Donald 'Dusty' Houns


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Donald 'Dusty' Houns

Monster of the Earth

[SIZE= 20px]Mountain Man[/SIZE]


Scarred Teen.png












Loose Alliances



Dusty is one of the most reckless people you will ever meet. He takes the meaning of 'high risk, high reward' to the extreme. His attitude towards fighting is almost like a second job to him. He lives for it. Anybody he thinks is stronger than him, he has the incredible urge to fight. His stubbornness gets him in more trouble than anything, sometimes even resulting in massive damage to property around him. He's impulsive, and cares little for consequences when his mind is set on something. He does not look in the wide spectrum, and instead is very set in his goals.But he is not a terrible person. He always wants to keep those close to him safe, striving to protect them with every fiber of his being. He is loyal to the last strand of his being, even wishing to take the fall for his friends. He, of course, is not subtle in his speech, and instead is brutally honest to everyone, but he does strive to act civilized in some ways. His manners need some work, but he is no doubt a kind soul beneath his tough exterior. 



[SIZE= 16px]Dusty's earliest memories come from an island far from the shores of the great land mass that was Earthland. He has no recollection of his birth, or many of the memories of his early life before the age of 8. His memories instead start when he began his training with his dragon father, whom was simply named Boulder to Dusty, as his body resembled the rough surface of the massive rocks that were spread about the island. He remembered that the island was not large, but large enough to support it's own ecosystem. There was food, clean water, and plenty of shelter. It also had plenty of space for Dusty to learn the secrets of Dragon Slaying magic.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]On this island, Dusty trained. He learned the power that was Earth Dragon Slaying magic, through the tutoring of his father. He also learned the essential skills of survival. He learned how to hunt, and how to build shelter, and how to use all his senses to the best of his ability. He understood that sometimes, sight will not be able to help you. So, he honed his sense of smell, to the point that he could smell the magic in the world around him. Dusty also trained his body, putting it through rigorous training, almost to the point of him breaking his own body in the pursuit of strength. Dusty also learned some skills to deal with humans if he ever ran into some in the future. He learned some reading and writing skills, as well as of the world around him. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Dusty trained like this for a little less than a decade. Once he turned the age of 16, Boulder told him to leave the island. Dusty, of course, refused, as he knew he had not completed his training, as he would only be done when he could defeat his father at full strength. So, the two made a bet. If Dusty could defeat Boulder in a fair fight one day, then Boulder would teach Dusty the greatest secret of his magic. Dusty accepted this bet, confident in his skill.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]The next day, Dusty woke up to his father missing.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Furious, Dusty swore that he would find his father one day and defeat him. Gathering up his meager belongings, Dusty built a boat, and set sail for the nearest part of land, the Lorien Empire. It took him weeks, but he made this training as well, testing the limits his body can take in harsh conditions. Apparently, not long. When his boat was finally found, he was found half-dead from starvation. He was brought to a small fishing town, where he was taken care of until he could travel on his own. Here, he learned some more of the Empire he had landed in. He quickly left the country, sneaking his way over the border into the mountain ranges of Bosco. There, he disappeared, but a few people reported the sighting of a shirtless, foreign man saving people from packs of wyverns, or scaling the mountain faces. He faded into an urban legend.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]After six years, Dusty came out of the mountains, and returned to the Lorien Empire, his reasons being that he wanted to find strong opponents, and he received a tip that Boulder was hiding somewhere in the country. For the last year, he has been taking up odd jobs for people, usually jobs involving building structures or anything requiring a hefty amount of physical strength.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Skills:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]- Dusty is most proud of his physical strength. With a training routine that worked him to the bone, his body is in prime condition, aside from the scars that dot his skin. He can effortlessly lift boulders three to four times his size, and he has never lost an arm-wrestling competition. He can also crush a stone the size of his fist into dust with almost no strain.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]- Dusty's senses are pretty keen. The ones he is most proud of is his sense of smell and his sense of hearing. As training, he would get locked in a dark cave, with no light. Thus, he used his ears and nose to locate exits, and to avoid running into walls. His hearing is pretty good, but his sense of smell is so great, he can distinguish a mage from a normal person, and can also tell what kind of magic they can use in some cases.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Magic:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Earth Dragon Slaying Magic[/SIZE]


Earth Dragon Roar:[SIZE= 16px] Inhaling a large amount of air, Dusty's Roar is not like many others. Instead of a stream of magical energy that matches his Slayer Magic element, he releases a blast of powerful sound in a radius around him, strong enough to blow most opponents back a few meters.[/SIZE]

Earth Dragon Pummel: A technique Dusty made up himself, Dusty simply throws a flurry of punches at his target, though he uses his magic to enhance the force behind his punches.

Earth Dragon Shattering Blow: Dusty uses his magic to tear apart the earth around him, throwing rocks, sand, and dirt around him in a wild storm.

Cleaver of the Earth Dragon: Along Dusty's arms, blade-like stones grow in a line, and he uses these to cut up his targets.

[SIZE= 16px]Dragon Scale Arms: Dusty's hands and forearms harden into stone, with the stones resembling the scales of a dragon. He uses these defensively to block attacks, or offensively to break through things in his way.[/SIZE]

Earth Dragon Armor: Dusty's body becomes entrapped in a storm of sand and dirt, it all clustering together to form a solid stone armor around his body. The armor adds a layer of protection, as well as opening his possibility to add more attacks to his arsenal.

(More will be added as they appear in the RP)



Neutral (or Good, if he can't be Neutral)


@Will there is one problem. I am trying to keep those that use slayer magic balanced in proportion the people currently active in the RP. Right now, we only have one good slayer and one bad one. And until we have a few more people either join or submit their characters, I won't be accepting more.

So, the choices are, you may edit your character or make another character and this one will be in "limbo" until such a time comes that we can add another slayer, of which yours will take priority
@Will there is one problem. I am trying to keep those that use slayer magic balanced in proportion the people currently active in the RP. Right now, we only have one good slayer and one bad one. And until we have a few more people either join or submit their characters, I won't be accepting more.

So, the choices are, you may edit your character or make another character and this one will be in "limbo" until such a time comes that we can add another slayer, of which yours will take priority

I'll make a new one. This is a character I've used in multiple Fairy Tail RP's, so I don't want to just get rid of him. So I'll just wait for the chance to use him in the future.

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