Dragon Age; The Revolution


Apocalyptic Mad Hatter of Zombie Wonderland


For a long time, mages were gaining more and more freedom, finally, they were being treated like a normal human; when it happened. A mage, named Chorniton used his connection to the rift for bad; he slaughtered kings after kings, he grew an army and took over cities, he slaughtered Qunari leaders, Elven leaders, Dwarven leaders and Human leaders; after years, finally, Chorniton was slayed and mages were once again treated horribly, every mage had to join the Circle, on average, mages were made Tranquil just because the king or non-magic leaders didn't like them. And the statement, 'Magic exists to serve man, and never rule over him' became even more enforced, Mages were treated as pets, slaves and none were allowed freedom... What happens when a new revolution was coming? A secret group start rescuing mages, and take in anyone willing to help. Will you join them... Or fight them?

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