Chitchat Do you remember?

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Body in Abyss, Heart in Paradise.
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I was wondering how many members can remember their first days on rpn, and if they did how much have they done since then? So I composed a few questions to see how much everyone can recall from their time on rpn.

When did you join?

When was your first post for a rp? (In-Character)

How Long have you been here?

First Rp?

First Rp created by yourself?

First Character?

Rough Estimate of how many rp's you have been in?

Has your writing/creativity improved since then?

How much have you changed since your first time here?

How many Times have you changed your name and what is your original?

First Profile Post?

Anything else you want to share?


I'm curious to see if anyone can answer all these questions. ( I searched for an hour to find out the seventh question.)

My answers:

When did you join?
Nov 25, 2015.

When was your first post for a rp? (In-Character)
Nov 26, 2015.

How Long have you been here?
Almost Two Years.

First Rp?
The first one I got accepted into was Raven-Wing Academy.

First Rp created by yourself?
Guardian Academy for the Gifted (I believe. )

First Character?
Lilyanna Radal/SilverWind

Rough Estimate of how many rp's you have been in?
Oml too many. um. I can estimate over 35 for sure. I really don't know and don't feel like searching all my old rps...

Has your writing/creativity improved since then?
Definitely, I have changed a lot in my opinion.

How much have you changed since your first time here?
Quite a bit actually. I was always really depressed back then and made only female characters that were, well similar. Now I make both genders and a bit more diverse personalities.

How many Times have you changed your name and what is your original?
So far only changed it once. My original was LilyannaGaming. My profile picture was a depressed angel.

First Profile Post?
"Sorry, I haven't been on lately everyone. School, me being sick, and Christmas Holiday has me weighed down right now. I hope I can Rp again!"
When did you join?
April 20 2017

When was your first post for a rp? (In-Character)
April 28 2017 (spent a few days lurking around the discussion forums x3)

How Long have you been here?
Almost 4 months now :3

First Rp?
Fantasy High School

First Rp created by yourself?
I still haven't created one myself >< I've come up with plots, and currently have one going that I helped create

First Character?
Tiger Randall

Rough Estimate of how many rp's you have been in?
Oh jeez, I'm not sure. So many have started and died >< probably around 10-15

Has your writing/creativity improved since then?
My writing has definitely improved, I've developed my own style which has prompted me to start writing short stories and a even a book. Creativity wise, I used to use the same characters a lot, but now I create new ones all the time and have a lot more input when it comes to plots.

How much have you changed since your first time here?
In the few months - a lot.

How many Times have you changed your name and what is your original?
Never changed it ^-^

First Profile Post?
"Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."
When did you join?
March 27, 2017

When was your first post for a rp? (In-Character)
August 1st, 2017.

How Long have you been here?
Four months and some days.

First Rp?
Nine Miraculous Lives and A magical meeting.

First Rp created by yourself?
Nine Miraculous Lives.

First Character?
Lestedt and Aeolthine

Rough Estimate of how many rp's you have been in?

Has your writing/creativity improved since then?
I hope so. I'm proud of it, my writing at least. I think I've come up with some decent ideas too.

How much have you changed since your first time here?
A lot. I was sorta quiet when I first started now I'm just me.

How many Times have you changed your name and what is your original?
Never changed my name. I have no plans to.

First Profile Post?
"I can see myself making an RP based off Train to Busan."--March 31, 2017

Anything else you want to share?
I love zero candy bars.
When did you join?
October of 2014, had just turned 13

When was your first post for a rp? (In-Character)
Same month, it was some stupid one-liner in the first person about watching over a base or something.

How Long have you been here?
Almost 3 years now

First Rp?
"Heroes of Soituranna", a personal creation about a bunch of people on an alien planet fighting an invading force. Never went anywhere but my character, one Edison Calder, did go on to greener pastures.

First Rp created by yourself?
See above

First Character?
Edison Calder, former starliner pilot turned guerrilla. I developed him more over time, and he's still one of my favorite characters.

Rough Estimate of how many rp's you have been in?

Has your writing/creativity improved since then?
SO MUCH. I used to just do like on or two liners with things like "Bob went over to the thing. Bob saw the thing. Bob was confused about what the thing was 'what is this thing?' Bob said confusedly" but now i write more developed paragraphs. Creativity is alright, but i always feel like i take too much inspiration and that my ideas are unoriginal.

How much have you changed since your first time here?
A good bit. In the three years i have spent on this site, i've gone from gone from a newbie amateur teen cringelord fresh outta Miiverse, to a rehabilitated, well-writing, rather creative, slightly angry, reactionary teen. Honestly, if 2014 me were to appear next to me right now, he'd be in for the surprise of his life.

How many Times have you changed your name and what is your original?
None. Pokemariofan has been my go-to username in practically everything since Roblox, back in 2010.

First Profile Post?
"DROP IT ON 'EM! DROP IT ON 'EM!" (a line from Pink Floyd's The Wall, i was crazy into Floyd back then)

Anything else you want to share?
To this day i still regret that Fallout/SAO crossover RP.
When did you join?
I first joined November, 2014, on a separate account.

When was your first post for a rp?
About three days after I joined.

How Long have you been here?
Soon to be three years in a few months.

First Rp?
A cringy fantasy high school roleplay

First Rp created by yourself?
It was a roleplay about a town, mysterious murders, and some kind of monster things. It died a few weeks after being created.

First Character?
An edgy, villian creature with several brothers who fed off of humans.

Rough Estimate of how many rp's you have been in?
On rpn? Twenty.

Has your writing/creativity improved since then?
I think so.

How much have you changed since your first time here?
A lot.

How many Times have you changed your name and what is your original?
I've only changed my name once on this account, and it was named Bub.

First Profile Post?
Pretty sure ny first profile post ever on rpn was someone saying they stole my wall virginity.

Anything else you want to share?

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