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Realistic or Modern Down With The Sickness~Zombies~


Hello everyone and welcome! I will be your host today, call me boon or simply boondox.

The year is 2017, the new year has just begun in a small town called Everville, Arizona. The landscaping is pretty flat and its lush green grasses with the fully bloomed tree's. On the out skirts of town are the farmers fields where they hayed their fields and grew their corn. Its a small town and mostly filled with farm land, however a larger city is only about an hour away. A virus, know as the "A type virus" spread to the dead, basically bringing them back .. But only enough for one thing.. Blood. The scientist's had been experimenting with different medicines, in search of a cure for cancer as the numbers had been rising quiet frequently within the last year, Something went wrong and the medication and the sick being tested were turned, the out break starting in the large city and made its way to Everville quite quickly. These are zombies, yes they might be slow but in return they have a nasty grip if they get a hold of you. To catch the "A-Type" you must either be bitten or scratched by a person already infected.. To kill one its a blow to the head. At this time there is no cure. It has been three months since the outbreak of the virus and there are survivors trying to live, however the zombies are coming and the people of Everville have no idea. 

I will be writing the first post up now.


-No godmoding

-No controling of someone elses character

-If in a physical fight with characters you cannot automatically kill them, each attack is an attempt, the other person decides if they get hit or not.

-If you are going to be away let me know.

-Please no one liner posts.. I understand writers block but I am looking for semi-literate here so atleast 2 paragraphs (Of 5 lines or more)

-DO NOT post ahead without someone unless they have explained they are going to be away.

@Dannygirl900 @Gummy @scoundrel @Unimaginable_16 @Tori_98 @ReadingTheRunes




The sound of birds chirping and the light thumping of hooves against the ground brought Conner up from the couch, moving to the kitchen window he looked out into his property. The two geldings were galloping in the makeshift corral he had put together, layering a ring around the fences with spears made from tree limbs. No zombies were here to bug them this morning. The sun was peaking through the large canopy of the tree in front of his home. Moving to the door he put on his boots and grasped his hat from the small hooks beside the door. Sliding it onto his head he then stepped outside into the sunlight, a soft breeze rustling his shirt. Stepping down off the porch he then made his way to the corral, pulling two fingers up to his mouth he let out a small whistle. The black gelding stopped dead in its tracks, snaking his broad head around to look Conner in the eye he then tossed his head an trotted his way to the gate. Smiling he patted his horse on the neck before opening the gate. Detox stepped out onto the grass calmly an turned to face Conner, willing to follow him anywhere. Coon who was pacing inside the corral, snorted with disapproval. Conner laughed a little an looked over to his fathers stubborn mount "Easy big guy, Detox and I always come back.. You're safer here in the corral where the zombies can't reach you" Tossing his head, the buckskin trotted off to the far corner of the corral, where a tree lay shade for him to cool off in. With that, Conner looked to his steed "C'mon buddy" After his words had ceased he started for the barn, all the windows and barn doors had been secured shut after the out break, that way only Conner would be able to open it. Sliding the large door open he stepped inside, Detox close to his heels. Once into the tack room he quickly brushed off his horse an grabbed his tack, throwing the saddle and pad up onto his tall back, once the saddle was strapped to place he went to grab the gun holster to attach to the horn, the black rifle placed in its grasp. Fastening it onto the saddle firmly he then moved to get the bridle, sliding the bit into Detox's mouth smoothly he then moved to the tack room once more, grasping his crossbow and his arrows, slinging both over his shoulder he reached down to grasp a black back pack then walked back to his horse, taking the reins in one hand he maneuvered both of them outside, closing the large barn door behind them and securing it shut.


Looking to his fathers horse one last time before climbing into the saddle he sighed a little, Slightly upset for the horse as Conner didn't normally take him out into the city. Shaking his head he glanced down his long dirt driveway before he rearranged himself, taking off the arrows and his bow to slide on the backpack, then placing his arrows back over his shoulder but he kept his bow in one hand, his other gripping the reins, kicking his horse into a steady trot toward the city. The early morning sun was high in the sky, causing quite the heat wave as the two made their way. Detox's glistening black coat seemed to dance as the sun lay its rays upon his neck and shoulders. The ride wasn't to long as the dirt road he lived on came to meet pavement. Slowing his horse his eyes darted each way before he nudged his horse into a walk, the steady drum of hooves against pavement rang out into the city, hopefully the city would be as dormant as it had been the last few times he had came to town, only running into maybe three zombies at a time. Detox had his ears perked and head high as he also scouted the area for any signs of danger. 
Alona lay on the countertop of a cheap walk-in diner she decided to enter at the side of the road. She took slow, long hits off her blunt, the thin white paper slowly transforming into ash as it inched closer to the end. She had been walking from her shelter toward the city, which was what she estimated a 4 hour walk, and she was only at hour one. Her main goal was to find some sort of transportation. Every skeleton of a vehicle she had found so far had either been salvaged or broken down and was beyond her knowledge of repair. 

However, now was not the time for Alona to think of her stressful daily stuggles, now was a time for relaxation. The entire diner was clear, there were no diseased out back or anywhere nearby. She could just lay down in peace. She also had her AA battery powered music player turned on, playing some music for her to enjoy. She couldnt say they were her favorite songs, because she found it on the floor of a crashed pick-up truck. Right now it was playing Big Iron, and the whole CD was filled with other country classics. 

The song slowly faded to away, leaving the almost meditative 5 second silence between songs. She could hear the rusty "Diner" sign creaking as it blew in the wind. Alona decided her quick break was over and it was time to hit the road again. She flicked the bum out of her hand, and began walking again, the music player strapped to her hip.
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The morning light shined onto her face as she jumped up, realizing that she had fallen asleep on her couch that was set in her rather open living room that led into a very good sized kitchen. The sun must of been at just the right angle to shine through the cracks between the wood board that were put up, along with the curtains being nailed to the walls. What she remebered, is the first day that this all happened, she woke up to a pounding noise and when she walked downstairs, she saw her father taking every little bit of his wood boards to barricade the windows and using all the nails in his toolbox to nail the curtains to the walls.  About a month after that, they both went out one day and they never came back.


Whitney was always way too terrified to try and go looking for them since the world had her living in fear with no one to really keep her sane and Conner, she had no idea if he was dead or alive but she had no way to even tell so all she could do was hope for the best that he was still fighting to survive and knowing him, he was. Yet, she almost felt pathetic since she could barely handle all this. The slightest sound always freaked her out, she wanted to live, even if the world won't be the same once this virus spreads past these cities. The thing was, she had to go and scavenge for food in the town since she was running low of it at the her house, which meant she had to get outside for a couple hours and her guard would have to be much higher than it already was.


The outside air hit her like a wave and the sunshine felt good on her skin. There had to be a heatwave going on since it wasn't typically this high of a temperature but she welcomed the warmth. As far as she could see, there was nothing around her. She only brought her throwing knives and her survival knife because the gun would just slow her down and she didn't want to be out in the open more than she had to be. There were probably the people that could conquer this world with no fear at all and then there were the people like her who would see a zombie that was far away and her blood would run cold. If she stayed cooped up in her house, she would never get over this fear of hers but she felt like the house was all she had left to hold onto.


The city was fairly empty and it was so silent that you would be able to hear a pin drop but then she listened closer. There was almost a pitter-patter, it wasn't far away from her but she couldn't tell exactly what it was. Could it be one of the dead? Or was it another person? In the distance, she could hear the faint melody. It was music. There had to be people alive, this world couldn't of been suddenly uninhabited so she was foolish to think just because she hasn't seen anything, doesn't mean there was nobody. She started to slowly jog down the pavement of a street, not necessarily wanting to make a ton of noise. 


After going into what seemed like 50 stores, she was only able to find a couple cans of food along with some apples and pears that seemed to not be completely rotting. Whitney was still hearing the pitter-patter and she almost felt like she could hear it coming closer and closer. It was driving her insane, and she had to go and find the source of it. She started jogging once more, her head zipping around hearing different things but the dead for the first time, was the last thing on her mind. When she turned a corner, she sat a horse a little ways away and started running towards it not really knowing what she was doing. Yet, something about the horse itself seemed familiar. When she got within maybe 15 yards she called out, "Connor?" 


Mentioned: @Gummy Interaction: @Boondox



After scavenging through afew convenience stores and pharmacy's Conner mounted his steed once again. Luckily he had only ran into one infected so far today an it didn't seem to be anyone he knew personally, that was relieving. With almost a full backpack of supplies he made his way to the last store he knew would have some canned goods. Maneuvering through the empty streets of his home town, vehicles littered on the road, some damaged and others looked as though they had been taken apart and scavenged through. Sighing, Conner gave the reins a small flick, signaling Detox to pick up his walk to a trot. Conner had had enough of the city, it was hot and awfully dry today. Turning down the last road he had before his stop he could notice Detox's ears flickering and his head would turn slightly in one direction, he heard something that conner couldn't. However, Conner attempted to pay his mount no attention as they continued down toward the "Dunphy's Bed and Breakfast" he couldn't ignore his companion any longer. Pulling back on the reins slightly, Detox came to a full stop, his head high and ears perked on alert. Something was coming and fast. Conner could have sworn he heard music in the distance but he knew very well that music wouldn't capture his horses attention. The gelding swayed back an forth on his hind, as if impatiently waiting for something to strike. Conner would be lying if he couldn't say that he thought Detox enjoyed the workout. 


Finally, a young slender woman came barreling around the corner, it had seemed as if when she had spotted the horse she went into a full sprint toward them. Detox pinned his ears at first and Conner seemed floored, who was she? Not able to get a good look he placed a hand down onto his buck knife on his belt, the other hand holding the reins with a firm yet not to aggressive grip. Detox was getting agitated underneath him as the horse began to chomp at the bit, trying to calm him Conner had reached a hand down to stroke his broad neck "Easy boy.. Don't get lose on me now" with that, Detox stomped a hoof and became dangerously still, only his man and tail swayed in the light breeze. At the moment she reached about 12 to 15 yards away he could hear a voice calling through the breeze, calling his name to be exact. Squinting his dark emerald eyes he raised a hand to shield them from the light. The young girl getting closer he frowned alittle "Whitney?" speaking once under his breath before he then said it again, only this time he was calling out to her "Whitney?!" At the sound of the girls voice, Detox kicked off into a canter, his hooves beating against the pavement with a steady click-clop. Once Conner and Detox had reached the woman he couldn't help but be relieved, one for finding another non-infected human and two it being his previous girlfriend who hadn't seen or heard from since a week or so before the virus broke out. Reaching a hand out to her, a wide smile playing on his face "Whitney? Where have you been?!"


Interaction: @Unimaginable_16

Mentioned: @Gummy


(Just so everyone is up to speed, Unimaginable an I created a previous relationship between our two characters)
Alona wiped the sweat off her forehead, the tall merciless sun bearing down on her without a cloud in the sky to block it. Today had been a hot day, much more than she had predicted though Alona wasn't really considered a meteorologist. The gentle breeze that blew was only torture as its power to cool her down was just enough to crave it like the drugs she abuses. She continued to walk down the road, the amount of buildings around her become much less dense, as the stretch of road began to transform into a highway. Suddenly voices echoed through the air, bouncing into Alona's ears. She frowned, whipping around, her hand on the Glock she had fastened on her hip. 

The road was barren, empty, she couldnt see a soul. Not even one of the diseased walking around. She hit the power button on the music player holding her breath, ears focused and the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. Alona had grown weary of seeing anybody, that hadnt been diseased. Too many chances for them to stab her in the back, and take her stash. She then heard a voice again, yelling. This time it sounded like a male. Alona had heard screaming before. It was in the middle of the night on one the first week of the outbreak.

Alona was trekking out to the shelter she knew about, which was a bit away. She had camped in the bottom floor of a seemingly empty hotel, behind the check-in counter. In the middle of the night she was awoken to the sound of a struggle. She could hear the sound of a woman crying and feet being dragged across the carpet. Alona took the dare to peak over the counter at the sight of a hulking large man dragging a woman and what looked like her either dead or unconscious daughter. The woman was sobbing, looking defeated as she was slowly dragged upstairs by the hair. Alona then heard a loud female scream, and the repetitive sound of a bed-frame creaking. She knew it was sex, or in the woman's case what Alona could assume was something much darker. 

Alona had realized she lost focus, stuck in her day dream. She had already assumed that the yells were of somebody in danger, and she decided to investigate. Not to help but maybe she could pick the leftovers of what supplies were left behind, like the vulture that the world turned her into. 
Ana rested two flip-flop clad feet on an office desk, leaning back in the computer chair. All around her was a mess of papers, mostly receipts, calendars, and old delivery invoices. She munched on a kit kat bar while paging through a tabloid. Apparently, the Clintons were splitting up because of a Trump tweet, and Beyoncé made it all up.

Yeah right... She mused momentarily, then deadpanned. They're probably all zombies now anyways. Life was pretty depressing in the Everville Grocery Store. Ana tossed the magazine in the waste basket, overflowing with kit kat wrappers. She'd been holed up here since it all started, having locked the doors to keep the riff raff out. With no sign of her parents yet, or even her jerk of a brother, Ana had made herself at home amongst the aisles of food and supplies. When she was really bored, she climbed up on the roof and threw rocks at the zombies. Right now though, she had something better planned.

Rummaging through her bags, she found and changed into her gym clothes. Staying fit was important to her, so after putting Katy Perry threw the PA, she began her daily routine of yoga up by the check-outs. Excercises was a good distraction from the man-eaters watching from outside the large glass doors. Heck, it was her only distraction. She'd take anything to break up the monotony of her day.
     She'd never dreamed of having to sleep in broken down old cars at night or having to flee in the night after of men without rules make themselves worse than the living dead. It'd been a restless night and she'd been biking since before the sun rose over the flat featureless farmland. It was a stark change from the city, where she grew up surrounded by concrete and steel. Luisa looked back in the direction that she came from, where the wagon on her bike was stolen, among other things. A thin column of smoke rose on the horizon, no doubt a campfire built to enjoy the spoils of the successful looting of her gear.

     Tears burned her eyes and she only pedaled faster toward the next town, she'd just have to start over, it wouldn't be the first time, "Fuck! Fuck! Motherfuckers!" She yelled to no one in particular.

     Soon she reached the town of Everville. Flying around a corner she hit the brakes, the tires made a screeching sound on the pavement. A woman. She could only see the the back of her as she was walking away.

"Hey." she said too quietly at first, "Hey!" She said it louder. Though there was no doubt that the woman had heard the sound of her screeching stop with out how silent the world had become.

@Gummy ;)


Clio woke up suddenly, startled by the nightmare she had whilst sleeping. She raised a hand to block the slight ray of sunlight coming through the heavy folding blinds, immediately she noticed the strong odor of rotting flesh, somehow she managed to miss the dead corpse slouched on an armchair on the other side of the room . Chocking, she lifted the blinds and pushed open all the windows. "Hoo." She let out a deep breath, from the corner of her eye she spotted the grey figure on the grassy turf  below. " Morning Buck." She waved, the mare snorted then turned around, not willing to face her. "Jeez, I'm sorry okay. I'll find a bigger yard for you next time." Clio rolled her eyes, its so great to have a cooperative companion. "I'm coming down." Johnny would probably be laughing at her if he was still around, telling her how ridiculous she sounds, reporting everything to a horse. She stucked back her emotions and proceeded to climb down from the second storey window via a twisted bedsheet.

"Almost missed this feeling." Clio rubbed her hands together, trying to ease the pain from the makeshift rope. Bucket walked slowly towards Clio in her usual supreme manner with her head held up high. "Oh, come on." Instad of waiting for Bucket to come over, Clio went to her and opened the left saddle bag, she pulled out an energy bar as well as a bottle of water that's almost empty. Clio shared a bit of the the energy bar with the mare and gulped down whatever was left in the bottle, she felt slightly better after the light meal. "We'd better find a town or a city before the sun goes down." She mumbled to herself while she led Bucket out of the fenced yard and onto the main road of this tiny residential community; As much as she'd like to hate this resource scarce community, she appreciated the emptiness of it, she was able to sleep through a large portion of the night soundly. Staying here was not an option, Clio planned on heading to the bigger cities and the closest one she saw on the map was 20 minutes driving time away, on a horse it was probably going to take her more than an hour. Good thing Bucket has amazing stamina. She thought, as she climbed onto Bucket, and with a kick of her heel they were off to search for civilization.
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After listening to attentively to complete silence for a long time, it was pretty impressive that somebody managed to sneak up on Alona like they did. She whipped around, hearing the sound of screaching brakes, her pistol instinctively whipping out of its holster, aimed straight towards the person's head. However her motions were a little delayed and not as fluent as she would like, because of the blunt she smoked earlier. It was bad timing for all this commotion to be going on right after her smoke. Before Alona could get a word out to the person, another one showed up, in a car. Her adrenaline kicked in by now, as she jumped back again, her gun pointing to the other survivor. 

Her thoughts were racing, and she automatically assumed that the man with the car was the cause of the yelling, and the girl could also be with him. This could all be some elaborate plan to rob her. She felt cornered in the middle of the open road. She was a scavenger and they were predators, ready to strike.

Alona's trigger discipline had grown pretty strict lately, though now her index finger had inched down from the side of the handgun, to resting on the trigger. "W-Whats your business." She said to both of them, trying to sound threatening.

(Also she didnt have earbuds btw ;)  )


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     She looked unsure of the strange man who approached like it was no big deal. Her heart raced when the man passed her and she instinctively leaned away from him. When in doubt, get out. 

"I don't know this guy." Her eyes were fearful and locked more on the man than the gun in front of her. She gripped her handlebars and turned the wheel toward the middle of the road, ready to flee the situation.

     His pleas didn't fall on deaf ears at least. But she'd been tricked before and didn't immediately jump to his defense.

     She stepped off of her bike. "Stop. Get back in your car." She tried to sound commanding and in control but inside she was shaking. 
Alona's nostrils flared, hearing the man mention his child. She felt a little sorry for threatening the man, as he now came across as innocent, but she blamed her empathy on the weed. She had to keep a steel grip on the situation or it could go south. The chances of those two randomly ambushing her, after not seeing survivors for such a long time, were slim. Though she had to believe something they were saying, because Alona was starting to doubt whether or not she could pull the trigger on either of them. 

She thought of what he said, about looking for a man with horses. She knew about some mans property neighboring her shelter, a mile away. She didnt bother searching his place or even seeing if he was alive because she figured she wouldve seen him by now. She also didnt know if the man's goal was to find horses, or find a specific man with horses. She heard the girl trying to command the man, though her attempt at a powerful voice fell flat. "How old is she. The girl."
     The timidity in her own voice was disheartening to say the least. She blamed on the men from the previous night. She could still hear their voices and their laughter. It rattled her more than she thought it did.

She kept herself quiet though as the two talked and moved away toward the middle of the road with her bike. If given the chance she'd leave. But bullets go faster than bikes. Luisa looked at the car and at the people inside. She could see the girl in question inside, she looked young 16 or even younger, surely this guy wouldn't start trouble with a little kid in the car.
Alona gritted her teeth, the pressure of the situation making the decision even harder to make. She was contemplating whether or not it was worth going with him. He didnt seem like the kind of guy to mess with her stash, though she had to keep vigilant eyes on it, and couldnt trust anyone with that sort of thing.

She saw the other girl moving away with her peripheral vision. "Where are you going?" She asked defensively, keeping the gun trained on the man. Again, Alona felt like if she lost grasp on the situation, she would lose grasp of her life. To her, something seemed off about this situation, like she could die any second. The paranoia was probably a cause of the drugs but that thought didnt cross her mind. After silence Alona had finally decided that she thinks it would be better to go with the man, so she then swapped positions, aiming the gun at the girl on the bike, while talking to the man. "Ill come with you. But under the condition that I can go to my... house, and get my things."  She said sternly, looking back at the girl, watching both of their moves.


Ridge 3.gif


Ridge woke up to the sunlight streaming in his windows. It had been a long night, making sure everything was okay with their fence. Luckily, his family owned a little house just outside of town and the yard was fenced. It took a few tries to get the yard protected and safe, but he finally got it right though he still stayed awake just in case. With a yawn the man stood up from the porch swing he had fallen asleep on and made his way into the large house. A small smile touched his lips to see his sister attempting to make a healthy breakfast, which happened to be some creations from foods he had collected on supply runs. "Well look at this chef" he teased the younger girl as he took a bite of what was probably oatmeal and fresh fruits which happened to be from the garden their dad had planted. "I'm running into town today. Are you gonna come with? Have my back?" he raised an eyebrow and watched as his dad wandered into the kitchen, giving them a small wave. The man knew how to protect himself, having been a gun enthusiast, so he wasn't worried about someone being at the house with him. It was Minnie who couldn't be alone.

After washing off his plate, Ridge nodded for Minnie to follow him as he made his way to his truck. The drive into town was quiet, which meant Minnie was missing her mom, though he chose not to say anything about it. The town seemed to be buzzing, which was odd. Usually he was alone when he went in. Slowing his truck he looked in a few of the stores windows. Eventually he came to a stop, hiding his truck in the garage behind the tattoo shop he had once ran. "Go check if anything got into the store." He told his sister as he put a pad lock on the garage door from the inside, then made his way into the store, locking the garage door with more deadbolts. He couldn't risk his beloved truck getting stolen. When he knew the shop was clear he peaked out the heavily draped front windows to see if anyone was around.



Minni 2.gif

Kathleen had been up early, mostly because she hadn't been able to sleep well for the last few months, with zombies wandering the earth and all. All they had been eating lately was crap, so she decided to pick some berries from the few bushes her step-dad grew outside, and whip up some oatmeal to put them in. She wasn't the best cook, but it was better than eating canned foods. Smiling at her brother came in, the girl placed his bowl on the counter for him to start eating. "Of course, I need a few things" she smiled at the man then gave her step-dad a little wave as he made his way to the garden to tend it. All morning she hadn't been able to take her mind off of her mom. It was the day that marks the woman's five months of being gone, and Minnie missed her every day. But, not wanting to bring anyone down, she kept her smile on her lips and pushed through her pain.

Kathleen had noticed the activity in town as well. They hadn't been there long before the apocalypse, so she didn't recognize the people. Well, the live ones. When Ridge asked her to go check the shop she nodded and made sure it was clear. There were a few outside the window, so she decided not to go near but rather watch Ridge check for something. She didn't know what, but he always made sure everyone was safe. She admired that about him. "I'm going to go upstairs and see if I left some toothpaste here." She told him and made her way upstairs. But she was curious what Ridge had been watching, so she made her way to the window and looked at the town. She could see a few people by the diner, so she watched them for a bit but continued to look through a few of her things she kept in the storage closet, in case she needed something while they were in town. No toothpaste. 


(For organization and less confusion, can we all add location at the bottom of our posts? I wouldn't feel as lost if I'm gone a few days haha @Boondox )
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     She stopped moving when the other woman pointed her gun at her. If she was going to shoot she'd have done it already. This fact bolstered her confidence and she stepped forward.

"I'll go on one condition too. You put your gun away." She didn't break eye contact with the woman and sounded braver than she was. She had to after all that's happened in the last few days. 



Whitney had to blink a couple times to try and make sure that what she was seeing was real. Reaching out, she grasped his hand and squeezed it softly and used her free hand to softly stroke the side of the horse's neck, not wanting to spook him. She just hoped that the horse wouldn't spook since she figured he would remember her yet, it has been a couple months. "Where have I been? Well I have been mainly at my house with the boarded up windows that, that father of mine did the first time he saw one of the dead and honestly, I have really been terrified to come out in the open." she says the last part with a dry laugh. Whitney saw his wide smile and then one spread across her features before she says in a soft voice, "I've really missed you"


Whit still held onto his hand with a grip but not too tightly. It felt almost like a miracle that she had found him at all. "Where the hell have you been? Are you okay? Where is your family?" she asks a tone of concern taking over her voice.


(Sorry for the shorter post! My post lengths will vary depending on the part of the story)


Interaction: @Boondox
Alona eyed the girl, squinting her eyes. All this sure was ruining her high. She looked between the man and the woman again once more, before sighing, her shoulders resting from their defensive position. "Fine." She said, a little harshly. She released the mag and pulled the slide back, the bullet flying out of the chamber. It hit the road, making a clinking sound. She quickly plucked it off the ground and put it back inside her magazine, followed by sliding the weapon in its holster Alona accepted the water, taking it and immediately taking sips from it. She had been conserving her own water since it was running low. 

"Whats the deal with the horse-man youre looking for anyway?" She asked the man, trying to peer inside and catch a glimpse of the sleeping girl. The windows were tinted, which may have been a good thing because if she saw Francis moving around, tensions would have risen again, due to him only mentioning being with one other person. (What's the strap for?) 
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The excitement that played on Conner's face was for once very genuine and real. As his gelding came to a stop and she gripped his hand he let out a sigh of relief, looking down to her. As she stroking the geldings thick neck he turned his nose in toward her, nudging her upper thigh and his ears perked forward. Detox was a smart horse and very well knew who she was. As she came to talking again he frowned, She was scared? "Whitney... Are you all alone?" It was a hard question to ask but he couldn't sugar coat everything for her. A small commotion seemed to be brewing not to far from them as Detox lifted his head once more, looking in the direction of the sounds. As Whitney's voice rang out to him again he smiled an leaned down to gently rub a hand on her cheek "I've missed you too" Sitting back up in the saddle as she began questioning him he sighed an shook his head, looking away from her a moment before he could look back to explain his situation "Well.. The family went out and never came back... Detox and I were out patrolling and gathering supplies when we found them... I had to pull the trigger" Conner's words faded greatly as he came to the end of his sentence. Shaking his head he looked to her "That doesn't matter.. The ranch is safe, not many zombies have found it and I have it secured down.. I have Detox and dads horse, Coon.. The rest got demolished by the infected" As Conner explained his situation he then glanced up and noticed a small amount of movement coming from the alley way not to far from them. Grumbling under his breath he extended his hand "Getting on?"


The low mumbles an groans of the dead seemed to come to life, however there was only two headed their way. The dry pavement seemed to be stained tan from the dirt that had been kicked up from the wind. Looking to Whit he smirked "Be right back" With that he nudged his horse into a canter, his free hand reaching down to grasp his large buck knife. Coming to maneuver by one he threw his arm down, the blade of his knife crushing the decaying skull easily, The zombie falling to its feet. The other zombie had been attempting to go for Whitney but before it could even get close enough, Conner and Detox were coming up behind it and the blade sank through into the skull once again, this zombie falling to the ground as well. Slipping his knife back into its place he then tied the reins to the horn of the saddle and held out his hand again for her "Come on, I know Coon will be grateful to see another face but mine" His other free hand grasped the crossbow and he brought it over his shoulder, holding it in one hand, his free hand extended to her to help her climb aboard.


(Yes @Dannygirl900 Location would be a good idea) 


Location: Heart of town

Interaction: @Unimaginable_16

Mentioned: @Gummy @scoundrel @Demeter
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Whitney felt the horse nudge her upper thigh and it made her smile. "Oh so you do remember me" she says in a soft voice to the horse. Feeling his hand come down for and rub her cheeks softly made her lean into him slightly.


"Well as for me being alone, those sisters of mine, I know you just love them," she says sarcastically as well as rolling her eyes since whenever he was around them they played the 'tough little sister' roles and then they could just be plain annoying. She continued, "They went out to town before this whole thing started and I haven't heard from them since. As for my parents, they just disappeared one day and I haven't seen them in close to 2 and a half months now." Whitney said that last part almost in monotone, void of emotion. Whitney knew she wouldn't let herself feel anything that was like pain or sadness, she couldn't let those silly emotions cloud her judgment, especially in a time like this. Watching him talk about his family almost pained her since his voice trailed off more and more that he talked, it looked like it pained him. It felt like a much longer time than two months that she saw another human, she felt heat coming off of his skin, it almost relaxed her and gave her some peace of mind instead of the constant stress or the constant fear she was always living in.


Whitney looked up to his outreached hand and was about to take it when a smirk came across his face and he said, "Be right back." The smirk on his face was one of the things she had missed in the past few months and she felt a warmness spread across her body as he nudged his horse to start moving once more.  She spun around so she could watch what was happening behind her and there were two of the dead walking straight for them. She for once got a good look at one of them and she saw the tattered clothing and the pale skin and then the wounds were they were obviously changed by. Before she knew it, Connor was back and reaching a hand out to her once more. "Oh good old Coon, well I have missed him, even more than I missed you." she says in a teasing tone before taking his hand and swinging her leg over the horse so she was sitting behind him. Whit placed her hands around his waist not because she felt like she was going to fall off but because she just  missed him.



Interaction: @Boondox

Location: Heart of Town



After what felt like an eternity on Bucket's back, Clio finally saw the outline of a town on the horizon, she slowed Bucket down to a stop and climbed off. She took out two bottles of water along with Buck's bowl, poured one bottle into the bowl and drank the other. While the mare drank its water, Clio decided to get out her crossbow before they entered the town, she took count of how many arrows she had. Only five. Internally, she blamed herself for not retrieving arrows more often. These will have to do... let's hope I won't need to use any of them. She thought as she placed Buck's bowl back into the saddle bag, before she pulled herself onto the horse. With the reins on one hand and her crossbow on the other, Clio cautiously approcached the town.

location: 5 minutes away from town, entering via the main road



Laughing alittle as she got on behind him, Conner then slipped the backpack off his back and handed it to her "Here now you have more room" with that he kicked Detox up into a steady trot, his hooves again beating a steady rythmn against the pavement. Upon picking Whitney up he had figured it was time to go home, he had enough food there for two people for a few days so he wasn't in desperate need. The breeze had died down alittle and it was just plain dry and hot now, Conners had provided a good enough shield from the sun as the two made their way through town. Conner glanced over his shoulder at Whitney, the cross bow in one hand to defend them and his other hand gripped the reins lightly. Detox kept steady beat under them, once in awhile chomping at the bit an pulling his head forward, getting bored of the slow pace. Giving the reins a small check back toward him Conner laughed "You are carrying two people on pavement you big goon, you can't go racing through town" As if understanding, Detox gave a loud snort and shook out his mane as a small breeze picked up.


Rounding a corner the trio came to a side street just off of the main road into town, the old tattoo shop coming into view. Conner grumbled to himself as they had gotten closer. Conner had gotten both of his tattoo sleeves done there, his craving for more ink would now be put on permanent hold. As they seemed to get closer however he thought he saw movement, movement much to quick to be an infected. Halting Detox infront of the main door to the shop he frowned an called out "Hello? Anyone in there?" Conner knew he shouldn't have been making to much noise but he couldn't help it, he didnt need anyone stealing from his favorite tattoo parlor and for what? 


Location: Side street just beside the main road of town

Interaction: @Unimaginable_16 & @Dannygirl900

Mentioned: @Dannygirl900
     Luisa listened as she walked her bike closer to the car. She strained to see inside without making it too obvious. Today's as good as any to get locked in a basement by creeps. She still managed a smile at the people in the car though.

"I'm Luisa" She said when Mickey was done talking. She gestured to her bike. "Do you want this on the roof or in the trunk?"

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