Donald Houns


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'Dusty' Donald J. Houns

Monster of the Earth






Dusty is a very outspoken individual. He rarely keeps quiet, making his presence known constantly. He can get overexcited, sometimes acting on pure impulse instead of thinking a situation through first. This ends up with him becoming more injured than needed, though he prefers to collect the scars. Dusty tends to easily jump to conclusions as well, not caring to listen to the voice of reason, instead doing what he thinks is right. He is loyal to those he cares about, jumping into danger for their sake without caring for himself.

Also, Dusty has an anger problem. He is prideful and vulgar, and a wild soul. He has no manners, and is always striving to become stronger than those around him. He is brutally honest, not caring for the feelings of others on important matters. He can be gentle, but that is mostly reserved for children and animals. He is always looking for a fight, and tends to not be very level-headed.


Not originally from Fiore, Dusty comes from the mountain ranges of Bosco, where he was raised by his dragon parent, the Earth Dragon, Joryun. Dusty got his name from the dragon, though he was most used to the dragon calling him by his nickname. Dusty learned Dragon Slayer Magic fairly quickly, able to use it adeptly before he was a teenager. He also found joy in training his body to the point of breaking, which his father sorely disapproved of. However, Dusty combined his physical abilities with his magic, and found that physical strength seemed to match his power perfectly. Thus, he continued his training. He even made a bet with his father that he would one day become strong enough to defeat him in a fair fight.

However, the next day, Joryun disappeared. Dusty traveled for weeks searching for him, but to no avail. Heavyhearted, Dusty decided to hold up the bet he made, and when he would next see his father, he would be strong enough to beat him. Thus, he went around and began fighting. He eventually joined a group of mages known as the 13 Magic Kings, a group of mages who were known for considerable magic abilites, with Dusty holding the ninth mantle of the group. He stayed with them until he was 18, training against the stronger ones. He then decided to go his own way, though he still carries his position. Dusty soon found his way to Fairy Tail, and joined, looking and hoping for strong opponents.

During the attack of Tartaros, Dusty was in Bosco, handling a problem involving the 13 Magic Kings. He didn't return for a year, and when he was approached about his whereabouts, he only said that he had been handling a problem with the Kings, though no news about any large incident was ever reported.


Earth Dragon Slayer Magic

Dusty's main form of magic, and the one he learned from Joryun.

Earth God Slayer Magic

Dusty received this magic during the one year of his disappearance. He refuses to explain where he received it.

--Add Skills like Metsuryū Ougi

Metsuryū Ougi: Earth Dragon Scale Armor

An armor made of the Earth surrounds Dusty's body, resembling the appearence of a dragon, with the surface rough in the shape of scales. It resembles a suit of armor a knight would wear.

Metsuryū Ougi: Earth Dragon God Scream

Dusty takes a large gulp of air, and then releases a short but powerful bellow, able to dispel most magic attacks. It can be released as a wide range attack or a focused blast. 

Metsuryū Ougi: Dragon Gods Absolute Fury

Dusty takes his magic energy and converts it all into physical strength, while also covering his arms in a tough black and brown stone armor. His strength and speed is pushed to extreme lengths this way, feeding off his emotions.

Moodo Chikryu: Earth Dragon Emperor

Dusty's magic powers are enhanced in this mode, and he is also able to use stronger Pure Dragon Slayer Arts.

Moodo Kami Chikryu: Earth Dragon God Vessel

A form more powerful than the Earth Dragon Emperor, this form wears on Dusty's body at a dangerous rate. He can at most pull off one attack before his body passes out from the strain. This form channels the power of a Dragon and God Slayer, and absorbs the magic of the Earth around the user to activate it.


Fairy Tail

Guild Mark Location:

On his abdomen

Guild Mark Color:


Rank: A


Papercut Massacre - Lose My Life


Dusty isn't necessarily friends with anyone. He mostly sees anyone else as a rival compared to a friend. Same with the members of the 13 Kings.


None at the moment.
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