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Realistic or Modern Down with the Freaks

ill join i just havent been on because 103 degree cold and im still at 101 degrees so sorry if i dont reply fast
Just waiting to be accepted.

Before I jump in, can someone give a summary of the story so far? That way I don't rush in blind.
[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]Just waiting to be accepted.
Before I jump in, can someone give a summary of the story so far? That way I don't rush in blind.

My evil character just kind of dropped a heart from a building, two supers got attention, went in the cafe Moana was eating at, Blade attacks, now she's on everyone's nerves.
So this rp seems to have taken quite the escalation in tension between all of us, I mean we aren't even on the third page yet and death is awaiting around every corner xD LOVE IT!!!!!

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