TV & Film Don't mean to be a downer, but...

Hall Kervean

Two Thousand Club
I, personally, think that The Last Jedi will be a revamp of The Empire Strikes Back.
Well, first of all, TFA "borrowed heavily some very major plot points" (rehashed) from A New Hopw.

Second, the newest trailer has me greatly worried.
We have a multitude of speeders flying low over a relatively white terrain towards an oncoming line of AT-ATs.
We have a Poe inside what looks to be a Rebel hangar that is under attack.
We have the Millennium Falcon fighting TIE Fighters in the clouds
Finally, we have our main character from a desert planet, Anakin Skywalker's old lightsaber in hand, beginning to train in the ways of the force with an old, wise jedi on an isolated planet and who is in hiding after being defeated by a galaxy-spanning sith entity.

Next trailer may disprove this, but... it's suspicious.
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I, personally, think that The Last Jedi will be a revamp of The Empire Strikes Back.
Well, first of all, TFA "borrowed heavily some very major plot points" (rehashed) from A New Hopw.

Second, the newest trailer has me greatly worried.
We have a multitude of speeders flying low over a relatively white terrain towards an oncoming line of AT-ATs.
View attachment 325312
View attachment 325313
We have a Poe inside what looks to be a Rebel hangar that is under attack.
View attachment 325316
View attachment 325315
We have the Millennium Falcon fighting TIE Fighters in the clouds
View attachment 325317
View attachment 325318
Finally, we have our main character from a desert planet, Anakin Skywlaker's old lightsaber in hand, beginning to train in the ways of the force with an old, wise jedi on an isolated planet and who is in hiding after being defeated by a galaxy-spanning sith entity.

Next trailer may disprove this, but... it's suspicious.
I did think TFA was too much of a rehash of New Hope. I like the formula of "good guy wins, bad guy wins, good guy wins" but at the same time, I feel like the first movie made me doubt that the First Order was actually a credible threat. Although I think it was implied that most of the Rebels' funding comes from the New Republic, and since they toasted the Republic's capital I guess they have to A) move it back to Coruscant because why wouldn't you? and B) find a new source of funding.
I did think TFA was too much of a rehash of New Hope. I like the formula of "good guy wins, bad guy wins, good guy wins" but at the same time, I feel like the first movie made me doubt that the First Order was actually a credible threat. Although I think it was implied that most of the Rebels' funding comes from the New Republic, and since they toasted the Republic's capital I guess they have to A) move it back to Coruscant because why wouldn't you? and B) find a new source of funding.
Nah, in my opinion the First Order just screwed up majorly.
My take on it is that the First Order just declared war on the New Republic.
The New Republic had financed the Resistance to keep the First Order in check, but quietly. (only explanation for why the Resistance even exists that I can think of) Kind of like how America funded certain rebel groups to take out other rebel groups/governments.
Well, now that the New Republic's capital just got toasted by the First Order, it's the equivalent of 9/11.
Except it amounts to the entire galaxy versus a terrorist cell. And yes, the entire galaxy.
During the Empire's reign, the outer systems were oppressed. I have little doubt that those worlds would take radical measures to prevent against that ever happening again. And during the Empire's reign, the core worlds were prospering. That's why the Empire was tolerated and even praised there. Well, now the First Order just nuked what looks like a core world, so they know they're not safe and will mount a resistance.
The Resistance was already against the First Order, and the New Republic's fleets will certainly be publicly hunting down the First Order now.
In summation, from my point of view the First Order just made the largest tactical blunder in the history of the Star Wars galaxy.
>embleyeyeigensgiegn the new star wars trilogy isn't going to be a total re-hash of the first one in its entirety for maximum profit potential from millenial sheeple

>embleyeyeigensgiegn the new star wars trilogy isn't going to be a total re-hash of the first one in its entirety for maximum profit potential from millenial sheeple


Disney isn't some artistic movie makers, they're an entertainment business. Their primary interest is profit. Going with the most basic, recognizable formula that can stimulate a new audience and awaken nostalgia in the old one is the safest bet. People fucking hate change in all forms.
Disney isn't some artistic movie makers, they're an entertainment business. Their primary interest is profit. Going with the most basic, recognizable formula that can stimulate a new audience and awaken nostalgia in the old one is the safest bet. People fucking hate change in all forms.

Disney isn't some artistic movie makers, they're an entertainment business. Their primary interest is profit. Going with the most basic, recognizable formula that can stimulate a new audience and awaken nostalgia in the old one is the safest bet. People fucking hate change in all forms.
Unfortunately true...
Alright I've reserved a substantial amount of restraint regarding the new "Star Wars" but I can't remain silent any longer on the issue. The new Star Wars with the notable exception of Rogue One is just one big lazy glitter covered canon-demolishing turd. Good job Jar-Jar Abrams, you've destroyed an American cultural icon and replaced it with garbage.

The Force Awakens = A New New Hope
The Last Jedi = The First Order Strikes Back
Episode IX = Return of the Canon (yeah right) and also Luke Skywalker is dead.

Originality be damned at this point. Is this all the entertainment industry -Disney, Hollywood, Marvelverse- can do now is rehash, reboot, re-whateverthefuck from pre-existing canon and ideas and fuck it up with some touchy-feely SJW appeasement? I mean really? REALLY?! The new trilogy that looks and acts like Star Wars that we knew and loved has been murdered and throw into a ditch to be replaced with a degenerate close called Star Wars: The Millennial Trilogy.

Fuck this shit I'm out.

[Apologies for the language but there was a reason for my initial restraint. There are very few things that "trigger" me and this is one of them]
Alright I've reserved a substantial amount of restraint regarding the new "Star Wars" but I can't remain silent any longer on the issue. The new Star Wars with the notable exception of Rogue One is just one big lazy glitter covered canon-demolishing turd. Good job Jar-Jar Abrams, you've destroyed an American cultural icon and replaced it with garbage.

The Force Awakens = A New New Hope
The Last Jedi = The First Order Strikes Back
Episode IX = Return of the Canon (yeah right) and also Luke Skywalker is dead.

Originality be damned at this point. Is this all the entertainment industry -Disney, Hollywood, Marvelverse- can do now is rehash, reboot, re-whateverthefuck from pre-existing canon and ideas and fuck it up with some touchy-feely SJW appeasement? I mean really? REALLY?! The new trilogy that looks and acts like Star Wars that we knew and loved has been murdered and throw into a ditch to be replaced with a degenerate close called Star Wars: The Millennial Trilogy.

Fuck this shit I'm out.

[Apologies for the language but there was a reason for my initial restraint. There are very few things that "trigger" me and this is one of them]
Oh, believe me.
I literally spent 30+ minutes on a single reply on how the prequels were better than the Force Awakens and the response I received was "You just hate a fun and well-made movie like Episode 7."
This is a very small portion of it.
(Response to "Rey almost crashed the Millennium Falcon a bunch of times.") Rey could fly the Millennium Falcon, period, first try, and even evaded 2 *trained* TIE Fighter pilots.
Rey learned about the force maybe 24 hours before effectively resisting Kylo Ren's force telepathy, which had been *trained* presumably for years.
Then she used the force to trick a stormtrooper into releasing her cuffs; yes they're dumb but Luke couldn't do that that early on.
Then she beat Kylo Ren, who had *trained* under Luke Skywalker and Snoke for years. Or maybe it was Finn; tbh it was the most forgettable lightsaber fight I have ever seen. I was rewatching it the second time and said out loud "Oh yeah there's a lightsaber fight at the end" because I had FORGOTTEN IT EXISTED COMPLETELY.
Rey finds and fixes an issue in the Millennium Falcon before Han freaking Solo did.

(Rey has struggles that she has to overcome so she's not a Mary Sue)
Her struggles seem forced on her because if she didn't have them she would be literally a demigod.
Oh no she's captured oh WAIT nevermind she escaped with force abilities she didn't even know about.
Oh no her parents left her... what's that Maz Kanata? You know they're never coming back so just move on? (SAO II GGO arc nurse has a sitdown with Kirito. TFA ripped the way to get rid of an interesting plot off of SAO. Ripped off of S. A. O.)
Oh no Rey is having a little bit of trouble flying the Millennium Falcon... she's having way too easy a time flying it tbh. She shouldn't be able to get it to take off.
Oh no Rey set off the aliens and they took Finn and they're going to... eat him? Oh no wait they're just dragging him away and being conveniently followed by security cameras. (I thought of shutting the doors before Rey did. Really unconventional, movie.)

She is never truly vulnerable except when she's captured. Then she is able to resist Kylo, which negates any vulnerability. She's Kirito 2.0.

I made a pages document that is over 3 pages large with the one response I made.
I made a paragraph as to why Anakin's destruction of the Trade Federation makes at least a little bit of sense.
For instance, he didn't take off on his own, which is the hardest part of flying. The autopilot got him to the fight.
After he got manual controls, he attempted to stay out of the conflict by not actively engaging the ship. Eventually the fighters locked onto him, and through a combination of the Force, his years of podracing, and his days spent doing nothing but being in the cockpit while they were flying, he is able to avoid the droids, which have already been demonstrated to be generally not phenomenal due to limited processing ability, for thirty seconds to a minute. (Rey, without any of the above except the force, and she didn't even know about it, was able to not only evade trained pilots for several minutes, but was actually able to defeat them)
At this point I have no hopes for the Star Wars movies or canon. Well done Disney, you turned Star Wars into a cashcow. And now you are milking it completely dry of money.
My only reason to stick through this is for (a) unexpected good movies like Rogue One, and (b) a pre-prequels series on the Mandalorian Wars followed immediately by the Jedi Civil War.
Once (b) happens I'll be content to let Star Wars whither away.

Found this: theorizes that there will be super star destroyer in Episode 8.
Turns out the main admiral general dude
The dude doing the AOT salute. Ye. He's got big calves.
He had plans to go and search for a lost super star destroyer in the Unknown Regions.
Also the fact that the director of The Last Jedi had to go out of his way to assure everyone that it's not going to be The Empire Strikes Back again.
Which is good that the director is keeping that in mind, buuuut...

(I think that I'll try and keep updating this thread until the movie is released? Feel free to share your thoughts)
I really think this thread shows the effort many Star Wars fans really put into the hatred of something. It's almost as intense as the Transformers fandom
I really think this thread shows the effort many Star Wars fans really put into the hatred of something. It's almost as intense as the Transformers fandom
It wasn't even that hard hee hee.
The pictures were just there to be lined up.
Either way, I learned something that if done exactly the way the person said, I will forgive everything.
Honestly I feel one of the major differences is that - bear with me - Kylo and General Hux is Darth Vader split into two characters, which makes for a pretty interesting power struggle if Disney plays their cards right. Hux wasn't killed off in the first movie (unlike his pretty obvious counterpart, Tarkin), hopefully in order to bring him back as a stronger character in the next movie. I feel that he can be a pretty scary villain who genuinely believes that what he does is not only the right thing, but also has the calm and means to achieve his goal. If he and Kylo could work properly together, they would easily be a terrifying pair of villains.
I, personally, think that The Last Jedi will be a revamp of The Empire Strikes Back.
Well, first of all, TFA "borrowed heavily some very major plot points" (rehashed) from A New Hopw.

Second, the newest trailer has me greatly worried.
We have a multitude of speeders flying low over a relatively white terrain towards an oncoming line of AT-ATs.
View attachment 325312
View attachment 325313
We have a Poe inside what looks to be a Rebel hangar that is under attack.
View attachment 325316
View attachment 325315
We have the Millennium Falcon fighting TIE Fighters in the clouds
View attachment 325317
View attachment 325318
Finally, we have our main character from a desert planet, Anakin Skywalker's old lightsaber in hand, beginning to train in the ways of the force with an old, wise jedi on an isolated planet and who is in hiding after being defeated by a galaxy-spanning sith entity.

Next trailer may disprove this, but... it's suspicious.
Three pictures shouldn't be enough to consider the next movie to be a re-hash of one done before.
Also consider new elements

Hon Solo's death
The Knights of Ren

I'm not going to deny the similarities between the trailer and the older movies, it's quite uncanny.
It really depends on how Abrams is going to pull it off.
Also consider new elements

Hon Solo's death
The Knights of Ren

I'm not going to deny the similarities between the trailer and the older movies, it's quite uncanny.
It really depends on how Abrams is going to pull it off.
Why do everybody keep forgetting Hux

I genuinely hope he's got a big role in the next episode just so I can point and laugh when people finally notice my fave >:/
Why do everybody keep forgetting Hux

I genuinely hope he's got a big role in the next episode just so I can point and laugh when people finally notice my fave >:/

Like I said there's new elements to be worked in and we can't just go off the premise that this entire trilogy is a rehash of the first three movies cause until all three movies are released we can't make assumptions of the entire series.

Like I said there's new elements to be worked in and we can't just go off the premise that this entire trilogy is a rehash of the first three movies cause until all three movies are released we can't make assumptions of the entire series.
Honestly, my dream is that they'll start it off kinda like everybody expects it to - then throw a frickin curve ball and make everybody jump in their seats that nothing is the same after all
Honestly, my dream is that they'll start it off kinda like everybody expects it to - then throw a frickin curve ball and make everybody jump in their seats that nothing is the same after all
this describes my first experience with a porn video as a young child perfectly.
Three pictures shouldn't be enough to consider the next movie to be a re-hash of one done before.
I'm simply showing comparisons.
The fact that multiple parts of the trailer are not just similar to but, in my opinion, nigh identical to shots from the Empire Strikes Back, it's worrying.
There are rumors of a new super star destroyer in The Last Jedi.
And Rey's training with Luke may nearly mirror Luke's training with Yoda.

I would like you to note that they introduced new elements to the Star Wars universe, not new plots.
General Hux is not a plot, he's an element.
Snoke is not a plot. He's an element, and might actually mirror the Emperor in time.
The Knights of Ren are not a plot, they're an element. They're one of the few things in TFA that I think has the potential to be cool. Especially if they rebel against Snoke.
Han's death isn't a plot, it's a plot point. And killing off adored characters is literally one of the cheapest shock tactics.

I am not making the executive decision that The Last Jedi is a rehash of The Empire Strikes Back. But given that the Force Awakens has a plot that mimics A New Hope and coupled with the trailer having many moments similar to Episode V, I'd say it's justified to have a bit of fear.
I'm simply showing comparisons.
The fact that multiple parts of the trailer are not just similar to but, in my opinion, nigh identical to shots from the Empire Strikes Back, it's worrying.
There are rumors of a new super star destroyer in The Last Jedi.
And Rey's training with Luke may nearly mirror Luke's training with Yoda.

I would like you to note that they introduced new elements to the Star Wars universe, not new plots.
General Hux is not a plot, he's an element.
Snoke is not a plot. He's an element, and might actually mirror the Emperor in time.
The Knights of Ren are not a plot, they're an element. They're one of the few things in TFA that I think has the potential to be cool. Especially if they rebel against Snoke.
Han's death isn't a plot, it's a plot point. And killing off adored characters is literally one of the cheapest shock tactics.

I am not making the executive decision that The Last Jedi is a rehash of The Empire Strikes Back. But given that the Force Awakens has a plot that mimics A New Hope and coupled with the trailer having many moments similar to Episode V, I'd say it's justified to have a bit of fear.
I didn't say those elements were plots whatsoever. With that being said though, Elements can play parts in major plots, they work like building blocks and new elements can develop into new plots.

Handling the plot is completely down to J.J Abrams and it depends on him to bring new source material and plot into the actual film as opposed to rehashing the story elements of Episodes IV-VI.

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