don't leave me to wilt like a plant in your garden


(crush me)


Brooke Abigail Mansfield

Age: 17

Birthday: August 5th

Grade: 11 (I think?)

Gender: female

Sexuality: homosexual

Pronouns: she/her


Personality: Brooke is a sarcastic girl by nature, plain and simple.

She's generally petty and likes to assert her imaginary authority as

much as possible. While she may look sweet and innocent there's no

point wasting time in being fooled by her childlike demeanour. She

can be devious, manipulative, and downright callous sometimes - 

especially when she's suffering from a particularly severe depressive 

state as these episodes tend to fuel her darker side, leaving her feeling

more powerful and confident than she usually would be in an attempt to

hide her sadness and self-pity. In comparison, she tends to be far more

childlike, enamouring and elated during her manic episodes. Her harsh

words and constant impatience, however, are really a mask for her



Not that she'd ever let anyone know it but since her parents shipped

her off in the middle of the night, she's always had niggling feelings

regarding matters of the heart and remaining unwanted until the day

she dies. Deep down she wants nothing more than to be loved but

believing that weakness is what landed her where she is now, she

refuses to express such desires ever again for fear of being labelled

feeble and fragile. If you catch her in the moment, or happen to coax

her into giving a heart-to-heart, you might just find out she's not as

mischievous and devious as she tends to let on.


Reason: Brooke was sent to the home predominantly as a result of her

bipolar disorder. Even after she was prescribed her medication, she

continued to have relatively regular episodes and, despite them being

shorter and less disastrous, her parents had come to the conclusion that

they couldn't handle her. They took her to the church and had a priest

perform an exorcism, which ultimately failed because clearly she's mentally

ill and not possessed. As highly devout Christians, the final straw for her

parents was catching her locked in a passionate kiss with another girl from

down the block. 


Relationships: TBD


Likes: biscuits; colouring in, usually on walls and in the form of graffiti;

making embroidered jewellery; thumb rings; potted plants.

Dislikes: people invading her personal space; criticism and/or being

told off; constantly having to take her medication; cold showers.

Habits: drawing on anything available when stressed or idle; wearing

the clothes of people she likes and smelling them when they're not around;

hugging pillows.

Talents: drawing and sketching, anything art related really; making

embroidered bracelets; memorising layouts and long passages of writing.

Fears: being ignored and abandoned for the remainder of her life; being

ridiculed and avoided due to her disorder; doing something dangerous/

harming someone else while in a manic state.


Biography: from a very young age, Brooke was always known to act out.

Some days she'd be elated, full of joy and wonder and energy, and the next

she'd be throwing tantrums and having screaming fits, tossing lamps across

the room and lashing out at her parents. Some days she would be neither,

turning into a shy and reserved child her parents barely recognised as their

daughter. They were in denial for years, under the impression that God had

simply given them a bad baby - most likely because of an unfaithful act they

were unaware they'd committed. It wasn't until Brooke's teacher at school

finally called the hospital - during a particularly bad episode - that she was

finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder.


From the age of 10 she was placed on medication and told to visit her local

doctor at least once a month during the early days of the process. With the

help of her medication she improved, although this didn't help her parents

much. They refused to believe what modern medicine had told them and 

continued to fall under the belief that their daughter was possessed by a

demon as their punishment. Even though her episodes were further and

further between each other, and much shorter when they occurred, they

still quickly resorted to taking her to the local priest to have an exorcism

performed. Of course it never worked, for their daughter wasn't possessed

by an evil demon from the underworld - she was just mentally ill and she was

struggling without their support.


She learned to lash out at them using her disorder as an excuse, enraged that

they viewed her as demonic and called her a bad egg more often than she could

take. The sound of raised voices and the smashing of chinaware was always

coming from their household as argument after argument ensued between

Brooke and her parents - she wanted nothing more than unconditional love

and support and they refused to give it to her. Her behaviour changed

relatively quickly and she acted out to annoy them and capture their

attention, behaving poorly at school and shoplifting in an effort to be noticed.

They explained all of her actions away, even when legal action was taken. She

should've been sent somewhere much earlier than she was but they'd been in

denial for too long already.


It wasn't until Brooke unwittingly broke their religious morals that they'd

finally had enough. For the first time in years she hadn't even been deliberately

trying to stir a reaction out of them, she'd simply been enjoying the company

of a girl she happened to have a crush on her. But the moment her father

walked in on the two of them kissing, it was game over. Her bags were packed

that same night and she was shipped off to anywhere that would take her,

shunted between numerous homes as they all learned relatively quickly that

they could handle neither her nor her illness. It wasn't until a short while after

her 16th birthday that she finally ended up Rasasvada, somewhere that she

finally received the attention and support she'd been craving since she was little.
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I do think with having episodes or attacks, it would make it difficult for Juliette to handle that because she has other kids that could possibly be hurt by those episodes. For example since Brooke craves for attention and let's say she got in trouble and her punishment was being grounded (honestly because of her mental state she felt other students wouldn't be safe with Brooke at first due to the episodes) and she ended up trashing her room or acting out badly because of this. I mean like I know certain kids could be effected by this sort of behavior is Brooke did that every time she wanted to get attention from Juliette or any of the other kids in the program. That's what I'm worrying about anyways. 
well with her medication her episodes - if she has them - are a lot shorter and more subdued. and she likely wouldn't crave attention from people her own age so that's not anything to worry about anyway. (she gets jealous very easily but she'd take that out on herself as opposed to others). she'd probably be more distant from everyone anyway because one of her main fears is hurting people during a bad episode (which she now can't have anyway because of the meds; she hates taking them but deals with it for this exact reason). bipolar episodes, manic ones particularly, aren't typically characterised by violent or even temper tantrum based behaviour. it's sort of similar to when someone gets high - the individual is happy and oblivious to the damage they cause around them (if any) and are usually in irritable moods; they act out uncharacteristically too. but even then she'd only snap or storm off or throw something when she's on her own, none of which would really pose a danger to anyone else.

i can amend my form to make this more obvious (tbh i stupidly seeked confirmation on my current bipolar info after i did the form because i wanted to get it in on time) but yeah, after spending at least a couple of months in the home it'd be evident she isn't a threat to anyone. her episodes aren't very frequent when she's on her meds (they might happen a couple of times but it just means the meds need readjusting) and when she does forget to take them, which very easily happens, any episodes she does have aren't really a threat to anyone but herself.

oh, and i almost forgot, the attention from juliette wouldn't be a worry either. brooke is the type of character to seek attention from teachers (or even other authority figures) instead by excelling in school because she likes attention in the form of praise as all her parents ever did was criticise her.
well with her medication her episodes - if she has them - are a lot shorter and more subdued. and she likely wouldn't crave attention from people her own age so that's not anything to worry about anyway. (she gets jealous very easily but she'd take that out on herself as opposed to others). she'd probably be more distant from everyone anyway because one of her main fears is hurting people during a bad episode (which she now can't have anyway because of the meds; she hates taking them but deals with it for this exact reason). bipolar episodes, manic ones particularly, aren't typically characterised by violent or even temper tantrum based behaviour. it's sort of similar to when someone gets high - the individual is happy and oblivious to the damage they cause around them (if any) and are usually in irritable moods; they act out uncharacteristically too. but even then she'd only snap or storm off or throw something when she's on her own, none of which would really pose a danger to anyone else.

i can amend my form to make this more obvious (tbh i stupidly seeked confirmation on my current bipolar info after i did the form because i wanted to get it in on time) but yeah, after spending at least a couple of months in the home it'd be evident she isn't a threat to anyone. her episodes aren't very frequent when she's on her meds (they might happen a couple of times but it just means the meds need readjusting) and when she does forget to take them, which very easily happens, any episodes she does have aren't really a threat to anyone but herself.

oh, and i almost forgot, the attention from juliette wouldn't be a worry either. brooke is the type of character to seek attention from teachers (or even other authority figures) instead by excelling in school because she likes attention in the form of praise as all her parents ever did was criticise her.

Ok I just want her not to be a real threat to herself or others, especially with any self harm because you know Juliette would have to take her to a hospital rather than have her stay at the home due to regulations and rules she has to follow 
oh she wouldn't self harm. i'm definitely not comfortable enough with rping such a sensitive topic anyway. it's more like withdrawal from society and self pity and self blame etc. that sort of thing. she'd just slip up in school, maybe shoplift a little, chat back and just be generally irritable if she's jealous or lonely etc. 
oh she wouldn't self harm. i'm definitely not comfortable enough with rping such a sensitive topic anyway. it's more like withdrawal from society and self pity and self blame etc. that sort of thing. she'd just slip up in school, maybe shoplift a little, chat back and just be generally irritable if she's jealous or lonely etc. 

Okay. Because Juliette does send kids home or to actual therapy homes if she feels that she won't be able to help them through her program so keep that in mind with your character who has a lot of self pity and blame, not to mention a dependency on attention and praise and of course who doesn't quite have a handle on her emotions even with medical support. 
basically all i'm getting from this is that i should either

change my character completely 

or just not bother


up to you

i mean the examples in the brief

were substance abuse 

and rebellious acts

both of which i feel would be

more problematic

and harder to cope with

than little brooke with her

social anxiety and paranoia 

but yeah

if you don't want to accept her 

it's cool

i have a bunch of other roleplays anyway

so no hard feelings x
basically all i'm getting from this is that i should either

change my character completely 

or just not bother


up to you

i mean the examples in the brief

were substance abuse 

and rebellious acts

both of which i feel would be

more problematic

and harder to cope with

than little brooke with her

social anxiety and paranoia 

but yeah

if you don't want to accept her 

it's cool

i have a bunch of other roleplays anyway

so no hard feelings x

I'm not saying not to bother, I'm saying that this roleplay is meant to help push kids into being more confident in themselves and having emotional issues as this make it difficult for that certain individual as well. For another character I explained the same thing as the teen had far too many difficulties in normal society due to his severe anxiety. Because your character has such assertive moments due to this being what deems her troublesome, I want to make sure that it wouldn't cause any problems that would cause too much drama in the roleplay. I'm not saying she's a bad character or your should leave, I'm suggesting for your to think over your character and perhaps consider changing her a bit so she would fit into this roleplay a bit more. Rasasvada is sort of a midway point for troubled teens. First is their actual problem so like anxiety, perhaps they went to therapy, got medication, but it didn't really help them or it caused more problems. The next step would be to get additional help to get it under control. Rasasvada acts as a place to help teens find their role in this world and how to become more confident in themselves. I would suggest for your character, have it so Rasasvada isn't the first place she's gone to because Juliette is the only one running this home so if someone needs a lot of therapy or needs a lot of 1on1 time, it's hard for her to actually help the kid. If that makes sense to you at all. Idk, I'm sort of sick rn so I suck at actually using my brain when describing things. 
it's fine, i know the whole feeling with being sick. i've got a blinding headache atm that's driving me up the wall.

i would say brooke's been to see a therapist about her anxiety, and obviously she's been to a doctor about her bipolar because she has medication for it.

the home would be helping her with her anxiety and becoming more familiar around people.

but you have to appreciate shyness is a characteristic ingrained into someone's personality to begin with - it's not something that can be switched on and off as opposed to how anxiety can be managed or "cured". 

so she would still be shyer but that doesn't necessarily mean she can't be confident too - does that even make sense? haha i don't know anymore. 

similarly with her paranoia, group activities etc. in the home would begin to help her address that and become more comfortable around people without constantly having to worry she might hurt them. 

but her assertive moments wouldn't cause too much drama i don't think - it's really just similar to any other individual in the home who might have behavioural issues in the form of i don't know, say, shoplifting or mouthing off etc. it's sort of like when you just have a regular person who's rather irritable and argumentative. 
it's fine, i know the whole feeling with being sick. i've got a blinding headache atm that's driving me up the wall.

i would say brooke's been to see a therapist about her anxiety, and obviously she's been to a doctor about her bipolar because she has medication for it.

the home would be helping her with her anxiety and becoming more familiar around people.

but you have to appreciate shyness is a characteristic ingrained into someone's personality to begin with - it's not something that can be switched on and off as opposed to how anxiety can be managed or "cured". 

so she would still be shyer but that doesn't necessarily mean she can't be confident too - does that even make sense? haha i don't know anymore. 

similarly with her paranoia, group activities etc. in the home would begin to help her address that and become more comfortable around people without constantly having to worry she might hurt them. 

but her assertive moments wouldn't cause too much drama i don't think - it's really just similar to any other individual in the home who might have behavioural issues in the form of i don't know, say, shoplifting or mouthing off etc. it's sort of like when you just have a regular person who's rather irritable and argumentative. 

mmk got it~

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