DN Anites (Always Open)

I saw Nichole standing on the outside of the boarder. I got up and walked over to the boarder. I put my hand on the side of the barrier and made a doorway for her to walk through. it would only be up for 5 seconds so she had to hurry. i walked back to the camp and laied next to Jason to fall asleep. i sensed his wrestless sleep and tried to calm him with an aroma stick i conjured that is supposed to help with sleep. when he smelled it he stopped muttering and relaxed. i smiled at how sweet he was when he slept. i curled up next to him and dimmed the fire outside of our tent. i only heard Nichole moving around so i closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. dreaming countless dreams.
My dreams were weird,to say the least. For instance,a second ago I had been dreaming that a giant bee had asked me to be the Mayor of Butter Town,and then a huge wind sprang up and blew the bee away. The breeze smelled like burning wood ad Tarea,two of the most pleasent scents I knew. Now,I assumed my dream was exactly like real life. Which is to say,sleeping by a fire with Tarea curled up against me. Dream me closed his eyes in contentment,and I dreamed nothing for the rest of the night.
Clara gets restless. She tries to map out plans and draw pictures or do anything productive but she can't. Instead she gets up and begins to pace the borders of the camp. Her pacing turns into running until eventually she is sprinting around the camp with determination. The physical strain on her body began to heighten her senses and she loved it.
My eyes flew open,and I stared at the ceiling of the tent a bit before sighing. My magic gave me energy,and I was grateful for that,but...it didn't let me sleep much. I closed my eyes and opened my mental spellbook,deciding to study magic until the sun rose.
Clara eventually was out of breath and stamina. she stopped where she was and dropped to her knees. Then she sat down and crossed her legs. She supported her upper body with her arms against the ground as she threw her head back and panted for breath.
I stired from my sleep an my eyes fluttered open. i awoke to the new sun peaking over the mountian, the light framed Jasons face and made him look angelic but i figured that was just because i had just woken up. i rolled just enough so that i could put my hand on his chest, my eyes closed and i relaxed but i couldnt fall back to sleep. i tried and tried but something was keeping me awake.
I opened my eyes and yawned,turning slightly to crack my back and neck. Ranger snuffled in his sleep outside,and I chuckled. I glanced over at Tarea and,seeing her awake,asked,"Can't get back to sleep?".
Artemis and Satoshi smiled and said"awwwwww" i blushed and said"s-shut up." Chase smiled and glomped me.the kittens played with my tail. nicky giggled and said"aw"
Once again,independant of any conscious thought on my part,my magic made a crowd outside that cooed,"Awwww...",then vanished. I'd have to look into that...
And then in the midst off all the lovers Clara decided... "screw this, I'm a plant". Love is for chumps. Then, in one mighty and straining breath she pollinated herself, then dropped a seed near her feet. It quickly grew into a baby boy. She picked it up and victoriously held him to the sky. The baby was lumpy and weird, and it reminded her of a potato."I shall call you... Potato." She proudly called to the heavens.

(That is what happens when I get bored.. srry)
(may i join in?)

Name: Aidan Sangue

Nickname: HerpTheDerp




Looks:View attachment 12137View attachment 12138

Personality:serious flirty and protective

Gifted,Trainer,or Human: Gifted

Powers (if any):Blood Magic and biomass shifting

Crush (optional):none right now

Other:has a spirit in him that is the Blood Steed and a pet Siberian Tiger named Sirus
Name: Sammi

Nickname: Sam, or CZi

Age: Long story

Gender: Female


Looks: (can't post images, but blond hair, green eyes and cat ears, non-human mutant type creature)

Personality: Kinda lonely, but feirce as Hell.

Gifted .3.

I'm new here ;3;

*Sits over on a bench, purely watching*
i looked up at Jason andshook my head. "Sadly no. Wish i could but cant" i sat up and stretched, i rubbed my eyes and crawled out of the tent. I saw Nichole and Chase were still asleep and i realized why when i remembered that it was dawn. i closed my eyes and raised my arms, a golden shimmering light surrounded me and my wings appeared on my back. i flew up and up just to tire myself out, i went so high up that the air was to thin to be able to breathe, but i continued to fly up and up and my brain didnt have enough oxygen to continue working properly. my wing speed slowed, my heart rate plumited(sp), i was short of breath and i stopped flying. i started to fall back to earth, going faster and faster falling through the atmosphere.
A few minutes after Tarea left I got up as well,going outside and cracking my neck. I looked left...then right...I tilted my head in both directions...I looked down...cracked my back in both directions...juggled some live bears,just for fun...looked up...and noticed Tarea plummeting to the ground. "Well that isn't good...",I muttered,pointing at Tarea and saying,"Arresto Momentum.". Her speed decreased dramatically,and she slowly floated the rest of the way down to the ground. I raised an eyebrow at her,then picked her up and carried her back to the tent we had vacated minutes earlier. I set her down gently,then took out a pad of sticky notes and scribbled,Next time you fly so high no oxygen is in the air,don't.. I ripped the note off the pad and stuck it to her forehead,then strode out of the tent to the center of the semicircle of tents. I pulled a trumpet out of thin air,made sure the mouthpiece was in,then blew the Military Wakeup Tune.
The musical notes scared me and i woke up, looking up and seeing the paper, i ripped it off and crumpled it up in my hand. my wings were still showing but i didnt care. i stormed outside and grabbed the trumpet and i stuck the paper in it. "Why the hell were you doing that? that was a rude way to wake us up." i handed back the trumpet and went back into the tent.
I glared at the tent flap and removed the paper,muttering to myself,"Well,sorry I'm so eager to fix time that I don't want to give the Shadow Society a chance to find us...",but it was half-hearted. It was kind of stupid,and she did say she couldn't get to sleep. I sighed and flicked my hand at the tent,sending a Sleep Spell to her.

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