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Fantasy Don't Fear The Reaper


Local Friendly Necromancer
CHARACTER SHEET (Up to two characters allowed per person)






Personality (NO MARY SUES):

Backstory (Be simple about it, I haven't got time to read a novel (@V@)):

Weapons (If your character has no weapons, just say "N/A"):
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Name: Jared Williams

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Appearance: Jared is short (5'2) and muscular. He has white short messy hair and light blue eyes, he is clean shaven and also has several scars all over his body, most notably a scar on his left cheek stretching from his mouth to about and inch short of his ear.

Job: Pharmacist

Personality (NO MARY SUES): Jared is logical and likes to think through problems instead of acting on instinct however despite this he is easily frustrated if things don't go as he planned. Jared doesn't like being ignored and often takes a leading role, he is also good under pressure. Jared doesn't like being alone and also feels uncomfortable in the dark.

Backstory (Be simple about it, I haven't got time to read a novel (@V@)): Jareds childhood was uneventful he grew up with both his parents and brother, He studied chemistry at university and got his degree. After leaving university he decided to join the military. After completing basic military training he signed up to become a explosives expert and got specialised training on how to make and deal with explosives. He quit the military 6 years after joining and once he returned home he decided to use his chemistry knowledge and start to work as a pharmacist.

Weapons (If your character has no weapons, just say "N/A"): 6 Inch combat knife, Beretta 92A1, Barrett 14380

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