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Discovering Neverland

Faerie Grace

Goddess of Nowhere
Welcome to Neverland

You may have heard the stories. Tales of the infamous Peter Pan whisking away young and tortured souls to live with him in Neverland. Tales of Lost Boys and faeries, pirates and mermaids, magic and wonder. Those tales? Those sweet bedtime stories that lure one into safe and happy dreams?

They are wrong.

It has been 70 years since Wendy Darling and her brothers arrived in Neverland, and Peter Pan is bored. He has continued his midnight child snatching, tricking innocent souls to follow him into the darkened land of wonderland. He makes promises of safety, family, adventure, and fun.

He Lies.

Over the years Neverland has turned into a slaughterhouse. The Pirates have been successful in their hunt for faeries, capturing them and torturing them until they reveal where they get their faerie dust. It would seem that Peter has no use of the dust, since he does not need it to fly, but that does not stop him from shedding blood to get it back. No longer is Pan allowing the Lost Children their fun. Instead, he is training them to kill. Now that the majority of the Pirate's can fly they find it easy to swoop down on Lost Children from above and slit their throats.

It is war.

Peter Pan has gathered more children than ever, forcing them to learn to kill to win his selfish war. He has been stealing older children as well, so that he will have stronger forces in his small army. He offers promise of return home once the Dust is back in his possession, and once Neverland is back under his control. The Tyrant Prince, Peter Pan, will not rest until his power is restored.


Dust is the common term for faerie dust. Not only does dust help one to fly, but it prevents aging. This is Pan's great secret, and the main reason he is desperate to restore his possession of the Dust. It is a find golden substance that feels as smooth as water on the skin but is a solid substance with an appearance similar to grains of sand. Once it is evenly spread across the skin it is absorbed into the body and allows flight.

The Lost Children have been caught in the middle of a deadly feud against their will and see no hopes of escape other that winning Peter Pan's selfish and non-nonsensical war. Even the Lost Children are divided as some are loyal to Pan, while some despise him. There is no comfort for the Lost Children as they are constantly pushed to the breaking point by way of extensive training, dangerous missions, and friends constantly being killed by pirates, mermaids, or the wild beasts of Neverland.

Mermaids are just a thing of the story books. There are no mermaids here, only sirens. The waters of Neverland are infested with sirens, who sing beautiful songs that lure people to the water. Now that the Pirates are in power the sirens have been employed to work for them, calling only to the Lost Children who stray too close to the water. The sirens drown and eat their victims, which makes the oceans and bays of Neverland a dangerous attraction.

Piccaninny is the Indian tribe in Neverland. They have fair bust distant relationships with Pan and the Lost Children. They have fought the Pirates for hundreds of years as the Pirates are greedy for the land of the Indians. This has proven to be an advantage for pan as he has enlisted an alliance between the Lost Children and the Indians.

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