

Budget Morpheus, soldier #1,128,300 reporting in.
Name: Do'rassa

Role/Occupation: Tank.

Age: 30.

Birthsign: The warrior.

Attributes: (choose 2) 

Strength, Agility.

Primary Skills: (choose 5) 

Acrobatics, block, Axe , blunt weapons, heavy armor.

Secondary Skills: (choose 5) armorer, athletics, mercantile, climbing, speechcraft.





Appearance: ((A Picture is preferred))


Height: 6 ft 3.

Weight: 210.

Weapons: battle-axe, That big ass looking wooden plank with nails in it on the photo.

Armour: the armor in the above picture, A shield.

Sexual Preference: female, khajiit.

Likes: Honor, integrity, Intelligence, learning, good people.

Dislikes: thieves, unnecessary murder, pricks.


He was born in a small family of four. While growing up, he enjoyed to learn new things. He would normally go about helping his family, and lived happily. After he turned 11, his father was killed and nearly so was his mother. He then starting believing that becoming stronger would prevent this situation from ever happening again. Everyday he would exercise, Fight, and move heavy objects for 10 KM. At the age of 19 his mother passed away, leaving him and his younger sister alone.  He cared for her until reaching the age of 23, Where he lost her sister [but didn't die.] While exploring. He couldn't find her even after 48 days, and mourned her. He blamed himself for quite awhile before telling himself that it wasn't his fault nor was it preventable. He eventually lived in the wild for the rest of his life until eventually ending up with the PDDRP expedition. [Sorry for beinf shorter than usual, It is 8:04 AM here.]

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