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Fantasy Down in the realms of the Underground


sʇɐq ןooɔ ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıƃuɐɥ


The Kobold Kingdom

An underground realm ruled by its Monarch, the Kobold Kingdom encompasses everything that lies below the earth.The other inhabitants of this bizarre land dread to even set foot into caverns as every yet so small crevice leads into the realm of Kobolds. And yet this kingdom's neither one of darkness nor one of claustrophobic sensations as the very grotto walls seem to be a bizarre reflection of the overworld's sky.

A bright sun sharing the Kingdom's cavernous sky with a moon that never dims, drawing their circles over the castle of kobolds like the ones on the surface would.

Nothing but Kobolds live underground, having carved out their own kingdom deep into the world's molten heart and cast the previous ground dwellers out unto the surface.
They are a wicked bunch and whatever enters their realm rightfully belongs to them, becoming the subjects of the Kobold Monarch and her minions.

If one were to stay too long in this underground realm they would slowly turn into the same monsters that inhabit this upside-down world.

The Kobolds

The inhabitants of the underground realm are wicked creatures that share traits with avians, reptiles and mammals alike.
They're smaller than humans and are covered in countless little scales, ranging from muted gray colours to vivid vermillion and lime greens. No two kobolds look alike, with their heads being adorned by bony horn structures that seem to grow without any sense or guidance.

Large, round eyes rest in faces that end in pointy, beak-like snouts filled with numerous sharp teeth, uneven in number and form. Their heads are adorned by feather-like hair that grows like a bizarre lion's mane and is only tamed by their horns...Or the large pair of ears that grow at the sides of their skulls.

Small in stature, they do have powerful tails and despite them not being of imposing height their clawed limbs do serve them well.

The Kobold Queen

Judging by her minions one would expect the Kobold Queen to be just as wicked and repulsive as the ones she governs.

And yet the Monarch of this underground realm does resemble a human more than her own kin. Fair, pale skin covers her body instead of the usual rough scales her servant's are recognized by. Instead of a wild mane of feather-hair, thick platinum strands adorn her head, with a single one sticking out like a sore thumb, awfully reminiscent of common Kobold hair.
Sharp eyes, accented by fashionably dark mascara, are host to almond-shaped pupils, giving her gaze something far more sinister as something seems awfully off about her human appearance.

Cloaking herself in only the finest clothing, from her velvet vest to her high-collared mantle, the Queen seems overly fond of the human world's decadent rulers. Shaping her own court to resemble the human customs of old, with rumors of her extravagant events reaching even up to the surface. Second only to those tales of the cruel games she plays with mortals who had caught her interest in one way or the other.

Symbol of her dominion over the Underground realm is her scepter, shaped in the liking of the creatures she governs.
Carved from a great willow tree, the scepter's rather crude and clashes with her oh so flamboyant style, indicating that there had been simpler times for even the Kobold folk.



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