Other Does anyone like War stuff? Like WWII and Vietnam...>.>


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I'm a war freak. probably because my uncle retired as a Marine Core Colonel...and my dad retired from the Air Force as a Seargent (I..think? idk.) So I'm a total army brat. not like yell in your face and saying "SIR YES SIR!" all the time. just love the history. is there anyone else that likes war?..that would be cool.. :)

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Count me in!!!!! ;)

Love the wars. Of course, lots of people die, but the stories... Amazing... Your uncle told you any???
I'm really interested in the Second World War, and have been since I got a book about it when I was little. For a while, I was completely obsessed and I used to bug everyone about it, but I think I was 15 or so at the time so those times are LONG GONE. I'm still interested, though. Partially unrelated, but I used to have dreams about Kursk a lot as well for whatever reason.

I'm also very interested in the Third Reich and the Holocaust - I went to Auschwitz on a special trip a few years back to become a 'student ambassador'. It was fascinating, but strange. I didn't cry when I went there, which I think surprised the teacher (I'm normally a complete crybaby), but it really affected me, and I kept having nightmares about it for a little while.
I love WWII. Mostly Cause of Forest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, and one of my favorite music videos, where they recreated Saving Private Ryan, except in music video form...and stuff but yea :D

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