TV & Film Don't mean to be a downer, but...

I didn't say those elements were plots whatsoever. With that being said though, Elements can play parts in major plots, they work like building blocks and new elements can develop into new plots.

Handling the plot is completely down to J.J Abrams and it depends on him to bring new source material and plot into the actual film as opposed to rehashing the story elements of Episodes IV-VI.
Thankfully, Disney fired J. J. Abrams and he's not a part of Episode VIII. That gives me some definite hope.
But he certainly didn't do his job during Episode 7; instead of creating a new story out of literally anything in Star Wars, he mimicked Episode 4.
Thankfully, Disney fired J. J. Abrams and he's not a part of Episode VIII. That gives me some definite hope.
But he certainly didn't do his job during Episode 7; instead of creating a new story out of literally anything in Star Wars, he mimicked Episode 4.
Who replaced him?

I was also quite disappointed, the dude did so well on Star Trek.
Rian Johnson. I've heard good things about him.

I've heard complaints from Star Trek fans as well, but I can't speak from personal experience on that.
Rian Johnson. I've heard good things about him.

I've heard complaints from Star Trek fans as well, but I can't speak from personal experience on that.
You can enjoy them.
I'm no diehard fan of the Star Trek series so it's not like I can get angry at canon errors.
Can't enjoy them if I've never seen them.
Only seen Wrath of Khan and Into Darkness. Not even a single episode from the TV show.
It'll take you like four years to finish everything.
Four years I'd rather spend doing something else.
When googling TFA characters, they come in this order: Leia Organa (Solo), Kylo Ren, Luke Skywalker, Rey, Han Solo, R2D2, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan, Finn, C-3PO, Captain Phasma, Poe Dameron, Snoke, general Hux, Maz Kanata, Lor San Tekka (dude shot in the beginning of the movie), Admiral Akbar, Lieutenant Connix (Idk who she is), Wollivan (shrug), FN-3181 (Literally a nobody; just identified in credits), Varmik (I dunno), and Snap Wexley (I also have 0 clues). BB-8 isn't listed.
When googling The Last Jedi, the order was Leia Organa (Solo), Luke Skywalker, Kylo Ren, Rey, Snoke, Finn, Captain Phasma, Poe Dameron, C3PO, "Stormtrooper," R2D2, Maz Kanata, General Hux, Lieutenant Connix (Still dunno), and Paige Tico (Probably a new character).
If they're going by most important to least important, then we could be looking at Captain Phasma actually doing something and maybe even a Snoke backstory.
On the other hand, Leia and Luke showed up as cameos and 30 seconds in the film, respectively. And they were super early on. So it could be nothing.

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