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Fantasy Don't Fear The Reaper


Local Friendly Necromancer
Reapers are bloodthirsty creatures of unknown origin, which seem intent on killing the citizens of Chicago. They come in multiple varieties:

Red Reaper (AKA Bonehead):

The most common, and arguably most dangerous, type of reaper. They are a little taller than a man, with wrinkled, rusty-red skin and tiny blue, glowing spots decorating their sides in a sideways teardrop shape. Their bodies are narrow and tall, with a rough, ridged hump. Their arms and legs are long and muscular, with their two-toed feet ending in thin, needle-sharp claws, and their arms terminating in curved, sharp blades of keratin, instead of hands. Red reapers have thin, rat-like tails and long, muscular necks. Their heads are made purely of bone, with a mixture of bony, fang-like structures and thin, shear-like plates making up the bone-crushingly strong jaws. Red reapers have no eyes, so it is not known how it percieves the world around it. They are excellent climbers, and live mostly in trees, so one must always keep one eye on the sky if out at night.
Blue Reaper (AKA Flashbang):

A considerably more rare kind of reaper, they look a bit like raggedy owls with pale wooden masks embedded in their face. These masks are plain except for two dark eye-holes with a blue spot above each one. Their feathers are grey-brown and their legs and feet are blue. If one looks into the empty, black eyes of a blue reaper, they experience a sudden bright light and loud, nondescript noise entirely invading their senses, before dying. Blue reapers can be found, standing practically still in the branches of trees.
White Reaper (AKA Mongrel):

Small and wolf-like, with long legs and white fur, they may seem peaceful at first, but they are fast, agile, and can tear a human's throat out within seconds if it sees one. White reapers roam the streets freely, so one has to watch their back.
Black Reaper (AKA Nightwatcher):

Humanoid, featureless reapers with smooth black skin. They are deceptively strong, and near-silent. One must always stay in the dark to have half a chance at killing a black reaper, as they cannot be seen in high levels of light.
Grey Reaper (AKA Javelin):

Roughly teardrop-shaped, flying reapers with no discernible wings or limbs, but a long, spear-like spike protruding from their lower front, which they impales victims with. their pale, yellowish-grey skin is greatly wrinkled and ridged. they travel at extreme speeds, and are hardy enough to fly right into (and through) tall buildings to get to the people inside. To release the carcass of their victims, they fly straight downwards until the corpse slides off.


You are trapped in the lowest floor of the Willis Tower. It is 19:15PM. There are reapers of all different kinds trying to break their way in, and they're getting close to their goal...


Standard RPNation rules apply, gore is allowed, just be realistic about it, and don't be like an easily-influenced kid who's just seen Saw for the first time.
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