Video Games Dragon Age Discussion


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What was your experience playing the game? Who was your favorite follower/team? Who did you play as? What was your favorite part? Least favorite? Who did you romance? And all other things Dragon Age

I've recently gotten back into it and would love to hear about what the game was like for different people. Plus, when do I not want to fangirl over DA?

This will also help me out in my group RP when coming up with new and interesting ideas from parts of the game I might have otherwise ignored.
Ft. A Shameless Self Promo of my Dragon Age group RP
Never played any other DA games but Origins. I have 32 different profiles but only beat it once. My willpower has not allowed for more. :,D

I like it and all but it can be overwhelmingly tedious in the middle sections after such a fantastic beginning.
Never played any other DA games but Origins. I have 32 different profiles but only beat it once. My willpower has not allowed for more. :,D

I like it and all but it can be overwhelmingly tedious in the middle sections after such a fantastic beginning.

I love making characters, but DA is so hard to play all the way through more then once. I just get bored.
I love making characters, but DA is so hard to play all the way through more then once. I just get bored.

This. I'll make characters with different histories and play through lothering and maybe the Dalish (my usual first stop afterwards) and quit because I hate doing that crap at Redcliff and the Circle. I tried to skip it one time and go to Orzammar.

Let's just say it did not go well.
I love this game! I only beat Inquisition once though.. but I agree with you guys. After you beat it once, I was pretty bored with it. I hope they make a new one soon.

Personally, I'd love to see a co-op during the campaign/story.. thoughts on that?
I've created more characters and redone so many different playthroughs/origins that I've lost count. Being a tad picky with how my character turns out or if I missed something and can't go back, I often delete and start over. Or if I'm low on room and can't try a new on without a deletion of another then I do that as well.

But I've beaten each game in the series atleast once each with several playthroughs reaching near the end. Origins I've beaten enough times to know each origins ending and a repeat of one or two of the origins. (Human Noble and dwarf noble being my favorites) DA: 2 and Inquisition I've beaten once each and so far found that I've really enjoyed my human mage Inquisitor the most, though I've yet to get far with the Qunari and Dwarven playthroughs to know for certain if that will remain the case.

Dwarves are my favored race and I've greatly enjoyed the mage and rogue/archer improvements made in inquisition. Archer and Mage are much funner to play now compared to the past two games. (3 if you count awakening) While the rogue specialization of (Varrics inquisition specialist. Forget the name) is one I have enjoyed the most and hope to use with my inquisitor when I get back to that point. And hopefully it's in the next game.

Oghren, Zevran, Morrigan, Isabella, Varric, Bethany, Cassandra, Dorian, Vivienne are my favorite companions in the series. (Awakening: I liked Sigrun and Velanna , best)

While Cassandra, Morrigan & Isabella were the favorite and main romance choices for me.

While the character of Sebastian Veil has imo the best looking rogue armor and a reason for a OC character idea that I've yet to use. ( Archer Build)
I cannot, nor will I ever, be able to stress this enough: I. LOVE. Cullen Rutherford.

I mean when I played through Origins as a mage, I LOVED Cullen. The entire game I headcanon that my Warden loved him and not Ali. I mean I crushed on him while everyone was crushing on Alistair. My heart broke with his when you go back to the Circle, long before they made him a handsome character.

In DA:2, I was thrilled to see him again and I wanted to romance him. I only imagined how hard things were and I would run by the courtyard just to make sure he was still there and okay.

In Inquisition I DIED. I was THRILLED to find out you could romance him as I've only had eyes for him since DAY 1. So it seriously pissed me off when people started liking him just because his new design was handsome, or how others would call him another stereotypical flat character blonde guy. He has been through so much and deserves love. Even before they made him hot.
Dog was my favorite companion. RIP Dog. :V

In all seriousness, I always opted to do Og/Sten, Morri, and Zev. We were ultimate anti-hero party.
I did notice a rise in popularity for Cullen since the debut of inquisition. A decent character though, his encounters with the mage warden was a cool scenario to see. In both cases and possible scenes, male and female mage warden.

Dog was awesome! The favorite companion that is a favorite without saying.
What was your experience playing the game?

I loved it, but Andromeda was better to me gameplay wise. Was a bit underwhelmed.

Who was your favorite follower/team?

Varric, always, forever. And then everyone else was random.

Who did you play as?

A female mage for my first go, but I'll do rogue next time. Never warrior, can't get into it, don't like the skill sets. Male really does fit better buuuut self insert lol.

What was your favorite part?

Banter. Banter. Banter.

Least favorite?

Even the repetitious parts weren't so bad... Not sure.

Who did you romance?

Cullen #Shameless. I am just not attracted to any other character. If I do a male playthrough it'd probably be cassandra, she's really cool.

Such a good game. Had a lot more potential imo tho.
In all honestly, I've only played inquisition. I tried to go back and play the others but after playing that first I found it impossible xD

Bull will always be my favourite. Can't get enough of the guy. Him, Varric and Sera are my favourite three companions to have, I just love he banter between them.

I also love playing as an Elf archer for some reason, or a Mage. Just more fun for me.

But I agree with the others - as much as I keep going back and making a new profile, I get so far and then quit after having played it through twice before (DLC included). I don't know what it is, probably just because it's such a long game with so much dialogue going on. But I still love it.
DA: origins will forever be my favorite game even if the graphics sucked XD I made everyone in origins my best friends so I could get a good ending and even though Alistair was my favorite, my favorite moment was when morrigan tells you that you're like a sister to her and I can't bring myself to hate her after she ran off
Dragon Age: Origins will always be mine as well. It's the reason I got into rpgs and non sports beyond childhood games like Pokémon, Yugioh and Naruto.... Otherwise I'd still be staying to sports games and the like. Origins got me hooked by the old trailer/commercial alone and then addicted once I got the game itself. Countless hours of gameplay and replaying of every origin with new ideas for characters back then and on occasion now. (Though rare these days. Hard to replay a game that's memorized like that one is for me... haven't forgotten enough to get that fresh experience feel to playing it)

Dragon Age 2 was good too. Though I'll admit lack of character options like race bothered me, playing the same human character got dull after awhile. Still enjoyed Hawke though and the different versions of him, but always loved the race option and origin stories/diversity that origins provided.

Inquisition was awesome! Mage and Archer characters were much more fun to play in Inquisition. Great rogue specialization added in the game too that was super fun to play when I took over Varric during battle scenes, when I felt it was needed or wanted to. Just wish it wasn't as grinding and would have more diversity like in origins and how they start off. (origins had the pre-warden/Duncan stories to play out before you got recruited. Helped connect you with your character and know more about them, while making each origin unique too. Inquisition you start off the exact same every time)

Awakening was fun, wish it had more options in it and was longer. I know in the end it was a dlc, but it had way more potential then it allowed. Romance options and extended story/gameplay would have been awesome. Not often you have the opportunity to play a warden that's not from fereldan.
I've played Dragon Age Origins. Never finished it.

It's a good game, but not my favorite. Mainly because it's not open world. It feels as if everything in the game is "instanced", if you know what I mean. You can't freely explore. Every area is a prison.
Played Origins a long while ago. Went with city elf, sword I think?, Alastair, Zevran and Morrigan.

Vastly prefer Inquisition however. I am utterly in love with Cullen. Such a fantastic character. My party always ended up being Iron Bull, Dorian and Cole though for the banter.
I beat all three games several times with different characters, it's one of my favorite series.
I absolutely love qunari.
Fave romance is and always will be Fenris x M!Hawke. I also love Cullywully, and I'm very sad they decide to scrap the gay romance for him :c
DAO was my first game and I loved it to bits. Fell in love with Morrigan and Leliana so I played through twice to romance them both c:
And then I kinda skipped over playing DA2...which is a shame and I'll need to go back and play it all the way.
In Inquisition I romanced Josephine and loved the Disney Princess vibes she was throwing out. It's hard for me to hate a character in Inquisition. I pretty much love them all! Well, except Solas, but I think that's an obvious choice :P

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