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Realistic or Modern Disney University!

Sometimes forever can be just a second.
Bunnie Blanc

Bunnie Blanc

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/963f435645b5ad5e37ad879aa1d382a1.jpg.53bc2d504dcab321b202919a0c7c101f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116548" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/963f435645b5ad5e37ad879aa1d382a1.jpg.53bc2d504dcab321b202919a0c7c101f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Bunnie Blanc

Disney Character: White Rabbit

Age: 18

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Female

Relationship Status: Single
(PM for Possible Relationships)


Detailed Description: Bunnie is 5'2 and on the thinner side. Her skin is very pale but has a pinkish glow to her nose, lips, and cheeks. Her eyes are hazel almost green, and her hair is whitish blonde that hits the small of her back.


Good Traits: Timely, Kind, Considerate

Bad Traits: Naive, Always Nervous, Hard time showing real emotion

Likes: Being on time, carrots, sunny spots, when everything is in order

Dislikes: Chaos, untimely people, People with big egos

Fears: Being late

Secrets: Bunnie doesn't want to take over her father's job, she never really cared to be on time just nervous of the consequence if she was late.

Personality: Bunnie is somewhat timid though she's quite intelligent. She is often nervous when it comes to solving problems, but she will try anything to fix others problems. Bunnie rather mature, patient and unassertive towards others and is frequently on-time wherever she goes, regardless if she's lost her way. Because of that, she's described to be never stressed and quite cool-headed.However unlike all of the White Rabbits before her, she never really had the knack of being on time, though that doesn't stop her from filling out the legacy.

Digging Deeper

History: Bunnie lived with her father in the North-East part of England, right down the road from her childhood friend Matty Hatter. Bunnie's father was always on the go, working out of town to a tyrannical business woman who would call on him all hours of the day. Her father's job could be done at home but the woman insisted on him coming to her aid whenever she beckoned. Because of this Bunnie spent most of her time alone or with Matty. She often played pretend making up a Wonderland in her head where anything could be possible. When she had gotten the letter from Disney University she thought to turn it down but was persuaded by Matty to give it a try.

Extra: Bunnie keeps with her a
pocket watch, passed down from generations of Blanc's.



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I knew who I was this morning, but I changed a few times since then.
Matty Hatter

Matty Hatter

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/d321ce8123dc625ee0cec655a1fe20af.jpg.0fe7a9ba0d2ca43a8f6085b4d78c6649.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116549" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/d321ce8123dc625ee0cec655a1fe20af.jpg.0fe7a9ba0d2ca43a8f6085b4d78c6649.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Mathew 'Matty' Hatter

Disney Character: Mad Hatter

Age: 20

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Male

Relationship Status: Single


Detailed Decription: Matty is 5'10" and has a lanky figure. His unruly hair is a vibrant orange and his eyes are a pale blue. Matty's skin is covered in freckles and is an almost sickly pale. He often dresses in mismatched clotheing.


Good Traits:Can find the humor in anything, good with riddles

Bad Traits: Can never be serious, can go a bit 'crazy'

Likes: Chaos, Tea Time, parties

Dislikes: Order, Awkward Silence, Authority Figures

Fears: That he'll become his father.

Secrets: Matty has been battling his drug addiction

Personality: Wacky, Insane, Gentle at times, Charming when he wants to be, Perplexing, Whimsical to sum it up.

Digging Deeper

History: Matty grew up in North-East England with his father a renowned children's author. They lived on the shore in a little cottage on a hill. Matty's father rarely left his study leaving Matty to his own devices. A little secret within the Hatter household was the well know fact his father had a very bad drug addiction leaving him with frightening hallucinations which he would subject Matty too. The only light in Matty's live was the nanny his father hired to look over Matty but later on the nanny would have to leave due to family issues once again leaving Matty to be subjected to his father's abuse. Soon after Matty picked up his father's drug addiction but tried to ween himself off with the help of his childhood friend Bunnie Blanc. The letter from Disney University was a godsend, giving Matty hope for a future.

Extra: His father gave him the '
mad' hatter hat which comes with the story that the hat was the reason his great grandfather Madwell Hatter turned mad.



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Meredith O'Brave

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.8be8428c08d1f0d9db43645f82486616.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116623" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.8be8428c08d1f0d9db43645f82486616.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Meredith "Mer" O'Brave




"Never underestimate a girl and her target." - Meredith O'Brave




Demiromantic Bisexual




Single Pringle




Standing at a rough height of 5'7", Meredith has vibrant orange locks that fall just past her collarbone. With light blue eyes--that have, in some lights, appeared grey--and freckles galore, there is no doubting that the young lass has Scottish blood in her veins. Weighing 162 lbs. with a curvaceous figure starting at her hips, Mer has some muscle tone in her arms and legs as a result of the various activities she pursues (i.e. archery, track and field, horseback riding, rock climbing, etc.). The young female has quite a boyish style, too. Being a girl who'd rather look for a good fight than work on perfecting her eyebrows, Meredith likes to express her masculine side by wearing clothes that most consider as "tomboy."


Her only tattoo on her

Personal Details

















Fairy Tales and Folk Lore

The Color Green

The Outdoors



Exploring (Things She Shouldn't)



Gender Roles

Social Etiquette


"Love at First Sight"



Thanatophobia; the fear of losing someone you love.

Chronophobia; the fear of the future and the inability to change it.


~ To Be Revealed ~


Meredith tries to be the all-around go getter. Daring, ambitious, and headstrong, the young nineteen year old wishes nothing more but to break the walls of feminine stereotypes. Besides her stubborn nature, the girl is truly an adventurous soul. From reading traditional folk lore to pursuing various extracurricular activities, Meredith makes sure that she has plenty of goals in mind to preoccupy herself while avoiding the thought of what's to come. However, although she is ambitious, she doubts her capability constantly

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Name: Ethan L. Richmond

Disney Character?: Prince Eric

Quote From Said Character: "You're the one! The one I've been looking for!

Age: Eighteen

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Relationship Status: Single.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Prince-II1.jpg.dd3103e59f35e2cc1d8bd800889c7530.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116827" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Prince-II1.jpg.dd3103e59f35e2cc1d8bd800889c7530.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Ethan has jet black hair, that he cuts short and neat. He has olive colored skin, with a slight tan undertone from years out in the sun. He also has striking blue eyes, which many say is his more prominent features.

He has a lean, wiry frame and stands at a good 6,1" in height.

Any Tattoos, Piercings, etc?: None.

Personality - If you were to ask any single one of Ethan's friends to sum up his personality in one word they'd call you crazy. They'd say that their isn't one word to describe him. They'd say he was a complete and utter mystery.

Ethan is boyish, and a bit childish. He enjoys playing pranks and listening to dirty humor, especially bathroom jokes. He is also compassionate, always looking out for his friends, family or sometimes even complete strangers.

He has a bad side to him too, like for example once his mad, he could do terrible things and not even feel a single pang of guily while his in the state. It's like a complete other person.

Ethan is also a complete adrenaline junky, he loves the rush he gets when his in trouble or scared. Thats why you'll always see him in awkward or completely stupid situations, most would even call him reckless.

He is also a bit naive, not really seeing the world, and its inhabitants as they really are. Most people call him an idiot for his view on things, but it's just pure innocence and his bodies way of coping with things.

Bad Traits: Reckless, Blunt, Naive, Impulsive, Hot headed, Childish, Goofy

Good Traits: Compassionate, Adventurous, Brave, Forgiving, Loyal, Trustworthy

Likes: Ethan likes all things Ocean. He is obsessed with all things marine. He likes new things, tricks, and cookies. (Perferablly chocolate chip)

Dislikes: Ethan dislikes storms, heavy rain, and the night. He also dislikes snotty, rich people and people who think they are better than others.

Fears: Being buried alive, drowning, storms, and being out in fog and heavy rain.

Secrets (optional, of course): None

Brief Summary of Personality: Ethan is kind, good natured and jolly. He loves meeting new people, traveling around the world and scuba diving. He also is a bit reserved and does not like to talk about his family.

History: Ethans dad was a shipping magnate, and a very powerful one at. One fateful night, his father died in a freak storm in the middle of a business expedition.

When his dad died, Ethan became depressed and gloomy, almost taking his own life multiple times. Years passed and he got over it, his mom slowly digging him out of the hole of depression he had gotten himself into.



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Reserving a spot for Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet.

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