Dragon Age: Rise of the Wardens

Just make a character that isn't op. I would say any of the main races. No Golems please.

Any of the normal classes are available, think a level 1-3 character in DA:O to how powerful you would be. If you would like to post the character sheets here with the basic information of your character, a quick personality blurb and maybe a small bio then go for it. I am not requiring it but others probably may. I normally describe my character as I go and her personality is apparent. :)
Okay, and of the main choices in the three games, what were they?

(It's mostly for historical reasons, like who the Divine is, who won the mage/templar war, etc.)
Just a suggestion, can we have a set maximum for each class? The RP will be a bit boring if everyone plays a rogue.
I'll be a mage, so ^_^

Also also, still need to know the race/class/gender of the three heroes of Dragon Age, as well as their choices.
They don't matter since it is a longer time in the future, centuries. Hundreds of years. New King, new political schemes, new blight, much has changed.

They have pretty much gone down in the history books, if you need to I suggest putting here what you wanted them to be and we can say yay or nay. But really no one will be referencing them much.

And yes your char is good to go Lucya
Well I'm asking all of this because:

The Inquisition was hinted to still exist after DAI, and the first leader would be remembered.

The Warden was the last person to kill an Archdemon, so they would be vividly remembered like Garahel who killed the forth.

Hawke is understandable, as all they really did was become a Champion, but they also jumpstarted the mage-templar war with their final decision.

Plus the Inquisitor

had decisions that lead to who the next divine became, decided whether or not the mages were free, and whether the Grey Wardens in Orlais and Ferelden stayed part of mainstream Wardens.
Ah. Well let's just say knowing what happened would be good, because it's fairly important if we're having this take place after (no matter how long) Inquisition.
I was waiting on the others to get a first post in, however since it is taking so long, would you rather I just post and continue on in the story and maybe find a way in for other people if they are coming in?

If there is no response within a few days, I will make a post to further the story.
Do we want to maybe bump the recruitment post again? See if we can get some more people interested? :) I would love to see more interactions here at least!
Well that is fortunate to you since we are in an easy place to introduce a new character. We are all new recruits and just meeting each other in the initiate's barracks for the first time. In-character assessments pf each other are being done, so they are seeing who they want to see more of, who are worthless, who to look out for trouble, etc. You can just jump right in with your character and enter Ostagar for the first time and head to the Warden's keep just past the little town of commerce.

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