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Fantasy Divisa Terra Characters

Sea Jelly

One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Race (Human or Arcane):

Alliance (Royalty or Rebellion):

(If Arcane) Ability:

Appearance (Picture or description is fine):


Wé Calarook


Race (Human or Arcane):


Alliance (Royalty or Rebellion):

(If Arcane) Ability:

  • Shape-Shifting - Wé can alter the formation of her cells at will, allowing her to look and sound like an exact duplicate of any living being, including height, weight, and built. Her control and versatility is so refined, she can even perform partial morphing, such as only duplicate a person's voice, retina pattern or fingerprint to bypass security systems. She can also make herself look exactly like a person who is physically bigger than herself. Her abilities allow her to alter the color and texture of her body, allowing her to mimic artificial materials, such as clothing.
    • Decelerated Aging - Her metamorphic powers and low-level healing factor have slowed the degenerative effects of her ageing process, allowing her to biologically stay as a teenager or young adult while being 40-60 years old.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor - Wé is able to heal much faster and more efficiently than a normal human.
    • Superhuman Agility - Wé possesses extreme flexibility and agility. She was able to move her handcuffed arms from behind her back to her front, unlock clamps on her hands or strangle someone by using only her foot. She also kept her extreme agility, despite her limping due to a fresh bullet wound in her leg.
  • Acrobatic Skill - Wé has supernatural bodily awareness and control. This allows her to perform all kinds of leaps and spinning jumps/kicks with incredible precision. She can also slide over the floor at high speed and was even able to climb a pipe while being upside down with just her arms.
  • Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant - Wé is an extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant, able to take out multiple guards with superb efficiency. Her dexterity 6and body control allow her to move with acrobatic precision to avoid getting shot while quickly taking out multiple armed soldiers.
  • Expert Infiltration - Using her gift and planning Wé can infiltrate anywhere.
  • Multilingual - Wé is fluent in several languages - her native English, as well as German, French, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
  • Appearance Limitation - She can maintain the form of a person in terms of height, and build indefinitely, the longer that she maintains the form, the greater the strain she feels. If she stays in a particular form for a long time or for too long, her eyes briefly turn yellow, potentially revealing her identity. She also cannot copy other another person's skills and/or superficial capacities.
  • Inability to Change Body Scent - Although she can change her appearance, but she can't change her body scent.
  • Inability to Mimic Personalities and Memories - Wé can not copy memories of the person she turns into. She can only partially imitate someone's personality and attitude, allowing perceptive enemies to see through her disguises.

Appearance (Picture or description is fine):

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Wé doesn't have much tolerance for silliness or others ignorance. Extremely thorough, responsible, and dependable. Well-developed powers of concentration. Well-organized and hard working, she works steadily towards identified goals. She can usually accomplish any task once they have set her mind to it. She wants nothing to do with "drama" among the others. Wé doesn't stand for any silliness and will strict with an iron fist if things get out of hand. She is seen as an almost 'peace keeper' in the sense that she deals with problems head on and quickly ends them. Most taking her tough love approach a very personally to the point they feel as if she has a personal vendetta against them.
Wé has a very tell it as it is personality .She is unpredictable. And independent. She doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. Unseen to the public eye she can be quiet loving and silly but only to a select few she deems as worthy.Never one to sugar coat anything, thinking it's better to just put it all out there than to lead someone on. That's not to say she'll never get a joke, though she not really the joking type.

Wé grew up in what most royals called the "slums", the only child and daughter of the widow Greya. When ever her mother was asked about Wé's father her mother simply stated that he had died during a war before Wé was born. Wé did not know of her potential till the age of twelve, having accidentally mophed into one of the other children on her street. With this new found knowledge Wé was exposed, and by nightfall the Calarooks had vanished, escaping persecution.
While on the run Wé's mother passed days after Wé's 16th birthday. From then on Wé fended for herself. Many times Wé would morphe into a man, finding walking the streets as a male was far safer than as a woman. After years of travelling Wé had settled down, meeting an informant from the rebellion she was quickly recruited and there she found ways to pass her time all while under the protection of the rebellion.
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Eli Forge
Race (Human or Arcane):
Alliance (Royalty or Rebellion):
(If Arcane) Ability:
Ability to control and create glass
Eli can be described as nervous, having been hiding most of his life due to his abilities. He prefers to think of himself as vigilant rather than scared as it's more that he tries to constantly be aware of his surroundings to keep himself safe. In the same vein of keeping himself safe and out of attention, Eli has learnt to suppress his feeling, especially strong or negative ones. While it can cause outbursts at some times, it mainly helps him by letting him stay out of Royalist eyes.
Despite the other possible 'flaws' in his personality, Eli tries to be realistic. He knows he's in danger just for who he is, but he also knows that there are things he can do about it. When he sets his sight on a goal he works towards it with a passion, especially if he knows it can help himself or other people like him, and though he can sometimes over shoot with his aims he mostly picks very manageable things to work on. He's also willing to do a lot for his cause.
Eli was raised by his mother and with his sister, their father having been one of the creatures. He was on his own from the age fourteen, constantly moving and having to find new shelter to live in. Moving and meeting a large variety of people, all with different aims and agendas, was when Eli first encountered the Rebellion. He'd heard of them, of course, but it was different when he first met an actual rebel, a man named Nathaniel Deering. They kept contact, the rebel occasionally asking Eli to help with a task or teaching him how to control his power a little better. Eventually Deering helped Eli find some permanent shelter, a tavern where he could have a room in exchange for work. He was seventeen at the time and uses the position to do a little spying for the rebellion when he doesn't have actual work to do for them.
SecretRock SecretRock Welcome to Divisa Terra
Aio Aio Welcome to Divisa Terra, just one thing though, the roleplay is set in medieval times, 1563. Sorry if this ruins your interest.
Awesome X3
And I apologize to you both for not having my character up, I thought it had been sent when I closed the tab and he's gone so I must remake him
Name: Natura Imperuis

Age: 19

Race (Human or Arcane): Arcane

Alliance (Royalty or Rebellion): Royalty (Friend of the princess)

(If Arcane) Ability: Controlling nature

Appearance (Picture or description is fine): Long, dirty hair (It's blonde. But pretty dirty) Dark brown eyes, olive skin tone

Personality: Natura is a very out going girl, and sweet. She is very protective of the princess, almost more than her guards.

Background: Natura's mother passed away shortly after she gave birth to Natura. She had only grew up hearing her father was killed in the cursades towards the Arcane. Growing up with the princess, only she knew what Natura's full potential was. She allowed the royal family to do small experiments on her to learn how to defeat the Arcane fighting. Only on one request, for her to stay alive.
Allucin, actual name Vitallion




Optical and auditory illusions

Appearance: (I apologize I cannot find a good picture)
Standing a bit over five and a half feet, Allucin has short, self cut, spiky black hair and blue eyes. Quite skinny coming from a poor family, he only got more so when his family kicked him out for being an Arcane, almost starving to death and never quite getting to his physical shape. His fingernails are always bitten down as far as possible, having a nasty habit of biting his fingernails, the skin around them, and the skin on his lips.


Stubborn, Allucin purposefully cuts himself off from society, wishing to be left to his own goals, how own wants, on his own. Hating having help, especially asking for it, Allucin gave himself his new name so he can shut out anyone from his old life with his old family. Protective over his privacy then anything else Allucin is highly capable of manipulating anyone who gets close, and is more than willing to. The only thing Allucin really likes, is experimenting with his ability, pushing his lengths; despite his hate for his own and everyone's Arcane heritage. Often though, he pushes to far, and has even broken down other people's mental states, driven them insane with visions only they could see, with nightmares they can't escape from; never once did he feel bad about it, or regret what he did.

Allucin, or Vitallion as his adoptive family named him, was found as in infant on the doorstep of their home. His family never told him he was adopted until the day they kicked him out, the day they found him in his room with images, sighs, things that weren't really there. They didn't even give him time to pack before he was out the door and on the streets with no family, no money, and no friends. He used his ability to steal and lie his way enough to survive, after almost two weeks of starvation and simple mastery of his ability. He eventually found his way to the district of a royal family and snuck in, finally finding the king and queen in their sleeping chambers. Outraged by what he is, by what his real mother or father did to him, he demanded to be hired against the Arcanes; as one of the families personal guards against the things he refers to as "freaks of nature." At first, of course, they refused. But he wouldn't accept that, and showed them what he could do and, to save themselves, they agreed. It wasn't long before they realized he was useful, and they asked him to do what he figured they would, and what he wasn't looking forward to; infiltrate the rebellion. That was all within a year of getting kicked out of home and family. Now, a little less than five years later, he still remains undetected by his fellow "comrades" in the resistance, reporting back to the family at least twice a month. Fortunately for him no one really notices when he's gone given his detached personality from them all. Anyone who tries getting close either ends up scared, or thanks to him, insane. No one really knows the full extent of what he can, they haven't been able to pry it out of him, so they haven't been able to trace the inanities back to him, back to what he can do, and back to his pure, unrelenting hate of Arcanes.

Robin Fawkes


Race (Human or Arcane):
Human (questionably)

Alliance (Royalty or Rebellion):
His father is the eldest Prince, a current Duke that reigns beyond the main royal family.

Robin is a kind, caring individual, someone who believes in an inherent goodness that resides in everyone; human or not. He is often considered selfless, having become more bold over the years he's been alive when it came to "risking" his name or sullying the legacy of the Duke. From the perspective of many, he could be seen as a traitor of humans and puppet of the Arcane's rebellion.

He does everything he can to help the people that need him, driven heavily by his own moral compass and trying to serve as a guardian to those that are lost. Despite that, he can become very serious and cold. Robin only wants to help, though he has yet to come clean to his father about his own self-set path.

The Duke, Robin's father, is one of many royal family members that had initiated manhunts against the Arcane, and this very fact had come back to bite him before. Following the start of this downfall in 1563, the estate had been destroyed and rebuilt multiple times until said destruction slowed down around the civil war. Did this ever deter the Duke from seeking out the gifted humans? Not at all. He had been married multiple times, once with a sweet woman before Robin's birth, another with a very manipulative Arcane that sought to uproot him from the inside and take some power with her, and finally with a woman that hated the Arcane just as much as he, yet could keep a patient demeanor.

They had two children together, Robin and his much younger little sister, but things didn't necessarily get better.
Robin was a lively child, a boy who wanted to see much of the world and honestly grew up on a lot of stories that spoke of the Arcane like viruses. Despite that, he wanted to learn, establishing and strongly believing in a philosophy that everyone and everything was inherently good. This, thankfully, proved to be true for the most part.

During his early teens, when he was able to wander beyond the estate under supervision, Robin had a fate encounter with an Arcane by the name of Sylvia Hanson. His carriage had been jumped by the more radical types of Arcanes and bandits; these were the Arcanes that WEREN'T part of the Rebellion, and therefore had no real plan to be guided by. In a way, you could say that they had completely lost sight of a few certain goals.

Nevertheless, she had come to the rescue purely by chance, fighting off her own "kin" just because she believed it to be right. Sylvia was spared by the accompanying guards by Robin's request, and the young teen decided that he was in the right. So began his own partial rebellion against his father and most of the nation.

Which, of course, caused plenty of problems.
His father's merciless attitude clashed with Robin's own mercy, especially when it came to the arrested Arcanes brought to his council. Very few would make it out of their sentences, but many were spared from death; Robin's name spread like a secret fire, never coming to heavy attention yet still making its own impact. The father-son relationship only got worse when something appeared to have shifted..

There was, after all, a reason why Robin's humanity was in question; the Duke had an affair with a blonde haired woman shortly after his third marriage, and was "graced" with a child at his doorsteps not even a year later. His wife had also given birth around the same time that this baby had arrived, but the child was born cold and lifeless. So, Robin took its place. How convenient that his physical qualities matched so closely to the Duke and Duchess, right?
All seemed well enough until, when Robin was seventeen, the very mistress was brought in front of the Duke; she was quite young, and supposedly not as much of an Arcane as the rest of them. The Duke sentenced her to death, to which she accepted willingly and happily, and fell into a spiral of paranoia.

Robin's mother sent the teen off to be with his cousin, the princess, as an act of safety. After all, there was no real guarantee that anything had been passed down to the young man. She had also brushed it off as a chance for him to find a wife while exploring and discovering himself.

He said goodbye to his little sister and took with him only a few of his belongings, as well as a sword that had been left for him by his mother's deceased father. The reason why? Because he knew that something felt different with it, and that, some day, he may need to use it. For the past year, Robin had been living with his Aunt, Uncle, and cousin in the castle, venturing out day by day. He adopted a new last name, Fawkes, one that the royal family even accepts on partial account of not being held 100% accountable for his actions outside their supervision.

Robin continues his self-studies of Arcane and spends most of his time outside of the castle, acting like a sort of "hero" when he can, wielding a sword that often seems to glow under his hand and his hand only... It's one of those things that you're aware of yourself, but can't formulate into words. Someday, however, he will outright confront his father and break away from his family completely.

(I can change it to purely human if you'd like - I have no problem with that. Honestly it might even seem a little Gary-Sue like, so let me know what I need to change! Sorry for sloppiness. I'm also especially bad at personalities XD)

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When I awake tomorrow I will send the first reply in the mean thread. Do not feel forced to have all characters near each other, we can move towards each other as the roleplay continues and do not hesitant to contact other members for behind the thread interactions or plans! I wish you all good luck, and goodnight. See you all tomorrow!
I will be announcing the first post in the OCC thread and this thread after it is sent


The Crimson Terror

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Name: Clair O'Reilly

Nickname: ‘The Crimson Terror’

Age: 21

Height: 5 ft. 8

Date of Birth: 16th August

Place of Birth: The Capital

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Arcane

Alliance: Royal
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W H O A M I ?

Personality: Clair is a psychopath and there is no way of sugar coating her actions. Clair is completely insane, enjoying nothing more than toying with the emotions and mentality of her enemies.

In battle Clair loses all of sense of humanity and wishes nothing more than to cause as much damage as she can to her enemies. Outside of battle Clair still retains her psychotic behaviour however she shows this more in the form of mentally disturbing or mentally torturing those around her.

If one can learn to cope with her impulse based torture, they can truly come to befriend Clair. In fact they will likely become very good friends.

History: Clair was born and Raised in the Imperial capital, which for those who do not know, is an oddity for those of arcane blood. Therefor let me go further and explain why this oddity came to be.

You see due to the circumstances of the time, a secret militaristic project was drawn up and put into action unbeknownst to almost anyone outside of the high courts and or equivalent military saturate. The plan was simple, take an arcane and raise it to be the perfect weapon, the perfect biological weapon of mass destruction.

Now enter Clair, well firstly her parents. You see biological weapons require parts and fine tuning just as much as their artificial counterparts. Basically the short story of Clair's parent's boil down to this: They were essentially used to set about creating the perfect mix of arcane DNA that would provide Clair with a destructive arcane nature. That's it! And well once she was born and tested, her parents were discarded and put to the stake alongside the failed subjects..... Look I never once said this was a nice story!

Now finally we can get to Clair's role. You see after all of that came to pass, Clair was raised in secrecy by military officials. She received the best militaristic education of the time, the best military training of the time and essentially lived the life of a military soldier from the age of five. Now Clair was also mentally conditioned to be psychotic and well in time all these things came into play when Clair reached the age of sixteen.

This is when she was officially drafted and it is at this age that Clair finally began using her powers to their fullest. Clair at this stage was leagues above anyone else in her year and as such rose through the ranks with incredible ease. In fact in just a year Clair had rose to the position of general.

In the years that followed Clair found herself being transferred to the royal guard and then again to knighthood. Without a doubt the plan was a success and without a doubt Clair was living up to the level that was expected.

Now that the civil war has come into play it is only a matter of time until her wraith is given the green light. And once that happens Clair will be taking no prisoners.

Goals/Aspirations: Clair wishes to simply live on and serve her kingdom to the best of her abilities.

Fears: Being discarded






✓ Tormenting people


✗Anyone who opposes the royals

✗Weak People


✗Arcane Rebels

✗Children , she finds them to be to innocent.

● ● ●


Arcane: Clair poses the power of annihilation magic. A type of magical energy that allows her to release energies that can disintegrate matter, both living and inanimate, with relative ease. She is further able to control the shape and power of the technique such as creating multiple softball sized bullets to lessen the destructive force yet increase the range of her attack.


Ranking: Clair holds the position of Knight and Royal Guard

Codename: ‘The Crimson Terror’

Other: Clair posses the highest of military training and is a master tactician despite what she may let on to believe. Clair is well known throughout the kingdom and is known to be a concern of the rebellion.

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Feeling alive through my acts is my only purpose of living.

Name : Wades Shown

Age : 25

Gender : Male

Personality :

Seeing the world he is living in a pessimistic view, Wades wished that one day a bright path would opened up for him. He is waiting patiently that light to guide him trough his endless march.
Being said, he is an adventurous spirit travelling across the world only seeking for redemption. Never satisfied of his own journey, Wades still denied the fact that his own voyage was pointless. After all, he had made some amazing discoveries and met all sort of Arcanes, bad or good. Saving the life of the others wasn't the most thrilling experiences he had, but such gentle word like "Thanks" and a smile was a feeling that he could never forget. Thanks to his open minded set, Wades could understand the Arcanes instead of being scared like the pathetic people who were threatening them for no good.

However, strangers will see him as a merciful person against his opponent. But if you are close to him, you will probably see someone trying to act like and adult, only to hide his "childish" traits which are his never ending travelling, a quest to find his purpose of living. Furthermore, Wades will never unleashed his sword first unless his opponent is triggering him, which is a rare case. A soul that only wanted to make a better tomorrow for the humans and the Arcanes, despise hiding it. A man that never wanted to grow up if that was to understand all the disasters he had seen in this world that is been living on the edge of the apocalypse for too long.

Even if Wades is considering himself quite good with his sword technique which is about dexterity, agility and using two short blades, he is always thinking for the better course to take. After all, he know better than anyone that being a human reduced his overall strength against a magical user.

Race : Human

Alliance : Rebellion


The dream he had as a kid was to see what the world has to offered to his eyes on an endless journey. The truth that his dear parents had made to him about the world was only dust. And the beginning of his job was a nightmare. Wades ideal was shattered away by the people abusing their powers against the Arcanes, liars, killers and the corpses he could seen at each corners of each town he had visited. However, the more he grown up, the more he became a skilled man in a lot of domains, such as sword fighting, survival in the nature and cooking. Instead of lamenting and tormenting on this despaired world, Wades became mentally stronger and did atrocious things against his own will in order to saves the citizens and the Arcanes who deemed it.

More the time had passed on and more the words from his childhood came back to the surface. However, it wasn't a tear that was travelling his cheek. But a smile. A smile that proves that his parents where good people on this bad world.
Even if Wades is a human, his sword technique is extremely powerful and taking him down will not be that easy. It was the downfall of some evil Arcanes. For now, Wades has been staying and did joined the rebellion in order to put an end at this endless war. With all the travelling he had done, he had made several contacts and even befriend with people who were considered as Royals.

Sea Jelly Sea Jelly
Hello, is it still possible to join in on this rp? (Sorry if this isn't the thread to ask, it's been a while since I've been on here so I'm a little rusty)
Aoife Eona Delacroix




(The princess)


Aoife is the phrase "curiosity killed the cat" personified. Having led a very sheltered life, she is often led by curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, something that usually causes her to poke her nose where it doesn't belong. This habit of hers has, on more than one occasion, landed the young princess in hot water. Despite her seemingly tiny and demure appearance, love of books, and admittedly pitiful social skills, Aoife also has a terrifying temper if pushed far enough.

Having grown up as the princess of the land, Aoife was rarely allowed to leave her home. Instead, she was told to focus on her studies and lessons instead, an order that she had little issue following. Still, for all of the texts and novels that she read, she still wished to be able to explore, to see the world her books and studies centered around.
Throughout her entire life she'd heard and read stories of the Arcane, monsters who wore the faces of humans, often violent and destructive and almost always leaving a path of destruction in their wake. She'd heard tales of countless towns razed and innocents slaughtered by them. It is this feeling of helplessness towards the fear her subjects must be feeling that also spurs on her desire to do more than just attend lessons in the castle, a desire that could very well cause her to do something foolish.

(I read there was need for a princess? If it doesn't mesh well with the narrative though I'm down for changing things.)
Yukito Yoshimitsu



>>Absolute Dark Manipulation<<
Yukito is able to manipulate and bend the will of darkness to his own command in many forms; however the most common sight of whenever he uses this dark power is in the creation and motion of what normally appears to be ice or lightning. Although the difference in his power of the two elements compared to any other wielder of such power is that normally whenever Yukito uses them; the very sight of the lightning tends to come out to be a pitch black color as well as his creation of ice, this is due to the corruption that seeps through the element of his dark manipulation. The corrupted form of these elements aside from his actual control of darkness is the very fact that unlike ordinary lightning which strikes and electrocutes it's opponents for mere moments; the electricity in it's most corrupted form will shock it's enemy and remain around the area to electrocute any and all that approaches it aside from the user. As for the ice, it's temperature levels are much lower compared to ordinary ice that can be found in the coldest regions of the planet while it's density allows it to take massive impacts without being broken into pieces.

>>Chi Flow<< (Passive)
Through constant intense training at the Shaolin Temples far to the east on the mountains, with ruthless days and multiple hours of mediation followed by being over discipline; Yukito was able to master the control of how his chi flows throughout his body, this has allowed him to be able to control where the chi flows through his body and where he wishes for more of it to go during different sorts of situations. Meaning, if he requires to jump up to a high area he is able to send his chi flow moreover towards his legs to jump where he needs to go or to even run quicker. Aside from channeling his chi to different parts of his body for better movement and attacks; Yukito is also able to form his chi into a projectile for ranged attacks as well.

Eternal Judgement

- Tea
- Reading
- Playing pianos or violins
- Drawing
- Meeting new people
- Training
- Mediating
- Royalty
- The Rebellion
- Home cooked foods
- Cooking
- Camping
- Sleep

- Excessive blood
- Murder
-Ignorant people
- Cocky people
- Snobs
- Coffee
- War
- Senseless fighting
- Monsters

Yukito normally is a rather quiet person who tends to only speak whenever it is needed or if he is spoken to. He once was a person who had believed that action was the only way to get anything across and would almost always resort to fighting to resolve anything; however after his time at the Shaolin Temples, he has learned that fighting does not always resolve issues and tends to rather create new ones. Now; Yukito only resorts to violence as a final resort and will tend to use other objects to fight aside from using his own blade or scythe as his weapon. However, whenever overhearing issues going on nearby him and figuring that someone would be in need of assistance or someone was in danger; rather than await to ask to see if he can help, he will tend to end up resorting straight back to his old ways just to immediately go off and find whoever was the one in need of help or follow along with the group of people that are going off on their own without a word to them or rather let alone being fully seen by them.

Being born into a family of poverty, life had always been difficult for young little Yukito. With their family barely ever being able to make any sort of money due to their status in life trying to get even a single loaf of bread on the table was nearly an impossible task sometimes; of course as a small baby, Yukito was never really able to understand what had made life so difficult but as he grew up as a child the hatred he built up inside for Royals and nearly everyone else caused him to end up resorting straight to thievery. His parents obviously did not approve of his actions of stealing food from the market stands let alone anything else that they could sell to gain currency but what he did ended up feeding the family several times in the end. As expected, Yukito did not succeed each and everytime in his attempts of stealing food and with each failure; he had to come home beaten up by the market stand owners or even guards of the Royal families that traversed the town from time to time; everytime he had return home, his parents did not scold him but tended to his wounds while attempting to tell him that their life was the way it was and there wasn't anything he could do about it as well as that he just had to come to accept it. None of this of course got through to Yukito since he refused to allow his family to just wilt away because of poverty and that the Royals would not do anything to help the weak and poor; so he only continued his actions every single day.

As Yukito grew older by the day, his appearance proved more and more that he had been an Arcane rather than an ordinary human. First, his hair color had began to change from it's all black color to a platinum white on top that went to black down his back and finally going straight to crimson at the bottom followed by the red that was within his bangs. Next came his eyes that changed from their dark brown to the right becoming a blood red while the left turned into a golden yellow. Finally, the third change was the very one thing that made many of the ordinary human citizens of the town become afraid of Yukito; he had ended up growing feathered wings that had been pitch black and gave him flight. Sure, making the humans fear him was something that made stealing easier and everything but that very same night while he fed his family with the food he had stolen, the sounds of screaming and yelling followed by cursing could be heard right outside of their home; finding that the human citizens had formed a mob to come and kill Yukito as well as his family. The start had been with burning the house to flush everyone out before the citizens would decide to take everyone in to hang them.

Rather than having this happen to their only child, both Yukito's mother and father had given him something to remember them by; a jeweled necklace from his mother and a gem bracelet from his father. With those two items, they hurried their son who resisted to leave out the back window of the home and told him to run far away from the town. Although it took some time to make him leave, once the mob had forcibly busted their way through the entrance into the home; he had hurried off to run, the last thing that he could hear from his parents was that they had loved him and to not turn back ever.
Traveling alone for weeks and getting food from strangers who had seen nothing more than a little boy walking alone with tattered clothing and destroyed shoes. It was only a matter of time that exhaustion had finally overcome Yukito's body as he had ended up passing out in the middle of a small dirt path that was actually nearby a small temple that monks walked down constantly. When finding the passed out young boy on the ground; the monks of course took him in and cared for him till he had awoken only to find that he was dressed in monk clothing. They insisted that he was safe there and that they would not harm him even if he was not human; spending the entire time there Yukito explained his story to the monks who were dearly upset with the fact of how humans had done that to him and his family but as well as telling him that revenge should not be the answer; rather that he needed to find peace within himself to move on. They instructed him that they would train him at the temple for exactly five years before they would release him back into the world on a journey to head to the highest mountain in the eastern regions of the world; there he would find the Shaolin Temple where he continued his training for several years and finally found complete inner peace. Before leaving the temple, the monks there had provided him with new clothing that appeared highly similar to that of what he wore when he was a child but much more improved and more modern looking that fit his particular size now; followed by a large scythe and a katana; explaining to him that now that he was leaving the temple, he was to use his knowledge and power he had learned from the temple to protect others and not as a way for vengeance.
After leaving the temple, it was only a short time after that Yukito came to find out about the civil war that was raging throughout the land and about the Rebellion and Royalty going to war at one another. He was not about to join either side, but he truly wished to take what he had learned now to see if he could assist both sides to find a better solution rather than kill one another just as the monks did for him.

Seong-Min (Minny) Ray // 15 // Human // Rebellion

Brown hair // Blue & Green Eyes (Heterochromia) // Freckles over nose // 5'5"

Usually keeps to himself because he is quite shy and he only started learning english a few months ago, but he really enjoys learning, he is therefore quiet and rarely makes a noise, however, he is also quite open and friendly when he picks up his confidence and enjoys spending time with people he knows he can trust. Minny doesn't really care about arcanes, as his own appearance often gets him funny looks and on some occasions a beating, on top of that his mother always taught him that everyone is equal and no race is better. He doesn't like violence and can't fight very well but he can try.

Seong-Min or Minny lived with his mother in France. Their house wasn't much, just a room being let to them by the kind landlord, of course, them being human helped with that. Minny took a strong appearance like his father, in this day and age foreign origins were frowned upon, but Minny spoke fluent French and had been born in the country, so after people got to know him, they didn't question it, but looked suspiciously at his mother.

Maria worked hard at the local public house only just making enough for them to keep their small apartment. As soon as Minny could work, he worked alongside her in the bar. One day, however, a groop of royalists entered the house while Seong-Min was at home, but Maria was on shift. The bar was party neutral and anyone was allowed in, even though this went against popular opinion. a fight broke out and Minny found out the next day his mother was missing, presumed dead. It wasn't long before he was kicked out of the apartment and sent on his way at 11 years old.

He had been searching for his mother and surviving on the streets until a couple months ago when he was found by the rebellion. Minny is still settling in, his odd appearance makes him seem untrustworthy to many people, but he has found through the rebellion a new way of coping. Education. Minny has found after learning to read and write that books are very interesting, even though there are not many available. Minny also learned to speak english, but has trouble overcoming his accent. He tries his best, really he does.

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