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Fantasy Dragon Riders(closed)

This is not that much of a plot ideas but since we have four of us two of us could be dragons and two of us could be riders
Just what I was able to conjure up on such a short notice but something along the lines of after countless millennia of slumbering, Dragons are waking. Scaled beasts and with them the magic that they posses begins to flow through the land once more purging a darkness that had spread across the land.

All around the world descendents of riders from long ago are finding themselves being drawn to one another and to that of the dragons they were destined to be partners with. With the awakening of the dragons and of these humans another force has also found its way to the surface. A force so ridden with turmoil and malicious intent that it was they who sent dragons into this unreversable sleep and with the riders vulnerable slayed the majority of their kind. Who was left was sent into hiding, fearing for their lives and the lives of their

Now with this threat on the prowl the riders must find a way to fend off this evil and protect and prevent the earth from falling to darkness once more.
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Wow. That's really good on short notice, but I was also keen on the shape-shifting into dragons also
Like I was just thinking on like they could be descendants of the dragons. I don't know
So is the two of us out of the group being dragons and be with you being riders sound good to anybody

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