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Fandom Dragon Ball: Odyssey of Power (Characters)



That One Fear In My Enemy's Eyes
Please do not post in this thread unless you have introduced yourself in the OOC Thread, linked above as 'OOC:'! It is a general courtesy I request of anyone and everyone who's interested in joining this RP!

The RP as a whole is ALMOST ready. I just need to clean some things up in other threads and make sure I covered everything I wanted to cover.

But you are free to introduce yourself and, after doing so, discuss your character with me and then submit it to this thread!

Thank you!

Character Skeleton

The skeleton for your character will be as follows:

'*' - means this is optional

Name: (Be original please. No well-known names will be tolerated. Also, Saiyans DO NOT HAVE TO BE NAMED AFTER VEGETABLES!!!)
Picture: (Find an anime picture that's as close to your character's intended appearance as possible. You can describe any differences beneath the image.)

Age: (Minimum age is 21. For "Masters" of combat, minimum age is 40.)
* Sexual Orientation:
(If you need help calculating this given your character's height and build, ask me.)
* Hair Color: (If the picture is exact, or close enough to it, this and eye color can be omitted.)
* Eye Color:
Body Type:
(Endomorph, Ectomorph, Mesomorph)
Voice Example: (Find a voice example on Youtube or something to share so we know what your character sounds like.)

Starting Power Level: (Saiyans have a maximum allowed starting power level of 20,000 if they're not a "Master." If they're a "Master," then up to 30,000 will be allowed. Non-Saiyan characters are allowed any power level up to 25,000.)

Personality: (Please provide at minimum one full paragraph about who your character is, and please use no fewer than five sentences. You can and are encouraged to write more than this.)

* Training History: (Your character's training history regardless of where the training took place or from whom it was taught.)
* SPRC History: (Saiyans only, and this is optional, but encouraged.)
* Professional Biography: (A bio detailing only your character's professional life given whatever job/career you chose for them.)

Biography: (Your character's personal biography from birth until the present day. Please provide no fewer than three paragraphs which each contain no fewer than five full sentences. You can and are encouraged to write more than this.)

Age: 24
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5' 9" (~175 cm)
Weight: 135 lbs (~61 kg)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Body Type: Mesomorph
Voice Example: Soprano
Starting Power Level: 12,450

Nomiya's Theme

  • * Ki Gradient - Concentrating her Ki tightly to her skin, she creates a barrier of energy which can harmlessly repel incoming Ki-based attacks so long as they're equal to or below her own power level.

    - (This does not, however, protect her from the impact force of the attack which can still knock her backwards)

    * Internal Carnage - Concentrating her Ki into her fingertips, she releases a controlled amount of it inside the body of her target. For as long as she retains physical contact, she can control the stream of Ki to assault their internal organs and nervous system, causing organ damage and temporary paralysis as the nerves become scorched and/or disrupted. As soon as physical contact is broken, the attack comes to an end and the Ki dissipates harmlessly within the opponent's body.

    * TBN - She is currently in the process of creating a new technique which utilizes the heat properties of Ki to burn her enemies on contact. It is still in early development and largely theoretical. Whether she'll be able to truly make anything of it or not remains to be seen.
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Name: Xana Palida
Picture: Age: 75
Sex: Femme Presentation, although Frost Demons are asexual/hermaphrodites
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Height: 6’3
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: Like most of her species she has no hair
Eye Color: Somewhere between pink and red
Body Type: Ectomorph
Voice Example:

Starting Power Level: 20,000

Personality: Xana tends to display in either a sunny-familiar or cold-professional manner depending on the circumstances, such as to whom she is speaking. This goes for both members of her family, coworkers, and outsiders. If she doesn’t know or trust a person she will rest a relationship on her expertise until something deeper develops. She has a thick skin and can trade insults with the best of them. She tends to avoid conflict, however, and can be manipulative, leveraging her medical and technical knowledge to secure boons and concessions when necessary.

Training History:

-Trained in combat with family and their servants from an early age:
Learned how to fight, how to fly, and how to project Ki.

-Trained in etiquette by family and their servants from an early age:
Learned how to speak and move in an elegant manner, how to conceal, and how to flatter

-Trained in general education at boarding school as an adolescent:
Was trained in language, arithmetic, sciences, and history from age 6 to 16

-Trained as a battlefield medic and EMT by family paramilitary corp:
Was taught how to use small, focused ki blasts, entangling ki threads, and draining touch to help allies or harm opponents

-Trained as Physician at prestigious off world Academy:
Was trained in advanced medicine, disease management and cultivation, experimentation, cybernetics, nanotechnology and the theoretical relationship between Ki and organic matter.

-Further developed skills on sabbatical and upon entering into private business

Professional Biography: Xana spent her early life in education or in service to her family. She has some military experience, serving as a medical technician during periodic Palida family expeditions, both humanitarian and otherwise, and has an advanced degree equivalent to a Doctor of Medicine, which also comes with the equivalent of Hippocratic Oaths. More recently, she has returned from a lengthy sabbatical in uncharted space to conduct her own business, which includes treatment of injuries and conditions typically considered untreatable. Such exotic services include (but are not limited to) neurosurgery, cybernetic implants, gene therapy, and supplanting genetic limitations.

Biography: Frost Demons rarely bare children, so when they do the birth is always risky and painful. Like worms, bacteria and other lifeforms, Frost Demons can reproduce in a few different ways. They can reproduce solely from their own genetic material, but this limits the variability of available genetic material. A single Frost Demon takes on the risk of births that are known for destroying cities and even worlds, as well both Demon and child in the process, irregardless of technological interventions attempted. Unions involving two or more Demons are more practical for this reason. One carries the risk while the Frost Demons can mix and match possible genetic traits for better outcomes. Arranged marriages are quite common between Frost Demon clans therefore not only for political but also medical necessity. Xana was the result of such a union involving a rare triple-bonding. The participant with the lowest power-level was assigned the task of carrying and birthing the child. Her “mother”, Urd, was treated very respectfully and tenderly, but would ultimately be pressured to possibly kill herself reproducing to continue the clan.

And kill herself she did. A lower power level means the parent is less likely to destroy a city, planet, or system. It did not increase (nor did it decrease) the odds of a successful birth. The birth is still painful and risky, and in the case of Xana’s birth the monitoring lab and surrounding area were bathed in Ki-triggered thermonuclear flame, vaporizing attendant medical robots and equipment, sterilizing a lake, petrifying a forest and poisoning a sky. The other suitors swooped in through the still dissipating fire and mushroom cloud to find Xana, tiny and still curled up in the fetal position, floating in air, slowly rotating. Her “mask”, the prominent facial protrusions many recognize her by, already evident. A glowing, safe and clean bundle of joy amidst the carnage. Such was not uncommon among the Demons. Still, the sight was beautiful in spite of the surrounding sorrow, so the lesser whispered a name and the greater nodded. They swaddled a baby Xana in a blanket before flying home to introduce her to the family.

Frost Demons usually reach their Genetic Limit at a young age. Frost Demon clan, parents and siblings will goad each other endlessly, trying to unfold the power of their young, trying to discover new princes, kings and emperors well before they take their crowns and thrones. Xana’s power level never reached the levels her peers or elders did at the same age, however. No matter how hard they pushed her, as small, barely visible cracks on the right face protrusion will attest, she never remained significantly beyond 15,000. She had excellent Ki control, she had from birth; not all Demon young are found floating and shielded at birth, even if they survive it. With such a low power level she would never be a conqueror and protector of worlds and systems, would never fill the shoes of their illustrious cousins such as of the famous Cold family, or even be a famed mercenary like Captain Ginyu. She could perhaps become a mother, like Urd. As such, she was betrothed.

Frost Demons are not so cruel as to neglect their own children just because they were of low power, however. Whatever her eventual fate would likely be, not even the Cold Family would have simply neglected her as only useful as a breeder. Contrary to the views of outsiders, they were not monsters. Xana was a precocious child, and again had excellent Ki control, always talking, always floating around, always doing something. She learned quickly and had only a few estranged relationships among their clan, whatever her perceived handicap. It would be a waste to simply betroth her and not cultivate her. It was her great grandfather Avalanche, a conqueror and destroyer of worlds, who suggested she be tested as a medic and if she acclimated to the role that they inquire about sending her to academy on Sanguinus Prime.

Xana never sussed out of Avalanche whether or not Urd was some sort of albatross for him and if seeking medical expertise for her was his way to try to mitigate such deaths among the clan in the future. However, true to his predictions she took fast to her role as a medic. She treated the wounded, healed the sick, comforted the dying, and even helped cure a necrotizing plague that affected a cousin whose power level was at least ten times her. The Palida are slightly better at egalitarian organization than many other clans. She received high accolades for her role in resolving the necrotizing plague, as well as a medal for healing her more illustrious cousin. Usually, such recognition is reserved for the servants of the Demons. Frost Demons generally prefer more concrete forms of recognition, such as planets and systems, for their feats. Nevertheless, only a few of the more dense family found this “servant recognition” shameful. They’d found a knack for Xana besides shmoozing with people several times more powerful than she’d likely ever be. After a brief holiday she was dispatched to Academy.

Sanguinus Prime is named for the prominent red cloud layer that resembled blood for many of its inhabitants. Symbolizing an eternal, unclotting wound, the campus had been intended to cultivate a desperate desire to resolve the injury. An improbable task, just like many of the clinicals that students at the Academy dealt with daily. It was a four year school, and consisted mostly of practical clinical experience past the first year. Patients came from near and far, all manner of species with all manner of malady. Under the pressure, 9 in 10 students washed out within the first two months of practical training. Within two years, students were recognized associates, and with so few mid to high level students received direct and quality instruction.

Xana was the valedictorian of her graduating cohort. Her precise Ki and Telekinetic control, meticulous attention to detail, and dedicated study placed her well ahead of most of her peers, with only a rival from Yardrat coming within spitting distance of her scores. She returned to her clan a newly minted doctor among kings and conquerors. She took her first few contracts from them, overseeing work similar to what she’d done in the Palida Clan Forces for a few decades. Eventually wanderlust overtook her, however, and she greeted her family farewell as she departed into uncharted space, or at least space which fell outside of the control of the Frost Demons generally and the Palida Clan specifically. No doubt if she remained in family space she would eventually inquiries from her betrothed and other suitors asking if she would like to try to bare children with them. It was hard to come up with a convincing indirect reason not to if she wasn’t otherwise gainfully employed. Before she inevitably risked the same fate as her mother she wished to travel to other worlds and have a fulfilling life before it might be cut short because noblesse oblige.

She settled on a stormy moon near a planet colonized by stocky humanoids with rust colored skin. She built a practice and lab, starting from her ship and adding sealed chambers and modules, until a durable, modern building sat amidst the acid lakes and boiled-lead rains which characterized the weather and hydrology of the pretty, barren rock. First the locals, then outlanders responded to her adverts and presence. She diagnosed conditions, treated diseases, and healed injuries. Her visitors usually had access to healing tanks, but these were sometimes inadequate, especially for wounds clearly received on a battlefield or in industrial accidents. She made a tidy living for herself, being able to easily afford finer things in life, such as rare vintages of wine and expensive gene splicing technology. One day, a complex bit of wetware repair was brought before her. It appeared to be a Saiyan male, suspended in a stasis pod, half of his head missing. They brought nullentropy jars containing what they could find of the rest. The leader of the band of locals had a power level a bit north of her own.

They wanted the Saiyan technically alive and tried to haggle. Probably a comrade and they would have to deal with the family. Saiyans were almost as tightly knit as her own kin and could be just as nasty to each other and outsiders. She named a price: 2 million credits. She would not budge. Half up front or no deal. No machine any of them could afford could do the job, on its own but she could. It was going to be a lot of labor hours till completion, however. Good luck finding someone else that could do the same work for close to the same price. Reluctantly, they agreed to her terms. Most of the money down covered her plant and material costs. The job was a lot more demanding than she first thought, brain surgery is never easy but putting a brain back together was even harder. Nevertheless, she got the job done after two days of concentrated telekinetic and surgical effort. When they returned, she would not raise her price nor mention the hardship. She prided herself on keeping her word.

When they returned, they tried to filch her. She wasn’t having it. They jumped her. She killed one of their cohort with a power rating close to her own with a flurry of superficial finger beams, targeting significant veins and arteries common in most humanoids. An incision to the neck and the fool bled out before their medic could stabilize him. While she struggled with a further two their leader, again a touch above her in power, sucker punched her. He actually cracked the facial protrusion her greater father has damaged in childhood, causing her to fall out of her usual floating movements to the floor and briefly curl up. Contrary to common outsider assumptions the protrusions were actually enlarged sensory organs and related to her greater than average Ki and telekinetic control. While she was pulling herself back up, his associates escaped with the tank containing her finished product. The leader prepared a large Ki attack outside the lab and threw it back towards the air lock quickly as she entered it from the other side. He needed to breathe and protect himself from the moon’s environment. She was largely unphased by these facts as a Frost Demon, however. She quickly halted the Ki blast with intense concentration of her telekinesis before following up with a larger finger beam than she was accustomed to, still much smaller than the leader’s attack, a collapsing strike she’d been taught by the lesser of her fathers while still an adolescent.

The purple ball of plasma, perhaps ten meters in diameter, rippled where her beam struck it. It then lost its coherence, scattering itself in all directions but mostly down. A loud crash and it molested the environment outside her lab but barely scratched the facility, thankfully. The glow and flames faded as the howl of the unorthodox weather of her home drowned out the sounds of violence. In the distraction left by their leaders final attack, the bandits had escaped. She could follow them, however. She always implanted tracking devices on her patients, in case delirious they wandered off and got themselves into trouble. Rubbing her face, she trembled with rage. Their bullshit inside of the clinic, inside of her home, had probably cost as much as she had already collected. Nevermind the labor hours she’d put into repairing their stupid Saiyan. Nevermind the top of the line tank they’d spirited him away in. She applied a salve to her already mending face plate before making sure her ship would fly and she had appropriate supplies. Her ship was fine. She locked down the lab and departed after the bandits.

First she found her medical pod. They couldn’t figure out how to open it, so instead they pried and warped it till they could remove him once he could breathe on his own. The pod alone cost as much as the total amount she’d charged. Not even her wealthier counterparts among the Palida clan had those models, she’d had to bribe a Tuffle colleague half a galaxy away for it. For that alone she briefly fantasized about having Grandpa Avalanche toast a world or two for her. She quickly shook the idea out of her head, however. He’d never go for that over something so petty and she’d never ask for it; one of the reasons they had an amicable relationship. She wasn’t sure what she’d do when she caught up to the rust skinned bandits but she was committed to chasing them and was very clearly on their trail. Stowing her damaged pod in the cargo bay in case she might be able to repair it later she continued her pursuit. She pinpointed her patient on a nearby planet. She set course for it, arriving shortly after the tracker signal had departed. She arrived to find the rest of the cohort (including the leader) dead from clearly violent causes. There was an additional Saiyan she didn’t recognize, also dead and barely there. Her patient was gone, however, and there was no sign of his mortal remains being burned into the landscape.

Curiouser and curiouser…

She was a little bit shaken by what she found. Their ship was still there, if already ransacked. She was able to search their computers and found a record of who her patient was and what their intentions had been concerning him.


A bold, harebrained plan conceived by idiots. Only fools attack a healer. A greater fool tries to ransom an addled amnesiac back to their family. Their dealing involved a member of the Graceful Storm vanguard based out of Valkyom, a planet perhaps three days travel from this one. She would have been closer to it had she went there directly from her lab. Instead these (dead) miscreants took her on a merry goosechase. She may as well go there and see what resolution there had been to this matter. She was stronger than the average Saiyan and the reputation of Graceful Storm had them as reasonably civilized. Perhaps between their and her insurance they could settle the matter and she could just replace the pod and whatever else the trifecta of stupidity had destroyed when they ransacked her clinic. She was already invested. Worst came to worst, perhaps she’d get some repeat business from pleased and sympathetic customers.

She took a copy of all files and sealed up the remains of the dead bandits and unknown Saiyan for transport before laying in course. She found it pretty incredible the Saiyans had left this bloody mess behind, but they were known for being a bit rough behind the edges.

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