TV & Film Disney Villains

Saiyan Princess

Always unhappy
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Who is your favorite Disney Villain and why? You may choose any, but they must be Disney.
I like Jafar, to be honest, because he's just a powerfully magical butthole. My LEAST favorite is the guy who killed Bambi's mum! I HATE THAT GUY!
I like Chermabog from Fantasia, he's just plain badass

@Jon_14 I don't have clue what you're talking about, I certainly didn't edit anything
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Scar - because he... well, he succeeded! he had a plan, he followed through and although he was later overthrown by Simba, the fact is he killed Mufassa, drove out Simba and conquered the land with his army of hyenas.

Ursula - face it, she told Ariel that she would lose her voice, she told her of the terms and conditions of her contract, but she did it in such a way that it played perfectly to Ariel's ambitious nature and she played that teen like a harp.

not to mention 2 of my favorite songs were for these characters "Be Prepared" and "Poor unfortunate souls"
Aand no votes for Hans. I wonder why xD

But um I quite like Captain Hook and Mother Gothel. I think that they're both interesting characters in their own way.
Captain hook tried killing the dark one and nearly succeeded while he was still evil. Now he's hitting on Emma swan while trying to get her to believe the impossible.
I'm pretty fond of Scar. His story is compelling and realistic, plus he's a total badass with the best villain song ever~
my favorite is prince hans because he has a lot of logic behind his decisions. i mean, he could have still pretended to love anna because he could have gotten stuff out of the relationship (ay) but he was like the twelfth sibling so i don't blame him for being a butthole. plus he was taking care of everyone sooooo i don't see a problem? he seemed like he'd be a good leader. why not?
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ursula is just pure evil imo hahaha. she took both ariel's voice and lover, plus she had a really brutal death. :/

plus, i've grown a fondness towards her since i've been told i'm like her in so many ways.
Madam Mim is one of my favorite animated characters of all time. She's chock-full of win.


The Princess and the frog's villain, Dr. Facilier! Not only is his song catchy, but I thought his character was splendidly written. Plus, if you rewatch the song you realize that he fortune he gave turned out to be true.
Ughhhh this is such a hard question. ;;A;;

I've got so many favorites.

Scar; gotta love this lion guy. Like what was mentioned above, he actually did succeed. He was pretty damn smart...he just didn't account for Simba actually being alive.

Jafar; I love them strategic types and he really was one. Used the Sultan as a puppet and ALMOST won. He just ended up having a sliiiiight miscalculation in regards to genies and lamps.

Hades; Hades IS Mr. Fabulous in the Disney movies. His quick and witty humor was something I always loved. As well as his FLAMINGLY dazzling hair.

Mother Gothel; She's another one of those quick and witty characters I love. Such confidence. Much troll. Wow.
I've got two names for you guys: HADES AND IZMA. I mean, how AWESOME are they? I like my villains evil yet charming and funny, and this two fit the bill PERFECTLY. (Plus I'm pretty sure I'll turn into Izma when I get old)
Disney, all I have to say is that all of their villians are perfect for the story they are in, I love all of them.... even if the protagonist are stupid, those villians are the best
Oooh I love Hades :P ... and Scar

Going right along with Hades (the fact he even was a villain irks me, but did they make up for it with fun writing? Oh yes.), also love Izma and Scar. Just listen to teacher.
I love Ursula! Mainly because the Little Mermaid is one of my favorite Disney films, but I like her design!
Ursula is my favourite, in no small part due to her having the greatest Disney villain song, bar none. I do have a soft spot for Dr. Facilier, though.
Though I don't have an exact favorite, I do think that Zira from Lion King 2 is underrated. I mean, she's crazy manipulative and ambitious, and her villain song Zira's Lullaby, IMO, is more ominous than Scar's Be Prepared.


I mean listen to that.

Are we only talking animated Disney films? Cuz if not, Davy Jones from Pirates of The Caribbean is probably my most favorite film villain ever. His dramatic presence and the way Bill Nighy gives 110% to chewing the scenery just really does it for me. He's a villain who loves his job, and that's my fav kind of villain.

If we're talking strictly villains from the animated movies, then the correct answer is actually Gaston.

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