Dragon Core


Retired M

Human and Dragon Lore

Every human has a Dragon partner and vise versa. It is just in Dragons souls to find and be with their destined. Humans and Dragons coexist with each other in peace for the most part. Many who have dragons enter the Dragon Core and fight for their country, Aria.

Dragons can only be destined to Humans. The reasons why stretch far back when the first dragon was born. From an egg it emerged, and meet a women. The Women and Dragon became quick friends, and would stay together for a life time. The dragon turned out to be a Queen, one that gives Birth to every dragon today, and the Human a priestess. The Queen and Priestess were friends for a very long time, until it was time for the Priestess to leave this world. It was then the Queen told her for as long as she was always put dragons before herself, the Queen will dedicate one dragon, for every human. Thus is how dragons came to be destine to a human. Whether the “Queen Dragon” is real or not is Unknown.

Although all dragons and humans and vise versa, this can sometimes this is not the case. It is not rare that some humans to not wish to meet their dragon, there is few that do not wish to trifle in their affairs, some people can never find their dragon, or even afford to keep one. Some dragons choose to be partnered with someone other than their destined. Other times a Dragon or Human dies early or during battle before or after such a time. There can be many reasons that someone cannot or will not be with a dragon. This problem is not uncommon, but is fewer than those who wish to find their destine.

Common Dragon Looks and Classification:

Dragons can have any shades in between except for the Rare dragons.

Green, Greys and Browns is the most common color in a dragon.

Reds, Yellows and Blue is uncommon but still seen often.

The Rare colors are Black, White, Gold, or Silver.

Dragons with longer wing spans and thin bodies are quick.

Dragons with average wing spans and big bodies have average speed.

Dragons with short wing spans and average or larger bodies have slow speed, mostly used for carrying things.

Dragon can not have baby Dragons. When Dragons mate they give Birth to smaller dragons that humans usual call Drakes. The Drakes will never grow to be anything bigger then a Large Dog and those Drakes are sterile. They do not have Destine. No one knows how Dragons are "born" and no Dragon knows how they came to be either. Drakes Live half the span of Dragons or maybe as long.

Dragon Core Info

Dragon Core Info:

Dragon core is meant to protect everyone, but mainly Aria. To be in the Dragon Core you must have a dragon, and only Humans may join. You must go through one month of Dragon Core Training with your Dragon and Two Months of Dragon Core Academy. You must show signs of being able to follow the Dragon Core's Code of Chivalry. The Dragon Core's strongest Ally are the Orcs because they have high respect for the Cores code of honor.

Dragon Core Code of Chivalry:

  • To protect the weak and defenseless
  • To live by honor and for glory
  • To take no reward
  • To fight for the welfare of all
  • To never refuse a plead of help
  • To obey those placed in authority
  • To guard the honor of fellow knights
  • To prevent unfairness, meanness and deceit
  • At all times to speak the truth
  • Never to refuse a challenge from an equal

Rank Lowest to Highest:





Master Sergeant

Sergeant Major

Commander Sergeant Major


Race and Descriptions

Races include Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Fairies, the Fay, Lycanthropy, Gnomes, Orcs and all Half Races. I.E Half Elf, Half Orc. Etc. The Dusk is not any of the races named; it is its own shadow race that no one has seen before.

Life Expectancy:

Lycans, Orcs and Gnomes have the shortest of maybe 40-50 years.

Human and Dwarfs have short life spans. 80-100 years at most.

Dragons and Elves have about a 400 year life expectancy. some bonded dragons do not life long after a partner had died. Elves age slower, Dragons Age Quickly until their wing break and they can fly, than they have reach maturity and slow in growth.

Fey and Faries have an incredibly long life span that no one is sure how long.

Note: There is always an exception to every culture. Sometimes there are people who act nothing like the races stereo type.

Humans : Human are nothing special, but they often are associated with dragons. Humans are also often associated with destruction and pollution. Although this is not always true, they can be the most destructive of races.

Wood Elf
: Elves are “tree huggers” in Human standards. Most Elves place nature before themselves and are one with the world. They are the more peaceful of the races, but also can be the most stand offish race. Rarely do they want to trifle with other races and keep to themselves.

Dark Elf
: Dark elves split from the Elves long ago and believe in a much more advance society, industrial if you will. Dark elves believe themselves more reasonable and show more interest in outside affairs then their woodland brethren. Dark Elves and Wood Elves tend to have Racial tensions.

These people are traders and Blacksmiths. They are completely magic-less, but in some cases immune to it. Dwarfs can be extreme when it comes to politics. They are tricky to deal with and hard to please.

: These are Mining and Farming people. Gnomes are very magical. Contrary to popular belief, Gnomes are more closely related to the Fay then Dwarfs. Gnomes can specialize in enchantments and other magical properties. They also are known to specialize in herbs, poisons and minerals. Gnomes tend to sell their magical properties and other services to make a pretty coin. They have no shame is getting a little coin. Gnomes tend to be the friendliest of Races.

Anthro: Half animal people. Sometimes these people can be considered very savage and unfriendly. Most Anthro are used as slaves. Wild Anthro are often hidden away in forests or towns. There stands one Anthro nation, though currently in utter chaos. Most Anthro have their beast form and their human form, also the most common are the Feline and Canine Anthro. The rarest being reptilian Anthro.

Orc: Orcs are head strong and quick to fight. The Orcs ruling system is based on a code of Honor and Dignity. Orcs are good for their word and moral code. Most Orcs are known for their strength and loyalty.

Fairy Folk:
Fairy Folk since the war had started have said to become extinct. None know where they have gone, but they do hope they return.

Fey Folk:
Fey are rough people, sometimes almost primitive. These people are highly magical and specialize in casting nightmares and curses among unexpecting travelers. The Fey can be even more self kept then the Wood Elves. Most Fey has a race complex and thing themselves superior over all other race. Fey can live in trees and plants like Sylvan and do not have a city or home like most races. Most Fey are considered a nuisance, but some are respectable people.



Aria- The Humans nation, its key feature is the Dragon Core.

Ayr Forest- A massive Forest area that is protected by the Wood Elves. There are several small towns or sub tribes in the Forest were most Elves live.

Loutt- A small nation next to the Ayr Forest. This town is occupied mostly by Dark Elves. This nation is very industrialized and the people see themselves and proper.

Bode- Dwarves live in this Nation, most of the Nation is under ground.

LaMoure - a molting pot nation with many different races in once place. It is a great and strong united city under a counsel of represented race leaders.

Gem Ridge- The Gnome city, is basically a city in between a giant ravine.

Numidia –The only standing Lycanthropy city, ruled by a royal family. This Medium sized city is currently falling into shambles.

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