Dobutsu Academy

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Junior Member
Our mission at Dobutsu Academy is unity of all diversities, and we hope that we’ll be able to not only bring each other together, but to one day congregate among the humans.

Dobutsu Academy is a highly acclaimed institution that pride themselves on their ability to train Mikkusu for visits to both the Human and Akuma realm. They are the only institution of their kind, and have through their own means created the (government-funded) job occupation: safeguard. A safeguard is sponsored to perform task in both these realms, and is constantly risking their life in order to assure the balance of all living things. The school is an alternate form of high-school, and only accepts:

  1. First year students (A student can't join second, third or fourth year.)
  2. People who have shown a basic mastery of all Chi. (This is not uncommon.)
  3. Students who passed their physical entrance exam. (Students are ranked from 1-20, and only the top ten students are allowed entry.)

Upon acceptance, based off your relative number, you will placed into a color category: blue (1-3), yellow (4-6) or red (7-10). While each one of these divisions shares training/academic facilities, it is a way of labeling uniforms and dormitories. To take that a step further, all dorms are identical and in the same building, merely divided by floors. The red floor is at the bottom, the yellow floor is in the middle and the blue floor is at the top; with each having their relative color trimmed across the hallway. 

Dorm rooms have a capacity of two, and bare the simplistics of: two beds, a shared desk, a small trashcan, a vase of flowers, a lamp, a calendar, a framed photo of a cat, a bookshelf/cabinet to put clothes in and a window with curtains. 

In our roleplay, everyone will be first years, and with that in mind: all first years are provided one instructor, for all their needs. This will be the instructor who teaches all the basic subjects, trains them with weapons, harnessing their chi, the creation of portals and takes them places. Aside from Monday and Tuesday, the student's schedules are open, and they're simply expected to complete all the basic subject classwork and bring it back the next Monday. It is during this time that you can visit any of the schools facilities which include: the Gym, the Cafeteria, the Library, the Pool or the Club (which is actually just a large building with smaller rooms for clubs. 
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