• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Dice Divergent



I shall flame thrower them all
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Orihara said:
Oh, shit you rolled before me that's why I didn't look there
Actually you rolled in the wrong place. I just didn't want to come off as an ass. I did tell everyone to roll in the dice log tab.

Late dinner working on post now
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Hello. I'm kind of new to Rpnation, but I've roleplayed a lot in other places. I was wondering if you're still accepting new characters, what the skeleton is, (Because when I click on rules it takes me to the first post?) And if you are still accepting characters, where I would jump in once I posted my stuff. Thank you!
CookieMexx said:
Hello. I'm kind of new to Rpnation, but I've roleplayed a lot in other places. I was wondering if you're still accepting new characters, what the skeleton is, (Because when I click on rules it takes me to the first post?) And if you are still accepting characters, where I would jump in once I posted my stuff. Thank you!
Yes we are still accepting just post your character in the sign up section and I'll look it over. After that just jump in where you can

Character sheet:

Birth name

Chosen name

Faction of origin



Other important information


*number of fears will be determined by one role of a 15 faced dice,

then come back and YOU make up the fears that equal the number rolled*
[QUOTE="Faction Before Blood]Yes we are still accepting just post your character in the sign up section and I'll look it over. After that just jump in where you can
Character sheet:

Birth name

Chosen name

Faction of origin



Other important information


*number of fears will be determined by one role of a 15 faced dice,

then come back and YOU make up the fears that equal the number rolled*

Awesome, do I go to the Dice Log to roll the number?

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