Drafted (Super Soldiers to War) - Character Sign-Up


The Kitty Soldier
Character Sign-Up

I am hoping to have a nice handful of people join this so we can have three squad lieutenant and the rest of them as soldiers. Feel free to make up to two characters. The squad lieutenants will be chosen by me through PMs AFTER I have accepted the majority of applied character profiles. Afterwards, I will ask those chosen three to put a specific phrase to label them as a squad lieutenant and I will announce this to everyone in OCC. Once the squad lieutenants are chosen, I will place everyone in squads and list them off later on but easily found in this section and in OCC.

Do not just create a character willy-nilly if you won’t put effort into the posts. Be as creative as possible! I love to see well-thought out characters and watch them develop in role plays. Despite the fact I am not making this a romance-centered role play, it is still encouraged, and character interactions are very important to the progression of this story. I mean, in the case that say, for example, some squad members get split up, we lose contact of an entire squad, or some of the lieutenants or other soldiers go MIA, then we will need to focus on communication to solve the issue(s). Also, remember this is a realistic/modern style role play, so please portray your character realistically (read the rules again to refresh you on posts, characters, and conduct).

Details of Characters

Below is some important information regarding certain aspects of the character profile sheet. Further below is the character sheet you must follow and fill out in order to be accepted. Make lists for skills, hobbies, and similar sections and paragraphs for the rest.

  • Use of Pictures: I will allow pictures to be used for characters – I ask that all primary pictures are realistic or realistic animation. Also, feel free to use pictures for weapons - keep to realistic as well.
  • Age: No character is 25 or older, in fact, it would be best to make a character less than 23 years of age but not any younger than 14. Yes, 14 year olds will be drafted as the world is desperate and unruly with the need for young bodies to experiment on. The squad lieutenants I choose will not have a specific age, as I will be looking for personality strengths and skills (but don’t fret over this). The lieutenants may be young but are a bit more skilled than the others, although, they are still new to the entire project and have plenty to learn.
    The soldiers are powerful compared to plain humans; they have been given tested “supplements” that help with all sorts of abilities and improvements to the physical and mental body. However, the enemy has also been found to have super soldiers with even more additions to the human body (the allied countries believe someone had betrayed them and taught the enemy how to use the supplements).

  • Personality: Reflect their personality however you see fit but some living styles might affect a character differently than others. Be prepared that personalities can and most likely will change while in the army, for example, if a character is soft-spoken and gentle, this will change. In fact, most will! Provide a few sentences to this section.
  • Skills: Provide me with up to five skills the character has before they are put into the army. You can even choose to make skills that are similar to and lead up to the skills they learn in training. Try to make one unique one where they can specialize in a specific field for the squad’s usage during missions.
  • Hobbies: What does your character do on her/his free time? What do they enjoy doing activity wise? Provide up to five but no need to reveal them all. We can keep parts of this section to ourselves as they can be revealed during the role play.
  • Strengths & Weaknesses: For both, please provide up to five strengths and weaknesses. These can always be improved on or eradicated during the role play (eradicated pointed towards weaknesses) as character development is a huge part here!
  • Weaponry: Choose one or two weapons your character will use upon entering the army and will have on them at all times when on missions. Weapons are very specific in this where they range from a simple pistol or hand knife to shotguns or swords. This army has all sorts of weapons, so be creative but don’t add powers to the weapons.
  • Additional Objects on Person: Does your character like to bring along with them some items…say like a jet pack (yes these are allowed), a backpack filled with goodies, mementos, media player (I will allow), or the like? Then go ahead and share a few of them. Don’t make them too heavy if they won’t support movement or fighting for your character.
  • Background/History: Please feel free to add in their family members whether alive or deceased to this section. Did your character suffer traumatic experiences; is your character an orphan, come from a wealthy family, live in the slums, etc.? Has your character had any wonderful life-changing experiences? Be creative here. Type up at most two paragraphs for this section. You can always type a little less and save it for sharing in the role play/dialogue between characters.

Once your character profile sheet is posted, I will PM you with any questions, edits, or concerns that come up while reading about your character. After any needed changes or additions are made, I will simply ‘Like’ your post and you can commence posting. Ready? Set! Go! Please fill in the following character profile sheet and please feel free to make it look lovely:




Additional Bodily Appearances:
Tattoos, piercings, scars, etc. (take out if don’t have any)


School Grade:
Is s/he in 8th, 10th grade, 12th grade; Sophomore in College, etc.? Or not in school?

Height: In feet and inches.




Strengths & Weaknesses:


Additional Objects on Person:
Optional (take this line out if not needed).

Background/History: You can include any important events

Squad L
ieutenants and Teams

Squad 1:

Lieutenant: Zeke Cass / @Stoked911 (Stealth and Negotiation)

Squad 3:

Lieutenant: Christina Dunois / @ChristinaXIV (First Aid and Close Combat)

  • Camden Allred / @DominantEgo (Hunting and Survival)
  • Alphonse Davidson / @RageFace (Ordnance and Marksman Specialist)
  • Ellis Walker / @Macaberz (Tactician and Endurance)

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Name/Nickname(s): Miguel Ruiz Jr " Dead-Eye"

Appearance: Miguel is a male of 6'4" in height weighs 230Ibs has a stocky build. Is of Hispanic Heritage.


Gender: Male

Additional markings: He has a scar across his right eye. He also has a tattoo of the 67th Infantry Battalion which is a flaming skull with assault rifles crossed behind it with under them a banner that says. "To the last man to the bullet we fight."

Age: 22

School Grade: Not in school

Height: 6'4"

Personality: Miguel has a cold personality to those he does not know well. He may seem like a asshole at times and like he doesn't care about what happens but under that cold layer of ice he is a caring person.

Skills: Miguel as a kid grew up hunting big game animals like deer and Elk. So he developed skills in marksmanship and stealth. He also learned how to make basic tools from the environment like knives, bows, and arrows ect. He also knows how to skin animals and how to preserve meat.

Hobbies: Miguel likes messing around carving and making stuff out of wood.

Strengths & Weaknesses: Miguel has like a sixth sense for people sneaking up on him which his guardian noted when he found out the hard way. Miguel is very strong for his age. Manly due to the conditioning that his guardian ad him do as a teen and the hard work he did as a child. Miguel does have one glaring flaw he has no sense of direction and time. He also has a crippling fear of needles.

Miguel uses the STE 79 High Caliber Sniper Rifle and the TIO 23 Submachine Gun

Background/History: Miguel was raised in a small family of him, his mother, and his father. One day, there was an accident which left Miguel alone and without a home. For awhile, he lived on the street doing whatever to get through. Until one day an ex-Soldier found him and took him in. The man had three kids all grown up, two daughters and one son. His son was killed in action a month before he found Miguel. When he found Miguel trying to steal a loaf of bread, he saw a way to fill the void in his heart. Miguel grew to see the man as a father figure as the years went by. The man died when Miguel was 19 due to a heart attack. Miguel was off at Paris Island training to become a Marine. When he got the news, he was devastated, he dropped out and returned home for the funeral. Miguel then went to work as a construction worker. When he was 21, he was attacked by a few gang bangers. The attack left him with three cracked ribs and the slash which forms the scar that he has now. Miguel's best friend Samuel Kruger joined the Army and was assigned to the 67th Infantry Battalion Alpha Company 3rd Platoon First Squad. Before he shipped out, they went and got tattoos together. Miguel was last sighted being involved in an incident with local Authorities when he and several Officers engaged in an all out brawl in the middle of a Cafe. One of the Officers was killed in the fight from a broken neck. Miguel was tried for murder and would have been convicted if not for a deal made by a military organization.
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Name/Nickname(s): Charles [Chuck] DiNiccolo


Appearance: A fairly tall man, Charles looks like the average ROTC student: fairly muscular, clean shaven and broad-shouldered, with a wide face and a nose that has been broken more than a few times. His posture is characteristically straight, his demeanor as friendly as he can make it, and a smile usually marks his face.

Gender: Male

Age: 18

School Grade:
A freshman at the University of Michigan, in the ROTC

Height: Six Foot Even

Personality: Chuck does his best to be friendly. He likes to talk and joke with friends and strangers alike. He does his best to be inclusive and approachable, and is always happy to be the butt of well-meaning jokes. Chuck remembered a time when he was cripplingly lazy, but even the few months in the ROTC, coupled with personal efforts, has managed to beat that out of him, and he has become a fastidious and active person. He is opinionated, and is always happy to learn new things or try and inform other people on matters that are important to him. Chuck does, however have rather poor impulse control, and has only become more of a thrill seeker since enrolling in college, leading to some rather poor decisions being made in recent years.

Skills: Chuck is a history major, and has a solid knowledge [for a freshman] of a myriad of topics in his interest. Chuck is physically fit, knows his way around a gun [having been interested in firearms from a young age], and has impressive reaction times. He's always been a pretty good cook, knows how to juggle, and got his captain's license last summer. He's been meaning to learn basic first aid, but has not yet gotten around to it.

Hobbies: Chuck likes to snowboard, though he rarely gets a chance. He enjoys the normal college repertoire of activities, drinking, gambling, partying, pursuing women [usually unsuccessfully] and procrastinating his studies. Boring television and jazz music helps him unwind, and he is never against a couple-hour nap.

Strengths & Weaknesses:


+Physically Fit


+Capable with a Firearm


-Poor Impulse Control


-Fear of Heights

-Occasionally Stubborn

Weaponry: In the field, uses a standard service issue M4, chambered in 6.5. Has an underslung grenade launcher and a 1x sight. He carries a non-standard sidearm, a Bren Ten.

Background/History: Grew up in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Chuck originally thought he was going to be an engineer, but quickly learned he was interested in history, and after repeated lectures from his soldier uncle, decided to join the ROTC. He graduated highschool with good grades, and managed to get into UM, which he has taken to like a duck to water.
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Johnathan 'Bloodshed' McGrath






Additional Bodily Appearances: Tattoos, piercings, scars, etc. (take out if don’t have any)

Johnathan has a small spider web tattoo on the back of his neck that he received over the span his five years in prison. It is a simple web with a more complicated spider design. Under it, text written in a runic language translates to 'Living a lie'. To most, this would seem strange, but to anyone who has known him knows this shows his love for deception.



School Grade: Is s/he in 8th, 10th grade, 12th grade; Sophomore in College, etc.? Or not in school?

Johnathan dropped out of school in his 9th year.




This particular individual is quite hard to understand. He act's much more... stable... around those he first meets, when, in reality, Johnathan is much more violent and psychotic. He isn't that aggressive and keeps his cool in most situations, but he has the tendency to kill first and ask questions later. He suffers from multiple mental illnesses, one being schizophrenia, which is why he constantly talks to himself, arguing over the most trivial things.When he isn't torturing someone for the fun of it, or vividly describing all of his murders, Johnathan often cracks jokes and fulfills his curiosity of humans. One of his most known quotes is 'I love humans!'


Johnathan loves to brag about the multitude of skills he has acquired thought his life, which consist of lock picking, marksmanship, stealth, bartering, interrogation, driving (Very fast, mind you), and much, much more. He tries to keep some of his skills secret however, as to keep the advantage in battle.


"Is murder a hobby? Oh, I like lying! Is that good? Maybe field stripping my pistol? What, you want me to say I like knitting? Ha!"

Strengths & Weaknesses:



+Highly Intelligent

-Lacks Empathy

+Skilled In CQC

-Mentally Unstable


Johnathan often uses a pump action shotgun that he stole during a break-in. He has used it on more than one occasion and cherishes it, keeping it close as if he were separated from it, he would die. He also wields a pistol and a long combat knife.


Johnathan was born into a poor household, his family often neglecting him as they didn't have much time to deal with the child. At the tender and vulnerable age of 5, his parents were killed and he was orphaned, living out his days in the Rockbell Orphanage, a notorious facility among the children in Johnathan's neighborhood. He spent his years there, his mental state worsening each day. He was adopted by a wealthy couple at the age of 13. As he mumbled to himself in the back seat of the car while the couple drove him to his new home, they began to regret their decision. Over the seven years that he stayed with his new parents, Johnathan had tried to run away four times, joined three gangs until he finally settled with the 'Blood Red's', killed over 50 people, pulled off 21 armed robberies, and much more, almost reaching his goal of having a rap sheet a mile long. When the cops finally caught up with him, he was sentenced to death. Two months later, he sat in his cell, carving something into the concrete wall, when a man called out to him. He said something about getting Johnathan out of jail. That was all Johnathan could think about as he was escorted outside in handcuffs and a muzzle.
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Name/Nickname(s): Camden Allred (Camel)




Additional Bodily Appearances:

Small scars along the undersides of his feet.

Age: 15

School Grade: 10th

Height: 5’7


Camden is a happy person, although he can be a bit absentminded. He’s very helpful, eager to help out the team in any ways he can. Because of how he was raised, Camden holds onto the concepts he believes in unless very forcibly changed. Camden was never a good talker, and doesn't always catch the subtle meanings in language.

As a result of the events that happened with his family, Camden has adopted a strong belief in survival of the fittest. This is thought to be a coping mechanism to deal with the death of his parents. He will help those close to him as long as it doesn't endanger himself but will actively hurt people for his gain. When forced into uncomfortable situations, Camden has the tendency to react violently to those around him in order to “make it through.”


Camden has shown to be proficient with several types of firearms. He’s a good tracker, letting him find prey if they are not actively covering their tracks. His survival skills are excellent, due to the hobbies his family participates in.


Camden enjoys hiking. He also enjoys hunting with his grandfather, even if he doesn't enjoy killing animals. He has the strange habit of collecting marbles.


Camden is an accomplished hunter, allowing him to track his enemies and survive long enough to find them. He has a clear head for tactics and shooting. He’s well off with most firearms he gets ahold of, and has even some small skill in hand-to-hand combat. Overall, Camden is well equipped to survive the rigors of war.


Camden isn't the most graceful person, leaving him unable to commit any sort of acrobatic moves. He’s useless with any hand weapons (e.g. knives), never showing interest in that kind of weaponry. Camden never showed actual skill with shots over long ranges, leaving him to become a front-line skirmisher.


Camden carries an M-16, with a silenced Beretta M9 pistol on his hip.

Additional Objects on Person:

Multi-purpose tool attached to the inside of his pant's pocket, with a roll of high strength wire in the other. A lucky marble that he carries around with him.


Camden has lived a normal life, up until his drafting in the army. He was born into a well-off family in Utah, consisted of his parents and a brother/sister pair. The youngest of the children, Camden was always sheltered a little more than the other children. This let him grow into his current happy personality. His family enjoyed physical activity and they often went on camping trips with his grandfather. Camden was a happy child, joining them on these trips and learning all the while.

When Camden was about ten, his family went on a trip into the forest. His grandfather didn't join on the trip because of an ill-timed flu. While they were sleeping that night, a forest fire broke out caused by the unnaturally high temperatures at the time. Camden was grabbed by his father, and his family ran from the fire. The fire rushed after the family until the mother could no longer run. His father made the children run ahead of them, screaming for them to go ahead. The two oldest children refused to leave their parents but Camden ran without hesitation.

About a week later, the rangers found a ten-year-old boy covered in dirt and soot. He had been surviving in the forest, scavenging for food, until he found the path that lead to one of the ranger’s outpost. Camden told them what happened in spotty details, and after searching the campgrounds they found the bodies of his parents a small distance away from their other children. When later told about their deaths, Camden showed little reaction, stating that he “had time to get over it."

Camden was moved into his grandfather’s home after a brief time in custody. Over time, Camden returned to normal, regaining most of his original personality. Throughout the next 3 ½ years, Camden went to school, hunting with his grandfather on occasions. The war barely impacted their lives but when the drafting age was bumped down to 14, his grandfather began to suspect Camden was going to war. Surprisingly, about a half a year passed before Camden received his letter.​
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Name/Nickname(s): Sawyer Stark

Nickname: Stark

Appearance: Sawyer stands only at 5'8" and weighs a good weight of 125lbs, majority of the weight cause of her muscles. She has the smoothest and softest brown skin. Since she has Alexandria Genesis Disease she has purple eyes which is very rare. Her hair falls a little above her waist but she either has it flat with bangs or curly. Her arms, back and upper chest are covered in tattoos and she has scars on her back and one going across her stomach from a car accident that left her in the hospital for a few months.

Gender: Female

Additional Bodily Appearances: Arms, Back and Upper Chest covered in tattoos, both ears are pierced, has scars on her back and one going across her stomach.

Age: 21

School Grade: College Sophomore, Major in Veterinary Medicine

Height: 5'8"

Personality: What can I say about her? She is not the type of girl who gets distracted easily. She always stays focus on a task and won't stop until it is completed. She is a very stoic, sarcastic and blunt person and hates to be interrupted or looked at differently because she is a female. When situations turn serious she becomes serious and focuses on that mission. She is a blunt and sarcastic person who has no problem pointing out people's flaws, after pointing them out she will either encourage the person to change for the good or just say nothing and let the person feel sad. She loves adventure and being daring. She loves to explore different places and try new things. She is very determined too, she tries her hardest and hates failing. She will never give up on what she believes in and won't let anyone bring her down...she tries to block all that out and focus on important things. Don't even try to get on her bad side. She won't snap in an instant but she will make her enemies suffer in a slow way.



She is an expert swordsman

She can be sneaky and quiet

She can estimate when a fight will last

She is an excellent fighter

She is a long-range shooter


She loves to practice her swordsman skills

She kick-boxes on a daily basis

She goes to the shooting range

Strengths & Weaknesses:

She works well in pressured situations

She is very stealthy and sneaky

She can negotiate well with others

She does have mental breakdowns

She dazes off sometimes for minutes and sometimes hours


Mcmillan TAC 50


Additional Objects on Person:

She has a switchblade in her boot

Double Bladed Katana's she carries from time to time


As a child, Sawyer was a very ditzy and carefree child. Outwardly she appeared to be the perfect child, obedient, friendly, and helpful. However, she was just as oblivious and naïve. Sawyer would always believe whatever anyone said whether it was true or not. Her parents saw how dangerous it was becoming and would always tell her to not listen to whatever a person says to her.

By the age of 16, Sawyer was invited to a party that was suppose to be legendary. She was in for it obviously. A group of people she somewhat knew where dropping people off but little did she know that the driver was drunk. It was too late, a diesel truck crashed right into the vehicle she was in killing the driver and passenger instantly but injuring her and the other passengers in the back badly. The accident cause her to have scars on her back and one across her stomach. She has then had problems trusting others and what other people say. Guess you could say her parents got what they wanted. She now shields her emotions from whoever she meets. When she heard about the Draft she made her decision of joining so she can still prove to others that she is not the carefree, gullible little girl like when she was younger.

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Alvis Ackley



Name/Nickname: Alvis Ackley / Al

Additional Bodily Appearances: Three inch scar from accident in past with siblings, on the back of her left shoulder. Also has a small tattoo of a flock of swallows in flight along the inside of her right forearm/bicep.

“They are free. That’s what they represent. Freedom from restraint.”

Age: 19

School Grade: Sophomore (almost Junior) in University

Height: 5’5”

Personality: Her heart is tender but protective; coming from a family of four other siblings, and being one of the middle children, she has adopted caretaking duties for her younger brother. Her voice is soft and calm; she smiles quite often even with a simple glance to another; she enjoys laughter with others; she tends to show affection through physical gestures (e.g. punching); and her love for chocolate captivates her sanity.

Skills: Agility, Discreetness, Munching down chocolate like its potato chips, Attention to details; Unique Skill: Slipping through small places/Moving around swiftly and quietly

Hobbies: Four days per week after college classes, she would participate on a gymnastic team and for two days a week, she would train young girls with a coach. Being overly flexible, her movements also allow her to be “light on her feet,” silent when she moves and nimble through obstacles and around the streets. She had always won during hide-and-seek with her siblings and friends, as she was too quiet to find or trace. Another favorite hobby: testing out various chocolate factories on her spare time.

“Oh, all the extra calories just melt away.”

Strengths & Weaknesses:


+ Agility

+ Silence

+ Problem-Solving

+ Determined

+ Friendly

+ Caring


- Major body strength/abilities lack

- Lack of Trust

- Love for Chocolate (especially with coconut in it)

- Minute knowledge on any type of weapon

- Violence

Weaponry: She chose a .44 magnum – why?! She likes Dirty Harry, she didn’t know what else to choose, and she thinks a gun would be easier than a knife or similar weapon. The girl was taken from her home and placed into a field she has no experience in, so she absentmindedly chose a weapon she has not practiced with. However, the girl is dedicated to training and will learn to overcome the temporary pain the gun has on her arms and upper body.

Additional Objects on Person: Grandfather’s antique pocket watch; Small silver heart locket around her neck; Wintergreen mint gum

Family Members and Jobs:

Mother / Isabella Ackley: Ornithologist

Father / Zechariah “Zech” Ackley: Lawyer

Oldest Brother / Demarius Ackley

Oldest Sister / Ariana Ackley

Middle Sister / Famke Ackley

Younger Brother / Tobias Ackley


Alvis was born in Atlanta, Georgia. She comes from a family of travelers and adventurers – her family had once lived in Amsterdam for a few years when her father had a job in the city after connections through coworkers working on a difficult court case. Now, her family lives in Georgia (until the move to Florida of course), in a medium-sized beach house with her three siblings and her parents. At this time, it is a “long-term” home. During all the moving, her particular interest was to travel around the world like her grandfather, spotting out unique entities, such as birds, in the world – and finding every different flavor of chocolate from the different countries (of course, this was a side motive and somewhat a joke within her family). Her grandfather, like her mother, was an ornithologist, focusing on travels within South American countries. Alvis eventually decided on a different field of study but has not chosen a specific career.

There once was a dream to compete on a national gymnastics team, giving her another excuse to travel around the world – travel is certainly one of her heart’s desires. However, the recent move to Georgia had provided them time to settle down from constant moving as her father works in different areas for work. Now, she is focusing on studies and gymnastics. Since high school, her current fields of study are physical therapy and anatomy – still living out her goal to teach others flexibility and healthy habits while also practicing her own interests with a team she co-leads.

About Her Scar:

This incident happened with her oldest siblings – Demarius, Ariana, and Alvis were at a local park within a neighborhood in Amsterdam. They had taken interest in climbing up and down the chain-link fence, racing to see who could go the fastest. Her eldest siblings dared Alvis to do one of her flips as she reached the top and to still land on the other side of the chain-links. The girl, being determined to always show up her eldest siblings, gladly accepted the challenge. Unfortunately, she was still too young to perfectly make the flip and avoid the tips of the fence. The back of her left shoulder was carved deeply by the sharp top of the fence – causing the need for stitches and a couple weeks of healing. There remained a three inch scar upon the back of her shoulder. Ever since this incident, however, she had practiced all sorts of flips to next overcome such a task in the future – even despite the fear of being gashed again.

“My determination hurts most the time but I’ll never get better if I play it safe.”

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Christina Dunois [Crystal]


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/10606542_1404114409891485_4436320583563517109_n.jpg.590578699b68a698986e15b0c0665cd6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50482" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/10606542_1404114409891485_4436320583563517109_n.jpg.590578699b68a698986e15b0c0665cd6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I'm not giving up, not on you, not on this cause, not on hope, and certainly not on the belief that better days are right around the corner."



Additional Bodily Appearances:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/belly-button-pierced.jpg.3fe23c28828021b680ff2e6fe40689d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/belly-button-pierced.jpg.3fe23c28828021b680ff2e6fe40689d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/1d5d7ff177c79772eaaa16427d635d03.jpg.14e3f7da85ada29ddd57ce5b83c497ee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50488" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/1d5d7ff177c79772eaaa16427d635d03.jpg.14e3f7da85ada29ddd57ce5b83c497ee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Neck-Birds-Tattoos-for-Women.jpg.9723e9624e16b864560e6f5468280ec8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Neck-Birds-Tattoos-for-Women.jpg.9723e9624e16b864560e6f5468280ec8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



School Grade:

Freshman year in College. Currently studying at Harvard University, majoring in Neurosurgery.


Five Feet, Seven Inches. (5'7)


Christina is a very hardworking woman, one who has grown herself in hardships and learned the true values of life, naturally after a series of traumatic experiences in her childhood, she faced two options. She could either face the problematic issues of the world that were within a field she could tackle, or, she could find safer refuge among drugs and alcohol, a common way Americans seemed to shut out their pain, as if it was never there. Having chosen the hard way, she fought for what she believed and continued to fight. She wanted to help people, always had since she was a child. As she developed a rich amount of knowledge, she found that what she wanted most was to become a doctor, people she saw as heroes for saving her life as a child. She wanted to be a guiding light in life for any patient she would come across in any reach of her life, she wanted to be a leader. Unfortunately, the world is vast, and there were others far more capable than she, she began to fall down the ranks in the category, though quite skilled, she was never going to surmount to much.

Aside from her medicinal struggle, she found a much more interesting pass-time, fighting. This is what pays for college, mostly. She is an unranked UFC contender who follows this pathway as a back-up route. For she developed a third option after her child like stress, seeing fighting as a gorgeous segment of roughly an hour to completely vent her anger. She's always been careful to never go berserk of course but she has gotten out of hand and broken opposing contenders. She isn't this perfect sort of chick however, her mind is warped and the way that men could so easily corrupt, she has a fond interest for romantic and sexual encounters, craving something of a fantasy in her life. Who wouldn't want something like a make-believe story to be their life? She decided to pursue this as a personal choice however.

Internally she is a kind spirit, one who will not hesitate to help anyone. Externally, she remains firm and stoic, though she'll let out an occasional laugh or a joke. Never mind her behavior of being able to handle herself in a fight, she can just as easily talk her way out of it, she's strongly diplomatic and believes violence isn't the answer, but finds that she is incredibly hypocritical towards her own statements. She has hope for change, though first she'd have to change herself. She is also very masochistic, something about pain has always excited her, given her a desire, perhaps that is why she enjoys fighting so much? She wouldn't tell, she'd just as easily sock someone should they try to peer into her emotions or try to read her like a book. She hates to be materialized, to be seen as some sort of weapon.

Finally, despite all of this, she can often break down and cry, regarding her 'tough-girl' attitude, she will have traumatic stress, much like anyone else, there is no reason for her to keep it all held up if it's coming out one day, right? Recap, she will help anyone who needs her, ESPECIALLY those less fortunate, she is only trying to make her way in life, and she loves to delve herself in simple pleasures to remove the stress that often builds up. She can be incredibly loyal and honest but deceptive if the right moment calls for it. Christina is a good and loving person, though, she can and will crush those who would dare harm her friends, there will be no mercy, no remorse.


Can muster up immense courage, is definitely unafraid to risk her life for civilians or for her fellow brothers and sisters in arms. Whether they be armed with guns, or with surgical equipment, she is there to save lives, and should that mean giving her own, then that's fine by her. She also refuses to quit, no matter how beaten she may be, she will get up to her feet again, somehow - they'll have to kill her to put her away. She is a decent shot with a gun but excels far greater in remaining silent, living off of the land, and surviving in places that do not house accommodations for modern civilization.


- Smoking

- Sex

- Exploring

- Training

- Fighting

- Being Apart of Something Great

Strengths & Weaknesses:






+Unbreakable (Mentally)



-Harsh (At times)

-/+A close combat specialist. (She's the kind of girl that would bring a knife to a gun fight.)


Common Gear.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/568861_01_chiappi_rhino_revolver_60ds_35_640.jpg.d3a78304ab47bff57d361f25c08db530.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/568861_01_chiappi_rhino_revolver_60ds_35_640.jpg.d3a78304ab47bff57d361f25c08db530.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Type-0_Katana.png.97680252adab9ef343c8348585ebd5c3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50502" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Type-0_Katana.png.97680252adab9ef343c8348585ebd5c3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Additional Objects on Person:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/06ccd64f6046b1ab785c57f1499f6f32.jpg.d71651cf66078a21999b6049c1d8a7ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50503" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/06ccd64f6046b1ab785c57f1499f6f32.jpg.d71651cf66078a21999b6049c1d8a7ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_nij1n60PAk1tks6n9o2_1280.jpg.485249aa886f03c2b1f7422d8cdd8e6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50504" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_nij1n60PAk1tks6n9o2_1280.jpg.485249aa886f03c2b1f7422d8cdd8e6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

+ standard military gear

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/669e64aa359a514ada11d7ffdd25b99e.jpg.56f56b86f21be2dff3bd9a80942f133b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/669e64aa359a514ada11d7ffdd25b99e.jpg.56f56b86f21be2dff3bd9a80942f133b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Will be revealed through story.



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Name: Alex "Lex" Martins



"Sometimes the one who keeps everyone happy is the most lonely person."

Age: 19

School Grade: Not in school

Height: 5 feet 5 inches 5'5"


Let's just say she's that type of person who talks a lot, immature, stubborn, will willingly risk her life for others and probably the knucklehead of the group. As people say, a group of friends isn't complete if there isn't at least one idiotic member - well, unfortunately Alex is that idiotic member. She is a cheerful, outgoing and positive young lady who doesn't have any problem in the world - well at least that's what other people think.

Everyone thinks her life is perfect because of the way she masked her problems with a smile. They won't even bother to check or ask if everything's okay because of her stupid mask. Nobody was even there to comfort her, much less somebody to share her problems with. Inside the happy-go-lucky girl, passed her mask - is a hollow hole waiting - always waiting for someone to fill it up. She can't help but feel...



Alex is a fast runner and uses light weaponry such as SMGs, pistols and blades. She knows how to operate any vehicle (except for tanks) making her able to carjack anyone, anywhere, anytime. She also knows how to plant and defuse bombs. Enough about the physical skills, she also has mental strengths.

Alex is a courageous and determined person that will not give up until the objective is accomplished even if it means she will have to finish the mission solo. That part of her is either a skill or a weakness. She is also good at protecting her friends and loved ones, and won't hesitate to shoot anyone that may harm them.


  • Fighting
  • Slacking off
  • Practicing with her guns
  • Talking/chatting
  • Making fun of someone/joking
  • Drawing
  • Singing


  • Courageous
  • Determined
  • Fast runner
  • Skilled with using light weapons
  • Stealthy


  • Stubborn
  • Uncooperative
  • Snipers
  • Rarely takes things seriously
  • Secretive


Sub-machine gun - Scorpion EVO 3:


Pistol - 9mm Pistol with Sound Suppressor



Everything was perfect ever since she was a child, perfect parents, house and other things that Alex could ever dream. She had it all. That was until her parents died because of terrorists. Her life turned a perfect 180 degrees- from up to down, from perfect to pathetic.

She was later sent to her aunt's house where she was treated badly at the young age of 12. Alex wasn't given the privilege to attend school by her aunt and instead was treated as a servant. Even though things turned that way, her smile was ever present on her face to conceal her true feelings. She believed that crying will not do anything and sharing your problems is just like revealing your weaknesses to your enemies for their advantage. And that's a stupid thing to do.

(More shall be revealed.)

((Uhm, if ever there are any problems with my character please tell and I will edit it. Sorry for my English, not my first language. And I couldn't add some designs in here cause I'm on iOS, aw.))
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Name/Nickname(s): Alphonse Davidson 'Reaper'



"And I'm going to do what you brought me back to do. I'll fight and win this war without compromising the soul of our [Country]....."



Gender: Male

Additional Bodily Appearances: A Tattoo that sits on the back of his right shoulder, he's had since before he got in.

Age: 21

School Grade: year 12

Height: 6'2


Alphonse is a caring person willing to do anything to help others in a time of need, he is generally doing something to increase his chances of survival. Keeping himself in top physical condition with the best equipment and obstacle courses that the military has to offer, he will push himself to the limits that would make most people cringe. Mostly cheerful and straight to the point, he will ask questions mostly out of curiosity and enjoys engaging with people wanting to know what each person can do, what they are like, how the got to their current position, etc.

If challenged he will not hesitate to fight them into submission until he has won, he will never do anything with out good cause as well as making a good effort to make everyone happy. Negative people annoy him and tries to help them by giving a positive attitude towards their negativity, he will never turn anyone down/away if they need his assistance or just want to get angry at him he will argue his point and help them as best as he can. When angered it is a sight most people wish they never saw, he begins to hate the world and everyone in it. His anger and go for any period of time but on a bad day, it could last hours. Sometimes it can be over in a few seconds, but when a life and death situation arises he knows it would mean death if he couldn't think straight.


  • Tough and effective at taking down enemies with gunfire, Alphonse has thorough weapons training and can use all special ammo types.
  • High-levels of training and excessive study has allowed him to focus on targets with lethal accuracy and
  • Whilst serving in the Army he was a Engineer that specialized in heavy Ordnance, he can setup explosives, use heavy weapons and operate rockets.
  • High level tolerance to pain, tougher than most people and iron will. (Please read Background for more info.)
  • A highly trained Arms weapon smith with a sound knowledge on fire arm weapons, he uses his knowledge on the battle field to better judge how to fight the enemy and can also fix and repair fire arms in field, he carries around a small kit.


  • Collecting aircraft models
  • Drinking
  • Checking on his comrades looking for a good laugh
  • Trying new weapons at the fire range and has his own armory
  • Doing Close Quarter Combat to keep himself fit


  • A Calm head in the thick of battle and brilliant tactics on the fly has made him excellent at adapting to new situations as they arise, he does not phase easily.
  • Tenacious
  • Tougher than most and physically in top condition
  • Strong Iron will
  • Excellent Marksmanship and master of arms

& Weaknesses:

  • When angry can affect his personality and might do certain things that would endanger himself or wouldn't seem normal, can be very hard to stop when angered.
  • Can overexert himself to exhortation if worried about to many things.
  • Has a hard time talking about his past to others as it puts himself back at that moment.
  • Will not take no for an answer if it means failure.
  • Will disobey orders if deemed necessary.


  • Modified Assault rifle with extended clip size of 50, sights and Grenade launcher with 6 shots per clip.

  • 2 High caliber hand guns with extended barrel and large clip of 15 bullets. (He will not start with these hand guns yet, but later as the story progresses.)

  • Always keeps a hand gun on him at anytime, he carries his spare on his ankle which is a walther ppk - 380.

Additional Objects on Person: A Watch he wears every mission.

When he was sixteen slavers raided his home town, slaughtering his family and friends. He was saved by a passing patrol apart of the U.S. Military, he enlisted with the military a few years later. He does not talk much about his past as it hurts him deeply, unless asked and a close friend he will not discuss it to others.

During his service, his first mission that was meant to be routine went horribly wrong. Trapped in an extreme survival situation, he had to overcome physical torments and psychological stresses that would have broken most people. He survived while all those around him fell, and now he alone is left to tell the tale. The Sole Survivor's unit was slaughtered in an enemy attack by enemy forces Afghanistan, no information could be found but Alphonse still searches to this day looking for any clues that can get him on the trail.

Throughout his career he was a tough warrior, able to deal with a range of combat situations. His focus is getting into the thick of the fight, picking the right weapon for tactical situations, and outlasting opponents. Trying to gain ground in combat can be difficult but when using the right tactics can get people safely across the battle field. When tasked with dangerous assignments, he simply agrees and understands his orders and gets the job done his way.

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Name/Nickname(s): Zeke Cass





School Grade:11th


Personality: He’s reserved and quiet, always avoiding getting involved with others since he finds it a nuisance, he only cares about those close to him. He doesn’t talk much to others which makes people think he’s always in a foul mood, however he can put up a decent conversation if someone manages to break him out of his shell.

He’s hopelessly romantic, which takes him to dream about meeting the ideal girl and starting a lasting cute relationship with her, this usually causes awkward situations. He can become pretty defensive if he feels threatened or attacked by someone, he’s not violent but he’ll defend himself whenever he feels the need to do it.


-Sword wielding




-Tracking skills





-Taking long walks

Strengths & Weaknesses:


- Calm

-Cold headed

-He’s used to surviving on his own





-Talking with strangers

- He cares too much about his friends

-He’d do anything if Anne is in danger

Sword and shield, Bow

Additional Objects on Person: He always carries his favorite book and his notebook along with a pencil or pen.

Background/History: He grew up on the streets and never met his parents, most of his childhood he spent along with a girl who would later become his best friend, they took care of each other until they were 9 years old, which was when a married couple decided to adopt them and give them a home, since then they started going to school and Zeke worked hard to catch up with study. Since then he lived a mostly normal life, he helps his adoptive parents with whatever they may need because he feels indebted to them and even though they’re not his real parents he loves them unconditionally.

Name/Nickname(s): Anne Cass



: Female

Age: 16

School Grade:11th

Height:5ft 2in

Personality: She’s warm and outgoing, always laughing and talking with people, she tends to trust people easily which has caused a few close calls in several situations but since the person she trusts over anyone else (Zeke) has advised her against it, it has been avoided. She’s usually loud and likes to hug people often, however she gets angry if someone either jokes about her height or tries to bully her friends.


-First aid


-Conversation skills






-Talking with people

Strengths & Weaknesses:




-She’s very committed with whatever she decides to do

-She makes friends easily


-She trust others easily

-Freaks out easily

-Low pain tolerance

-She hates to hurt people

None as for now

Additional Objects on Person:Her drawing notebook, a pencil and an eraser

Background/History:She spent most of her childhood on the streets along with her childhood friend Zeke, this is where she learnt basic first aid and self-defense skills, she also learned how to pickpocket efficiently to survive, which is how she met those who became her parents and Zeke’s. After she was adopted she started studying hard just to avoid falling behind Zeke.


I'm finally done! That definitely took longer than expected, let me know if there's anything that needs fixing ( :) )
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Cynthia “Cinders” Vivian Watabe


Appearance: She has a slender body, coarse hair, and smooth skin. She’s slight of frame, has long legs and thin fingers.

Gender: Female

Age: 18

School Grade: College Freshman

Height: 5’ 6”

Personality: She doesn’t talk much. But it’s not out of shyness or any other kind of discomfort; Cinders only speaks when something interests her. She’s reflective, and often needs to mull over thoughts before jumping over the threshold of her mind and into an action. Cautious is not the right term to describe it; Cinders is purposeful and considerate and takes care to make the wise choice. Rarely does the nervousness escape her calm expression, and usually her composure can be maintained even in the worst of circumstances. There’s a solidness to her demeanor that is not readily apparent. Cinders is honest and forthright when she does see fit to speak, and never shrinks from something she thinks needs doing. It is likely that her firm belief in free will is birthmother to this essence of her being.

Skills: She’s played the piano from a young age. Cinders has been studying philosophy at this point, and loves the logic of the greeks. In addition, she’s a capable cook, though this skill is belied by her position as a rigidly healthy eater.

Hobbies: Piano playing, Lacrosse, Reading, Playing with Chemicals in the science room, Experimenting with tea

Strengths & Weaknesses:



+Good Memory

-Slow to act

-Can’t be convinced she’s wrong

-Holds grudges quickly, gets revenge slowly

Weaponry: Sniper Rifle, Pistol, Knife

Background/History: The only daughter to two loving parents, Cinders grew up in the middle class and attended private schools from a young age. For high school, it was an all-girl school, and Cinders would often pass the time daydreaming out the window of a romance never realized, and of boys never met.

Male influence aside from her father was only attained in romance novels, where she idealized the thought of a man. Unfortunately, the extensive time she spent pouring this hopeful fantasy into her piano playing meant less time studying, and her grades began to lag behind. Once her parents found out, they were beyond furious. She remembers with keen sharpness the night that they had her sit down at the dinner table, and how the shadows cast dark anger over their expressions. There was fear in their eyes, too, though Cinders didn't recognize it at the time. They were concerned for her future, and thought good grades were the only path to survivability in this wartorn world.

They asked her to cheat. Her father at the forefront. Commanded it, really. Cinders had always been obedient to them, and never really questioned doing what they said, but in this she felt torn. Their suggestion was flawless -- the teacher would never find out. They suggested bribing the teachers, too, but thought Cinders could manage it on her own.

She caved in, and did as they asked of her. It didn't seem like the right thing at all -- she knew she had offended her conscience. The A on her report card was in stark rebellion to the fantastical dreams that had so possessed her thoughts. She did not feel worthy of the man she'd constructed, and tore up her notebooks that had been filled with stories about this ideal, burning the scraps.

It was then, that summer, that she mulled over her morality. Some recognition of how dramatic she was being crossed her mind -- certainly she'd heard stories of veterans gone to war -- her own father was only spared the draft because he was injured in the war, constrained to a wheelchair. Her guilt was nothing by comparison, but it was enough to prod her to question whether it was really her fault. She wanted to blame her parents. It would've made it so much easier. But she knew it not to be true. Those were her hands on the paper, her fingers that copied the answers. Her parents weren't even there. It was entirely out of her will to do wrong.

As she shouldered the responsibility, Cinders wept. The next day, she called the school and confessed to her teacher what she had done. The teacher was, fortunately, a rather kind young woman, and suggested Cinders retake the test instead. This time, she studied, and the teacher tutored her. The teacher, Mrs. Jones, took up rank as Cinders' greatest hero.

It was a smooth ride to college from there, but before Cinders could attend for the first day, the draft hit. Her parents were furious, but there was nothing to be done. She was taken away.
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Ellis Walker



Name: Ellis Walker

Gender: Male

Age: 14

School: 8th Grade.

Height: 5 ft 6 1/2 in

Weight: 52kg

A fierce determination burns in Ellis's eyes. Lips and brows are always locked in a serious frown. If it weren't for his smaller statue, it would've been hard to discern him from an adult. Always attentive, back always straight, Ellis certainly has the right mindset for a soldier. His movements are confident and rigid, his hair is kept short and tidy as is the rest of his outfit. You'll be hard pressed to find even a speck of dirt on him during a regular day.


Ellis is a very determined, steadfast boy mature beyond his years. Whereas many of his peers are now cowering behind their mother's skirts, Ellis has taken it upon himself to make his nation proud. Anyone who fights with him is a friend, anyone who shoots at him is an enemy. The world is black and white like that. There's the good soldiers, and then there is the enemy. Authority is treated with the utmost respect and rules are strictly observed. Honorable, obedient, and optimistic, Ellis has little trouble making friends with his superiors.

Break any rules or defy authority and Ellis will be on you like a starved dog on a bone -- though he is considerably more bark than bite. It is his narrow world view and inexperience that often proof problematic. Anger is often his only solution and Ellis is not one to quickly forgive. The most sure fire way to enrage Ellis however is to treat him like a child. When he feels he is being pampered or otherwise treated differently, he'll personally lecture you as to why you suck.


Ellis is a natural sprinter. His lean frame and high endurance lend itself well for long, strainious marches and short-distances sprints alike. Along with a developing tactical insight and a fiery determination, Ellis makes for a promising recruit. His strong desire to help defend his country makes him an obvious pick, despite his age and and inexperience.

  • Quick & agile.
  • High endurance.
  • Determined.
  • Obedient & loyal.
  • Tactical Insight


On the flipside, Ellis is often impatient, over-eager and naive. While his determination is an admirable trait it comes at the cost of mental immobility. There are no uncertainities in life, no what-ifs or buts. There are rules, laws, orders, constants and they are to be followed at all costs.

  • Impatient
  • Naive
  • Inexperienced
  • Narrow-minded


Ellis was born and bred in San Marcos, Texas. His strict, conservative upbringing included boarding San Marcos (Military) Academy. His father, serving as a Marine in the military, was one of the first to be deployed on the frontiers. The last Ellis and his mother heard of him was a month ago. Desperate to help out, Ellis soon came in touch with the
real military as he helped load and unload trucks carrying supplies to the front lines. It was here that he first heard of the need for young bodies for an experiment.

His mother was apalled by the prospect of losing her son too. But after some serious convincing done by Ellis, a military official and the headmaster of his school, she allowed him to go. Praying for his safety his mother gifted him her golden cross necklace. While not a mommy's boy, Ellis wears it under his shirt regardless. Having signed up willingly for the experiment, his superiors are expecting little trouble from the eager Ellis.


  • Play the guitar
  • Read books
  • Clean guns
  • Tinker with mechanical bits (engine parts).


M1 Garand Standard Rifle


G17 Semi-auto Pistol



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