Chitchat Do you act different in real life than on here?

Dolphan of Lyfe

I'm evil to the core, what I shouldn't do I will
Now, this is another one of my input threads. Do you act different in real life? Now, before everybody says "But Dolphy, this is how I always act!" No, I don't want fake shit about how you act. I want the truth and only the truth! If you act the same in real life and on here, then that's that.

Things I do in real life that I don't do in here.

1. Act gay

2. Constantly sing Disney songs

3. Crack terrible and stupid jokes

4. Laugh at people who bully me.

5. Get in lots of fights.

6. Just down right be freaking annoying.

And before people say, "Dolphy, you are gay," I am not, I only act that way because most of my cousins are gay and my school is weird. So, post what you do and I'll read it. Dolphy, out.

I am a dolphin.
I'm more sarcastic in person and I do a lot of dry jokes and such that just don't translate well to a written format. I'm also more self-conscious and shy irl. Otherwise I'm essentially myself. I think I talk a lot more than I type too because I become more aware of how much I babble when I can see it :P

I also use body language a LOT irl and I obvously can't do that here, nods, waves random pieces of sign language etc. I guess I use emotes instead on here?
I swear a lot more IRL than I do here. I mean, a lot more. That and I'm more witty off-keyboard than on, since things can be taken out of context more easily through text and that's a whole can of worms I don't wanna deal with.
I act the same I think. I have mature some what but I am still a childish asshole. I am still sarcastic, Still out spoken about my beliefs. I was a freaking asshole on Iwaku, Another Site. I said what I wanted and didn't really give a fuck. Like on here a censor my self more. It have never even used my favorite word...C***. I say that so much and to anyone who pisses me off. I can talk a lot just like in real life. I do that same thing in real life but I have matured...And I hate it. I miss 'Kid Jesus' but since I change my name to Kyd Jhesus i just changed in real and online life. I seriously am not the narcissistic prick i was 6 months ago.
I am an identical person, if you were to know me from the SB, you could very adequately identify me in the real world just by the way I act.

And my constant referral to myself as overlord, that's a pretty dead giveaway.

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