. Maybe my age has finally got to me. I'll be going to bed now." As the chief left to bed the captain looked this time to the moon. The captain then left the building along with two rider guards into the night towards the main square.
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McDermott was in his house looking out at the night sky as he sharpened his sword. Shatter was out back in the garden, he could hear his snores from here. He put his sword down and walked over to a window and looks up at the night sky. "The most beautiful thing are usually the deadliest." He thought out loud as he remembered one of his fathers favorite sayings. He smiled as he picked up his sword and went outback. "Hey big guy wake up." He toed the big dragons noes. The giant being slowly woke up and gave a mighty yawn. "Why must you wake me when I was having such a nice dream?" Shatter said drowsily. "I want to go practice and since I slashed the blacksmiths furnace in half I think it'd be best to do it in a more private spot. You know, like tge abandoned quarry east of the village." Shatter sighs as he gets up and nods for him to get on. "Just as long as you don't mind going under ground." The dragon said with a slight smile as his friend had just got on. McDermott gave a mischievous smill. "Of course not." With that Shatter launched himself down at the ground but before impact the ground seemed to swallow them. A few second later the erupted from the earth near an abandoned quarry. McDermott jumped of Shatter and drew his sword. "Lets go find some bolders for me to cut." The big man had a wide smile as he swung at a tree and slashed it in half. "Otherwise weres the challenge."
Phoenix and his group went armory to armory taking all that was useful and destroyed what couldn't. There were a few close calls but it had been about two hours or so and Phoenix felt it was time to go. To bad he couldn't find what his brother was looking for. A piece of paper with weird symbols. That sounds like just regular scrolls or books to him. Nothing really stood out. As he was wandering he noted the sudden increase in security. "Not good..." (Whistles). After signaling the group he remembered how Syn said that there was a secret exit from the village to an abandoned quarry to the east. It was there he was supposed to wait for his brother. "Let's get moving! (Whispering to others)." As he watched he noted his soldiers (who were Syn's) in new armor and new weapons. They weren't human and always have given him the chills. After a few minutes inisde the cave to the abounded quarry Phoenix heard smashing and crushing sounds. Which confused the hell out of Phoenix. "This place was supposed to be abandon . Not good." 

McDermott was in the middle of a pile of rubble. He stomped sending a boulder into the air in front of him befor turning being split in half from a single swing from his massive blade. "Dang it." He shook his head as he looked around at the devastation around him. "I thought this would be a challenge." He took a swig from his flask. Shatter was watching from the far corner of the quarry. "Well no ones been able to match that blade ever since your great great great grandpa found it in a old ruins."

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(Sorry for not posting at all this week. Homework hit me hard.)

Phoenix was sneaking by in the shadows when he heard "[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Well no one has been able to match that blade ever since your great great great grandpa found it in the old ruins." It was then Phoenix looked at the strange duo and saw the weapon glitter almost in the star's light. As he was leaning in closer he stumbled and held onto Salamander making him cause a tiny rock to fall down to the ground. The shadow troops stopped and waited as if preparing to strike when and if needed to. "Aw, floppers..." Phoenix said to himself.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Syn was jumping rooftop to rooftop looking for the building he needed to find. He was following a trail only he and Corruption can sense and see. There was a purplish stream flowing everywhere. He needed to find the source or origin of the stream and it will be there where he will find what he was looking for. "Just as he felt closer to his objective his eyes being to glow along with Corruptions'. [/COLOR]

McDermott noticed the pebble fall and he smiled. "Hey Shatter, show our guest why you earned that name." Shatter looked at where the pebble fell from and he launched himself head first at the spot, shattering the rock as he hit. McDermott watched incase they doged, his sword ready. "Did I get them?" Shatter asked as he recovered from the monstrous impact.

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The soldiers sunk into the shadows but Phoenix didn't. The huge dragon came down in the two like a bunch of bricks. Luckily Syn made them a field to protect them but it was shattered afterwords. The two were underneath the behemoth but soon Salamanders rage build causing it to get rather toasty in that small crater. Preasure was building and a small explosion was set off sending the dragon upward only a little. Enough to get it off of him and Salamander and to jump out before  they could be crushed again.  As he got out Phoenix noted that his armor which was usually red was now ash covered black along with his many other physical features barely making him and Salamander barely recognizable.

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Seeing Shatter blasted off whoever was under him, even if it was just barely, made McDermott smile as he ran towards the black armored man. "You should help me work up a sweat." He brung his sword down in a powerful slash that could turn rock into dust. Shatter quickly recovered and shot a ball of lavaish fire at the dragons body. He then followed up by swinging his tail at the dragons head hoping to to finish the fight quickly.

Phoenix knew he had to move. Syn trained him a lot over the years and he won't lose this easily. He then remembered the weapon that was given to him. It was from a ruin not to far from shadow clan territory. He raised it and the two swords meeting gave off a huge clang. It was enough to parry but the force of the strength behind his opponents attack still pushed him back. Then the second attack. A lava blast as Phoenix rembered what Syn said about it. He just say their and as it was about to make contact salamander ate the fire and energy of the blast to fuel and power up himself. "Roooaaaarrrrr!!!!!!" Phoenix smiled. "You can bring the heat old man. But can you take it?" At the end of this sentence Phoenix told his dragon telepathically to burrow underground. It was silent for a moment or two when the ground started to get rather toasty.

A low thump of large footsteps seemed to echo through the forest as Zeirok carefully picked his way through the underbrush, his dark scales blending into the night as he moved along. His silver claws seemed to glisten as the moon poked through the trees. Diatra sat upon her mount calmly, her hood up and concealing her face, her long coat also seemed to reflect the moons rays as it hit the lining. Noticing how dark it was getting, Diatra leaned down to place a hand on Zeiroks broad neck "Zee, its getting really dark we should go back" Diatra's voice echoed into the night like a soft whistle in the wind, a slight accent to her tone, much like an english one. Zerioks deep, husky toned voice came to slither into her mind "Diatra don't worry yourself, We will be alright.. I will get us home" Luckily Zeirok inherited night vision and could see easily but that wasn't the case for Diatra. As the pair kept moving a loud thump was heard from the rocks not to far. Zeirok snaked his head around to look at Diatra, questioning what to do "Go Zeirok, someone might be in trouble" With a quick recoil of his hind legs they propelled him forward into a sprint, weaving through the trees. Once at their destination the two entered the rocks quietly, Zeirok crouched low to the ground, hiding himself against the edge of the corner, Diatra stood upon Zeiroks back to boost herself up onto a ledge, crouched onto one knee she watched the two men brawl it out, her hand on the handle of her whip.
"Hehehehehehe." McDermott laughed as the ground heated up. "Shatter roar." He the ran up the wall of the quarry and made his feet sink into the rock holding him in place. Shatter quickly took a long deep breath and he braced his feet as he let out a roar that tore the ground apart. The dragon that burrowed under ground and the man was hit with the full force of the sonic blast. McDermott smiled as he braced for the impact. "At least I'm safe from debris up here." He thought as he watched.
As the ground was struck by the sonic blast steam was bursting out from the cracks all around. It's hissing was pretty loud and as more cracks appeared the more the ground became unstable. Soon a small explosion of steam engulfed the quarry. It was thick and heavy making it hard to see anything. Phoenix's voice seemed to be coming from every direction. "That wasn't very nice. It's been quite some time since another harmed me but this ends now!" Phoenix fired two shots both with sticky properties at Shatter. He then used his dragon Salamander to see in the mist. He pointed in the direction where Phoenix's opponents were located. The first shot went into the dragons' mouth in order to keep it shut and the second at its feet to keep the beast still. At least for the moment. "Oh how the tables have turned." Phoenix jumped off Salamander and drew his blade which also served as a long bow. Salamander than sucked the steam up and his scales glowed red. Making Phoenix 's armor to do the very same. He was done. He was 110% done. He had enough with trying to dodge and running around. "graahhhh!!!!!!" Phoenix yelled and charged at the brute and as the sword made contact with the opponents' the heat from Phoenix 's weapon made it get hot and fast. Phoenix had felt he had to prove himself and he wasn't going to be defeated here and now. Besides what would Syn think of him if he was deafened by one enemy. These trouts ravaged through his mind and quickly amply dying his attacks strength and speed. 


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McDermott pushed back and he said. "Your one of the few to see this but since your going all out so will I." His muscles seemed to bulge out as he began to push back with even greater strength than befor, his eyes had gone completely white and he gave a savage growl. Shatter saw what was going on and he just shook his head as he sunk underground. He pushed the glowing man back then he launched himself at him and slashed trying to cut him in two. "JUST DIE!!"
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Diatra kept her breath short but as the two men decided to enhance their abilities and intend to inflict much more dangerous harm she sighed an looked down at Zeirok who was twitching the tip of his tail lightly. Diatra did not want to butt into the fight but if she didnt stop it then something could go horribly wrong. Diatra looked to the men now an bit her lower lip as she pondered on how to stop them. As the large brute called out she no longer hesitated, grasping the handle of her whip she wrenched it from her side an it unraveled into its full length, she then cracked the whip and it was almost like a shot of lightly had erupted the small area. Calmly sliding down from her perch she looked to Zeirok who was now standing over her, snarling with his fangs showing. Diatra hadn't really thought of what she was going to say .. All she knew was that she needed to get their attention. Her whips trail now lying on the ground as the piercing blue light surged over the whips length.


Syn was almost to his destination when the city succeed a minor earth quake. Syn thought nothing of it at first but many tremors followed. Syn then heard a crack that sounded as if there was a thunderstorm. As Syn was about to pinpoint the exact location in the main shopping square he heard two guards talk. There was an accident in the abounded quarry and some soldiers would be set out to investigate the strange tremors and strange increase in magic. The city was on alert and there would be no way to finish the mission as it was. " To bad... This is something not even I could plan for. Syn? We can still do this but we will have to fight our way through." "No... I don't know why this has happened but we must leave. Where is Phoenix?" " Let me see... (Corruption sees through the shadows and finds two strangers in front of Phoenix and salamander.) they are in trouble it seems." "Take us there immediately. " with this command Corruption and Syn sank into the shadows but after leaving the captain gathered  the soldiers of the village and prepared to head out as soon as their forces gathered. 

Phoenix heard the crack but it wasn't until the whip was in front of him glowing which made him take a peek with one eye to the stranger and their dragon but he still keept an eye on his opponent. "Heh... More huh. I guess this is what I deserve trying to fight instead of just escaping as he said. You! ( he called out to the new duo.) Your new. Do you plan to join in? Or... Did you plan to interrupt our battle? Because if you are I will tell you..." Salamander then stepped next to his rider as he was going on and whispered in his ear. "He is coming... And he is not happy" At those words Phoenix was shaking at the mention of this.


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Diatra gave a stern flick of her wrist as the whip came back to her an she began to reel it in, as the smaller man hollared to her she snaked her head to look at him, her face still concealed by the hood of her coat. She looked to Zeirok who slapped his tail against the ground an pawed at the rocks with his claws, blue sparks of electricity danced off their hard surfaces as she smirked "Look, the guards from the near by village wont like you two causing a huge ruckus back here.. I'm just trying to pull your heads out of your behinds long enough to realize this, however if you want to continue then its your funeral" Diatra threw up a gloved hand, the glove was black and had a material similar to leathery scales as it had tribal markings in a bright blue. The gloves were to prevent any damage from her hands if she were to use her magic. Zeirok tilted his head as the other dragon spoke under its breath to the rider and quickly turned to Diatra "This isn't going to be good" With that Diatra quickly climbed aboard Zeirok an placed her hand on the whips handle once more.

Korran sits on a stump in the barren forest, thinking on how his live has turned. He asks his dragon, "Ogdin why did you chose me. i am not powerful. i cant blast or crush people. i am just a simple Tempest clan member., only the most powerful get a dragon, let alone a dragon with the wings." Ogdin replied with "Because, you are powerful in your own way. just think. if a dragon chose you then you must have something special about you. come on lets go home". they walked through the forest and saw a flash of red. Korran blinks to the red and finds a scarlet lily. "Ogdin look a flower". He is gentile to pick the flower. he place it in an empty pouch to fill with dirt. Ogdin said "That is the first flower i've have seen In years, Cherish it and plant the seeds it drops. maybe the forest will be filled with these flowers".
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The smell of smoke fills her nostrils as she stands amidst a burning village, paralyzed in fear. Screams echo all around her as people are slaughtered left and right by figured silhouetted by the fiery background and yet the only color visible are the dancing flames...and red, so much red. An imposing figure stands before her, thick blade covered in blood of villagers. She opens her mouth to scream but she can't and soon several other figures surround her, towering over her until she sees nothing but black. She can feel their hands on her, grabbing her where every they can. She can't breath, she can't scream, she is totally helpless as the sea of black swallows her whole.

Gwen gasps for air, hands falling to her neck as color restores to her purplish face. Aregornth and her were resting together in a clearing in the dense woods, the white dragon curled making a protective barrier around his rider and their camp site. Her gasp would wake her partner, silver eyes opening and head turning towards her. "Are you alright?" Aregornth would 'speak' with concern in his voice. After Gwen finally ascertained that the events before were nothing but a dream the warrior would stand and nod. "Yeah, just a dream. Nothing to worry about." despite this reassurance she was still shaking, heart pumping her body full of adrenaline. Aregornth's body shifts once more, this time he rises to his feet and lifts his head towards the sky to stretch. His body relaxes and his gaze falls upon Gwen once more, eyes narrowing at her insistence that she was fine. "You've been having reoccurring nightmares for some time now." The dragon would puff air out of his nostrils towards Gwen who would wave dismissively, "I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't had this 'nightmare' for months, at least!" she argued and then earth around them would rumble momentarily, drawing their attention to the quarry nearby. It's been abandoned for some time so the duo didn't think much of the quakes, perhaps the hollowed earth finally collapsed.

Around the quarry was a field of cleared out trees, this was used to allow the operations at the quarry to continue without there being an excuse of insufficient workspace. Gwen disliked this sight, she always enjoyed camping...being one with nature was always a comfort to her. In the moonlight she would see two silhouettes, one unmistakably a dragon and the other no doubt their rider. A blossom of red catches her eye and its soon plucked from the ground and stored into the person's pack. Aregornth would snort and narrow his eyes at the strangers a few feet from them, Gwen immediately glaring at him and giving him a nudge with her elbow. "Be nice...It's obviously a rider..." this was a bit out of character for her, true but she found a kindred spirit with most riders.


{I hope you don't mind me adding to the setting, if you dislike this please let me know and I'll change my post!}
McDermott ignored the woman as his he was fully in his berserkers rage. He ran at the man as he let out an animalistic growl. He swung his sword with his fully enhanced power at the ground causing a large crack to appear leading under the man. The crack suddenly widened to nine foot wide. He launched him self at the man at the same time the crack appeared, preparing a down ward swing with all his power.


Still paralyzed by fear Phoenix did't notice his enemy who was still beserking leap to the air. He was about to brace when a sudden cool wind whipped by and in front of him was a giant claw manifested from shadows clenhing the warrior suspending him in the air. "Stop..." With those words the shadow claws wrapped around the beserking warrior. It then threw him and slammed down hard onto the ground making bigger cracks than ever before. It even created a small crater. The warrior seemed to have lost their grip on their weapon and was restrained. A figure then seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and walked and looked down at the still beserking warrior who was now restrained and weapon less. "Stop this rage... You caused enough damage and attracted enough attention. I cannot allow you to continue as you are now. You have no hope in beating me like that, but I highly doubt you can hear me in that state. So I guess I'm wasting my breath." The stranger then noted that there where others acing in the direction of the forest and returning his gaze to the others and saw the girl and her fierce looking dragon. As the stranger stepped into the moonlight his knight armor was now visible. He looked at the girls weapon more interestingly than the dragon, or  rider themselves. Next he took a quick glance at the beserkers weapon. His expression turned from intrest to an unamused expression under his helm. He then started to take steps towards the two and when he passed by the beserkers dragon (he assumed) who seemed to have stop cowering gave a cold stare telling it in nonverbal words to back off and sit still. the alloy Phoenix used earlier was melting away and the beast was either about to yell or attack but Syn didn't risk either so he commanded the shadow of the beast to gaged and restrained once again. After dealing with that the stranger then returned his gaze at the two again but this time right at the girl. ( he was going to get answers from the girl from where she got that weapon and he wasn't going to get it from a warrior who is beserking and can't udder comprehensive sentences). 




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The shadows seemed to dance as a large dark claw came to grasp the large man, pulling him to the ground. Diatra who was calmly sitting on her dragon, let her fingers tap on the handle of her whip, ice like eyes watching the scene play put infront of her. She had tried to stop them herself.. She just hadnt wanted to hurt anyone. Zeirok let his upper lip quiver as he let out a low growl erupt from the depths of his throat. Diatra snapped forward to lean onto his neck, her small gloved hand running over his scales "Easy my sweetheart.. Its alright" Zeirok wasn't exactly convinced but he did cease the growling. Diatra was taking in the scene before her when the new man seemed to take an interest in her weapon. Raising an eyebrow she then removed her hood to reveal her full face, the calming gray of her eyes looked over him and his armour as it seemed to dance with the moons rays. Black tribal seemed to crawl up the left side of her neck, ceasing just below her jaw line. The straight ebony and midnight blue streaked locks swayed slightly as a short breeze picked up around them. Zeirok snorted up at his rider "Diatra what have I told you? You shouldn't remove your hood" Diatra smirked an gave his neck one more stroke "To late now big guy" with that she looked up toward the man, who was now taking steps towards her. Inhaling sharply she cleared her throat "Can I help you?"

he starts to walk back when he hears a yell. He turns and draws his sword. Ogdin tell him to put it away. it was just another rider. but he told him to stay cautious. Korran says "What if she is a threat.". Ogdin replied " She won't. she has no reason too. Korran puts his sword away. he pulls out his purple crystal. This crystal helps him calm down since it was his mothers. Her dragon looked older. and had no wings. all of the Tempest clan dragons had wings. why didn't hers. he planned to ask her.

(do you mind if i talk as your character when conversations start so my lines aren't like two sentences)




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Aregornth would notice the figure draw his blade, growling and dipping his head low in response to this threatening action. The person would turn his head towards his dragon and a moment later, sheathe his blade. This caused Aregornth to cease his hostile stance and take note of his dragon, "A dragon of the tempest, how I envy you.", Aregornth would let out a forlorn groan, the ability to fly had always been something he craved; he'd some times dream about Gwen on his back as they soared through the skies together.

Gwen approached the figure, Aregornth following after his daydream had ended. As Gwen drew closer to the male, she would notice red tattoos scrawled all over his body...that must have hurt. Her head would tilt slightly at his oddly colored and styled hair. Could this kid really be a rider? A look of disbelief flashes across her face for a moment, quickly disappearing once she stands a couple feet away from the scarlet-tattooed figure. "What brings a boy all the way out here?" Gwen questioned while Aregornth kept his eyes on the winged dragon, he had a bad feeling about these two for some reason – dragon's intuition if you would.


((I do unfortunately ^^; Unless you meant like adding what I make them say into your post, then no I don't mind o.o))

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